How do I charge my car from solar? | Electrifying

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If you want to use solar energy to charge your electrical automobile, you'll need a house charger that comes with solar combination. In this video we take you through the process that will allow you to utilize your own solar or perhaps wind to charge your automobile.

We're going to presume here that you currently have photovoltaic panels set up, the first thing you'll require is a charger that works with home-generated energy. The EVIOS One system that we're utilizing was developed to work with solar installations right from the start and has some truly cool features built in..

There's in fact no physical connection between the panels and the charger. Using a smart sensor, the battery charger understands precisely just how much is being generated by your solar and after that matches that input from the panels with output sent to your .

There are a couple of things to be aware of if you want to charge like this. Like all electrical devices, your cars and truck needs a certain level of power prior to it can charge. For electrical cars and trucks this is around 1.6 kW or seven amps, so if your panels aren't generating that, your cars and truck won't charge
Naturally, the concern the majority of us wish to know is how long it will take to charge my vehicle purely from the sun. Well that depends upon quite a few elements. The first is the size of your solar selection, which is the name offered to your collection of panels.

Then there's the capability of your battery and, of course, the weather condition.
Let's say, for example, that we have a 4kW solar range on our roofing and that it's in direct sunlight all the time. Our Citroen here has a functional battery capacity of 45kWh battery, which suggests that we would require practically 12 hours of direct sunlight in order to fill it up from empty. Now, plainly, we don't tend to get 12 hours of direct sunlight in the UK, so an empty to complete charge will probably take at least a number of days if you wish to charge simply from the sun. But it will have the ability to keep the typical motorist topped up for their commute. With totally free, green energy.

To discover more about the procedure and read our evaluations of the best solar compatible home battery chargers on market, check out our brand-new .com charging info center.
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18 responses to “How do I charge my car from solar? | Electrifying”

  1. Steven Barrett Avatar
    Steven Barrett

    We just plug on once the solar battery is full / lots of solar being made so instead of putting power into the grid we are taking it all for the car, just a dumb charger nothing special but we do need to keep an eye on it as once the house solar battery is depleted or daylight fades as we don’t want to start paying for power from the grid.
    Later at night Octopus kicks in with cheap rate charging so overall we soon have 80% in our Tesla MYLR

    1. Jari Orava Avatar
      Jari Orava

      One way to minimise the costs! But a lower your state of charge to around 60% for even better mitigation of battery degradation.

  2. Nige G Avatar
    Nige G

    A solar panel on the car roof and again on the bonnet.👌

  3. Brain Bros Avatar
    Brain Bros

    The year is 2026, you have this device on your home, and you drive an Aptera that is now FULLY charged from the Sun 😍

    1. Jari Orava Avatar
      Jari Orava

      Sorry but they will go bankrupt. Not enough nerds on this planet. Tesla for the win!

    2. Brain Bros Avatar
      Brain Bros

      @Jari Orava I take it you’re not a daydreamer? We’ll see how this ages. I’m not afraid of being wrong as long as I’m learning along the way.

  4. Chris Smith Avatar
    Chris Smith

    It would have been better to have shown, visually, what sort of physical roof size you need when you stated 4kw. Is this the roof in the video? Because thats far from typical for a UK house. Could you do a follow up for what perhaps a detached, or semi-detached house roof could do?

  5. Chris Fox Avatar
    Chris Fox

    Or use a granny charger when you know it’s generating.

  6. Paul D Avatar
    Paul D

    The trouble is that you have to have a smart charger or car.

  7. mastarce Avatar

    I have never heard of a minimum power limit for charging. My charger is capable of 6A charging on 220V. Works fine.

    1. Brian Griffiths Avatar
      Brian Griffiths

      I found out by accident that my Fiat 500e will accept a charge as low as 4 Amps or around 900 Watts. However, I normally charge from solar at 6 Amps (1.4 kW) using my dumb charger with the sun providing 2/3 of all my car’s energy over the year.

  8. Colin Hartree Avatar
    Colin Hartree

    We have used the Zappi charger for years to harness electricity from our solar panels. It has three settings, solar only, grid or solar with back up grid as required. It is very good as long as the car and the Zappi have firmware that understand each other. understand

  9. Robert Berry Avatar
    Robert Berry

    I liked this video and think it will help anyone who is thinking about getting solar and an EV to understand the potential benefits. I offer my own experience over a 3-year period to help explain the benefits.
    I live in a 4-bed detached house in the east midlands and have a 5.6kW solar array, which is 16 panels.
    I have a 64kW battery in my Hyundai Kona EV, which has a range of 300 miles.
    Over the last 3 years my solar panels have provided 50% of the electricity I’ve needed to charge my EV. This equates to 11,500 miles of free energy from the sun.
    During the winter months, when there’s less sunlight, I use Economy 7 cheap rate electricity to charge my EV at night.

  10. lordpitnolen Avatar

    A neighbour who has had solar panels for years recently “inherited” an older LEAF (probably 20kw?) and simply he charges, albeit slowly, using his ‘granny charger’ from a 13 amp socket. He is a low mileage, infrequent user and never uses a public charger.

  11. Nigel Hudson Avatar
    Nigel Hudson

    The trick is to use a smart chargepoint such as the Indra. You can charge overnight on a smart tariff to say 70% and then use the solar mode during the day to charge up to 80% or 90%. The only drawback is that you have to ensure that the smart chargepoint is compatible with the tariff that you choose – there is not universal compatibility. My set-up is happy solar charging at 1.3kW.

  12. The Observer Avatar
    The Observer

    Every charger on the market works. No magic.

  13. Flickerbrain Avatar

    Here in Germany I am using the Austrian Go-eCharger and the Swiss Solar-Manager. The Solar Manager gives you a great overview of what is happening and it doesn’t use sensors on the cables, just the accurate data from your inverter. You can also use it for other smart switches in the house. All works really well.

  14. Charles Holder Avatar
    Charles Holder

    Free green energy after you spend £20k on all the equipment but don’t factor in the Co2 from the manufacture and disposal in 15 years’ time. (Hard hat and earplugs fitted) Why would you even have all that kit if it was not to do another task which it now can’t do if it’s charging your car? This seems to be a bogus, manufactured scenario just to fit your narrative

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