VW Golf R 8.5 – Can Four Wheel Drive be FUN and not BORING ?

I have actually constantly been a fan of four wheel drive. It provides self-confidence and a feeling of security but can it be fun? I was invited to the frozen lakes of Sweden to discover. I put the 4Motion system to the test on the latest Golf R 8.5 and in the all electrical ID.7.


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35 responses to “VW Golf R 8.5 – Can Four Wheel Drive be FUN and not BORING ?”

  1. @MattHealey. Avatar

    I loved my 7.5r till someone nicked it. It was so amazing competent it occasional felt soulless it was that good.

    Accidently did over the limit by bit ( in Mexico obvs ) and thought was doing about 80 overtaking some traffic on an empty , the other way , rural very straight a -road.

    Pulled in and was doing considerably more

    Great vid as always Pete

    I’d defo consider an 8.5 R

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar


  2. @Maria-n8t1g Avatar

    Your videos are always full of creativity and originality. Thank you for the inspiration!⛳️🎗👙

  3. @mharvey3185 Avatar

    Looks Like A Lotta Fun Mr. Petrol Ped, Thanks For Another Awesome Vlog … 👍👍👍

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it 👍

  4. @Gopher31 Avatar

    18:57 I know that voice!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      He was wetting himself laughing 😂

  5. @AndrewMcDonald Avatar

    That looks really fun!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      It is 👌

  6. @johniooi3954 Avatar

    Spending a lot of time on the ice @ the moment. Looking good.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      I know. Very lucky to have the opportunity 🙏🏻

  7. @HQBProductions Avatar

    Hello Peter! More fun in the snow….you will be the fastest around Goodwood if we get snow,! One detail that I liked…seeing the WoB registration for Wolfsburg…it took me back to 1968 with Dad visiting the Karmann Ghia works in Osnabruck…the cars all carried OS or WoB plates…it is only a small bit but was a window glimpse on days long ago. Stay safe….the Macan might need a wash after Tracey has put 1000 miles on it whilst you have been away! 😃😃😃😃Richard.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Always cool to see that when you get a car from the factory 👍

  8. @HawkMillFarm Avatar

    …..driving that you cant do on a public road. I know of a Ford Ranger 4×4 pickup that drove exactly like on the public roads that every time it snowed 😄

  9. @brutusoftroy2810 Avatar

    The state of that ridiculous screen, I can’t believe they signed that off, it’s ok in a transit but not a Golf.

    1. @Wetthewhistle Avatar

      We’re in the 2020’s it’s all about technology.

  10. @Wetthewhistle Avatar

    Do these 4motions not come with snow mode 🤔

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      That would be no good for ice driving. If you want to slide the car the ESC systems would kick in too much 👎

  11. @Turdzi Avatar

    It seems like that drivetrain in that VW EV is doesn’t calibrated properly. I’ve been driving on ice with Audi Ice Experience several years and had a opportunity to test Q4 etron and orginalt Etron ( Q8 etron ) a couple of years ago and Q4 was terrible on ice. It seems like front engine doesn’t speak with the back at all and it is exactly what I see here. Q8 etron was way better and a part from it’s weight was actually fun to drive.


    With that said nothing beats a RS3 or RS4 on Lappi tyres.


  12. @weenedonpetrol Avatar

    I need a large estate and love this video as it’s convinced me to have a serious look ID7 Estate Pro S or GTX, both exceed my usual daily mileage, and I’m debating whether I need to spend the extra £1100 on a heat pump. What is the experience of subscribers who have electric cars without heat pumps? Also I don’t have a charger but I’m moving house later this year, how practical would it be to use a standard 13 amp charging cable for normal daily until I move an have a charger installed? Thank you.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      I would recommend a heat pump especially as you will be charging in public a lot. A home charger is a must for me. A 3 pin granny charger is very slow but better than nothing but get a 7kw wall bow installed as soon as you can. I wouldn’t have an EV without one.

    2. @15bit62 Avatar

      The general consensus is that you should get a heat pump – it does make a marked difference to the range/efficiency in colder conditions. I have one in my Tesla and in day to day use it works well. It throws out warm air within 90 secs of getting in, which is slightly slower than a straight resistance heater. It does start to struggle a bit below -15C, but i doubt most people will see that as a problem.
      One thing i would say is that the efficiency improvement is noticeable but not spectacular. You will have to drive quite a long way to recoup that £1100 in energy savings. And when the system goes wrong later in life it is more expensive to fix. But overall, given the added value of any extra range in an EV, it is probably worth getting. Up here in Norway most manufacturers don’t actually offer cars without one, so that probably tells you something.

    3. @weenedonpetrol Avatar

      @ Thank you as I live in the UK where it is damp but not as cold as Norway it’s possibly not as essential and more difficult to o justify the extra cost.

    4. @15bit62 Avatar

      @@weenedonpetrol Given the thermodynamics, heat pumps work better in warmer temperatures than cold. So a UK winter is actually better suited to a heat pump than a norwegian one.
      Just to quickly address your other question, it is now in practice illegal to charge an EV from a domestic outlet here in Norway. They just aren’t designed to handle that sort of current for many hours at a time. If it’s new and was well installed you will probably be ok, but the corrosion and contamination of a few years in a damp garage really pushes up the risk you will burn out the socket. Plus, EVs need special earth leakage detection due to the AC to DC conversion, and domestic circuits don’t have that.
      So i really wouldn’t recommend charging from a 3 pin. But if you do choose to, keep the current as low as possible – 6 to 8A.

    5. @weenedonpetrol Avatar

      @ I intend to get a wall charger when I move.

  13. @watchcommander2012 Avatar

    ICE game set and match Great Video!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thank you 👍

  14. @CharlesWright-z3x Avatar

    Excellent video and brilliant driving Ped.Thank you 👍👍

  15. @dangreasley7934 Avatar

    You had a lot of fun there Pedro. Thankfully you’ll never have to experience driving like that on the roads of West Sussex.

  16. @15bit62 Avatar

    I’m not sure i would conclude too much about EV drivetrains from this – the front-rear power balance is entirely software controlled in an EV, and so the driving behaviour is entirely determined by the choice of the manufacturer. Given that the ID7 isn’t really intended to be a sports car it won’t have been tuned to drive like a Golf R, but more like a quick family estate (i.e. weighted on the safe side). Other manufacturers do have more “performance car” tuned drive systems (polestar, tesla spring to mind) and i think they would give more comparable handling behaviour.

  17. @willo300 Avatar

    As soon as i saw the view from the bonnet cam, I started getting “Colin McCrae Rally” video game vibes! Looks a lot of fun 😁

    1. @andymiller8877 Avatar

      That golf r sounded like a computer game as well 😂

  18. @AW8UK Avatar

    Memories of driving around empty large car parks covered in snow ….👍

  19. @3204clivesinclair Avatar

    My sister lives on the edge of that lake – running a restaurant and outdoor business. Gets a lot of business from the testing manufacturers.

  20. @stevecarter5084 Avatar

    Great video,explanation was really good and clear. Studs add to the experience in such a good way.🎉

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