Why F1 fans should watch Formula E – Amazing Home Race for Nissan !

Why should F1 fans see ? Well I have been welcomed by Nissan UK go explore this year and take you behind the scenes of this much misunderstood kind of . First up I head to Tokyo for the inaugural Japanese E-Prix and home race for the Nissan Formula E Team.

I truthfully think if people understood a little more about the information of this racing series they would get more included. The racing is so close and the advancement of the automobiles so crucial for the everyday automobiles we drive.


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Video Contents
00:00 – Welcome to Tokyo
01:13 – Behind the scenes with Nissan
02:05 – Guiding Wheel described
04:52 – Sustainability
06:33 – On-site Carbon Fibre repair work
08:26 – Race Day – Qualifying
10:39 – Hot Lap!
18:23 – Pit Lane walk
19:56 – How teams make a distinction
22:03 – The Race
25:04 – Signing off from Japan

#PetrolPed #TokyoEPrix #FormulaE


31 responses to “Why F1 fans should watch Formula E – Amazing Home Race for Nissan !”

  1. @mikejf4377 Avatar

    Hi from Fl. Very sweet.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar


  2. @francoisg3500 Avatar

    Evening all! Back in London this week. Hope everyone is doing well and have a great week ahead.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      You too!

  3. @owynnlanglois Avatar

    The spirit of generosity and collaboration here is heartening. It’s a reminder that we’re stronger together.๐Ÿ”ฅ

  4. @Karlina_Benter Avatar

    Your content is absolutely excellent, I appreciate it!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  5. @davidjackson6386 Avatar

    Better racing than F1 atm and great atmosphere at the races.

  6. @AnxMa Avatar

    Such a cool channel. I was so close to visiting Japan one point myself. I had experience with modeling and in late 2015 I was in contact with Capcom about the facial likeness role of Leon for the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I failed to mention I also have a voice acting background, in the end I lost the part and I can’t forgive myself for wasting such an opportunity to visit Asia.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Wow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  7. @Madonsteamrailways Avatar

    It may be petrol or diesel, but Iโ€™m an electric head!!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      I just like cars ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘

  8. @Madonsteamrailways Avatar

    Nice to hear that youโ€™re covering Formula E. This is the future coming out to play TODAY!!!!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Indeed it is!

  9. @mrmawson2438 Avatar

    Great clean racing cheers mate

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thanks ๐Ÿ‘

  10. @coltoncleveringa8004 Avatar

    Very cool Sir Pete! And a fantastic partnership with Nissan! Definitely interested in the videos on this and what other things will come out of the partnership with Nissan will bring!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      More to come!

  11. @dangreasley7934 Avatar

    Fascinating Pedro. Definitely the future as the technologies improve going forward. Bet you had a great time in Japan. Thanks for this one.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      I sure did ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต

  12. @garrymatthews4430 Avatar

    Great one Pete, a great overview and how things are so different enjoyed it

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ‘

  13. @markallen8203 Avatar

    Brilliant insight,thank you for doing it,would you be doing a 24hr race at any point please

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      I will be at Le Mans ๐Ÿ‘

    2. @markallen8203 Avatar

      @@PetrolPed brilliant,I’m going as well

  14. @stevecompton7197 Avatar

    Glad you had a good trip that was interesting ๐Ÿ‘

  15. @solentbum Avatar

    It would be good to see racing on an open circuit, like Thruxton, where noise complaints are common. The minimal tyre change policy is great for proper tyre developement and of real use in the real world.

  16. @kevinDG7 Avatar

    It’s really interesting to see the behind the scene on Formule E.

  17. @shakesnbake Avatar

    Thanks – I don’t think I’ve heard Formula-E explained so well. I think I need to start watching ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. @alasdairwilson4806 Avatar

    Wow,fantastic stuff.Things are really happening for you this year.Congratulations,all the hard work is paying off.Japan looks amazing.

  19. @darksideofthelewis Avatar

    Awesome video Pete!

  20. @jedijule88 Avatar

    Your description is very good, but how come every race i watch i get bored and can’t find any excitement? they feel like some Gig Nikko

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