My First Lap of the Nürburgring with Misha – 27 overtakes BUT nearly ended in disaster ! | 4K

My very first lap of the ring with Misha Charoudin nearly ended in disaster. I has taken me a very long time to lastly experience the Nürburgring so who much better to do it with than the master of the ring, Misha Charoudin. I strapped into the passenger seat of his track ready and we headed out for the experience of a lifetime. Absolutely nothing can prepare you for driving the Ring for real!

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Video Contents
00:00 – Introduction
00:57 – Misha shows us around his and truck
06:09 – The Lap!
#PetrolPed # #


22 responses to “My First Lap of the Nürburgring with Misha – 27 overtakes BUT nearly ended in disaster ! | 4K”

  1. wiggi1968 Avatar

    That was epic! Seems like you enjoyed it, too 😅

  2. Chris Baxter Avatar
    Chris Baxter

    Amazing video and certainly a close call and you summed misha up Legend thanks for bringing that to us ❤

  3. Robert Nightingale Avatar
    Robert Nightingale

    Loved the expressions on your face. 😂 l think this should get a lot of views. 👏👏🔥🔥

  4. Misha Charoudin Avatar
    Misha Charoudin

    Ah back when the 86 was still driving😂😭 Thank you for the opportunity to take your Ring virginity. Wait what😂

    1. Petrol Ped Avatar
      Petrol Ped

      Mate. Thanks for the lap and thanks for the footage 🙏🏻 Great spending time with you and your lovely lady 🥰👍

  5. Graham Hill Avatar
    Graham Hill

    To drive the Nurburgring is on my bucket list after that video I might have to rethink that! Great video with some great facial expressions. I hope no one who watches this video can lip read!

  6. Andy white Avatar
    Andy white

    “At least we’re not going to end up on You Tube!” I think Joe had a slightly different experience! 😂😂 Misha is a legend!

    1. Joe Achilles Avatar
      Joe Achilles


  7. Global Nomad Avatar
    Global Nomad

    Misha looks like he’s popping down to the shop….so relaxed but then absoluting hard core focus….Ped’s done enough trackdays but still look surprised at the speed and commitment..

  8. Doppeltag Avatar

    Just wow!! Misha has far more faith in what the other drivers are doing than I would! Didn’t get visual confirmation on the vid but I hope you were taking Deadpool’s advice and were wearing the brown trousers or shorts!! 🤣🤣🤣

  9. smilepermile Avatar

    Brilliant video both Pete and Misha. Love these underdog lightweight RWD cars like the GR86 and MX-5s. Out of the factory, they are the perfect blank-canvas and the world is your oyster when it comes to the potential they have on various motorsports environments – this Nurburgring Clubsport setup being the prime example!

  10. Keith Myerscough Avatar
    Keith Myerscough

    That’s some amazing driving, the speed differential between you and others incredible, think I’d wear a helmet just to feel safer don’t want to get caught in someone else’s accident 👍👍👍

  11. Tim Phillips Avatar
    Tim Phillips

    Love these videos, pure racing speed 🎉

  12. Mister B Avatar
    Mister B

    Great to watch! I’M curious to know what is Misha’s best lap time to date ?

  13. David Silcock Avatar
    David Silcock

    WOW…. Great bit of filming inside and out… It had my heart racing watching that. Great job..😮😅

  14. Steve Brill Avatar
    Steve Brill

    Superb Peter. What a way to pop your Nurburgring cherry than with the man, the legend.
    Your face was a picture. 😊👍

  15. Trev Avatar

    I’ve been watching Misha for a while, he’s a phenomenal driver. The momentum he carries round corners is insane! (Your face was a picture, Pete!).

  16. Mark Campbell Avatar
    Mark Campbell

    Brilliant video Pete. I was one of the 3 guys you were talking to at Apex just prior to that lap (I’m the one who has the Zunsport grill my Cayman based on one of your previous vids). Pleasure chatting to you for such a long time due to the track closures that day. We eventually got some laps in too !

  17. Alasdair Wilson Avatar
    Alasdair Wilson

    Wow,,wow,wow and wow.That was amazing.The look on your face going round was priceless.You’re a brave man.

  18. Véronique Pâquet Avatar
    Véronique Pâquet

    Was nearly your last lap on the ring! What an experience that must have been!

  19. Philip Parkes Avatar
    Philip Parkes

    Hi Ped
    What a brilliant production one of your best to date.🤗🤗 Your face said it all.🤭 Misha what a star, he will rank along side with Sabine, god bless her.🥰

  20. John Hutchinson Avatar
    John Hutchinson

    Great video, Pete’s face was an absolute picture 🤣 think I will be getting overtaken plenty when I go next year

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