I ‘spent’ $20M in 30mins at the WORLD’S MOST INSANE car dealer!

Thanks to F1rst Motors for letting us shoot this video: F1RST MOTORS
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Mat's gone out to Dubai and he's going to the F1rst Motors automobile dealer, which has one of the most outrageous collections of automobiles he's ever seen!

He's associating Ali from F1rst Motors, and he's going to take a tour around all the automobiles they have on sale. From Bugattis and Ferraris through to McLarens and Maybach, Mat's going to see what they have on offer and pick his dream five- garage!

The concern is, what will he opt for? We already know he loves a Porsche 911, so will that make the cut? Or will he select something much rarer and more powerful, such as a 300 Super Sport or a ?

All we know is, there's only one way to learn … Stick with Mat to see what automobiles are on deal!


62 responses to “I ‘spent’ $20M in 30mins at the WORLD’S MOST INSANE car dealer!”

  1. carwow Avatar

    What is your dream 3 car line-up?

    1. SYNIISTER Avatar

      488 pista, Agera R and to complete my holy trinity the greatest car on earth in my opinion. W Motors Lykan Hypersport

    2. skyranbox44 Avatar


    3. skyranbox44 Avatar

      McLaren 720s, McLaren P1 and Koenigsegg Gemera

    4. Yazzzzzzzz Avatar

      Laferrari aperta, F50, Chiron SS

    5. ETHAN MAX MARTIN Avatar

      Well I do like dodge demons… more but for here I pick

  2. mell_gif Avatar

    I see Mat keeps flexing them guns as stealthy as possible 💪🏻 😂

    1. John Shaw Avatar
      John Shaw

      ​@lehoff who said he’s stacked?

    2. lehoff Avatar

      @John Shaw no one. Someone said flexing his guns I made a jocular comment about them being more akin to a water pistol to which the response was one of an equal jocular fashion laced with sarcasm that I was “Dwayne Johnson”. I thusly intended to clarify my statement that I was not belittling monsieur Watson just that when one utters “guns” whilst referring to biceps one expects them to be significant. Admittedly the original comment could also have been laced with irony.

    3. John Shaw Avatar
      John Shaw

      @lehoff you’ve got too much time on your hands

    4. lehoff Avatar

      @John Shaw in what way?

    5. gbenga fajobi Avatar
      gbenga fajobi

      He’s jacked 😂😂

  3. TheShowmaster Avatar

    Ali is filthy rich, but he doesn’t act like it. He seems very humble. Heck, he doesn’t even dress like he’s rich! What a guy.

    1. Vedant Taneja Avatar
      Vedant Taneja

      @Hasson Zaherr actually Dubai does have poverty and the laborers are subjected to very harsh conditions.

    2. Isaac N Avatar
      Isaac N

      People shouldn’t be glorifying Dubai, it’s a playground for the rich that only care who have the most limited and expensive toys.

    3. dj ochi Avatar
      dj ochi

      Sometimes the simple things may fool you. Ive seem simple white shirts cost 300us. A simple watch cost a house. I think celebrities makes you think rich needs to be shiny

    4. DNA Avatar

      Wonder if he doesnt drive like he’s rich either and spends the saved money on systems for clean drinking water in extremely poor areas.. For example. How much more rewarding that would actually be than the futile and empty acquisition of extreme luxury items.

    5. Cardinal Pro Softwash Avatar
      Cardinal Pro Softwash

      ​@gravepilot because in America rich people act like🤡

  4. Greg Avatar

    We have Yanni forgetting the weight and the torque of the car.
    And then there is this guy.

    1. P. T. Avatar
      P. T.

      – Yanni, what can you tell us about the engine?
      – I know it’s inda bacc. (c)

    2. SYNIISTER Avatar

      Stradman came to this garage to buy cars before theres a og strad video of him here. Such a iconic spot for rare cars

    3. jeebus2121 Avatar

      What’s the point here? Yanni wraps cars; he doesn’t sell them.

    4. mr.Unknown Avatar

      Yianni would be like “GIVE ME ALL PORSCHE’s you got here” 😀

    5. Sigurður Þór Avatar
      Sigurður Þór

      Yanni wouldn’t need facts and figures to sell cars!

  5. Nuno Hipólito Avatar
    Nuno Hipólito

    We need this guy back, please make a part 2

    1. Jeanc16 Avatar

      100%, the amount of cool cars that are just in the background killed me

    2. Square Avatar

      @Jeanc16 true but what a shame that most crazy special cars are all stuck in dubai and never driven

    3. wet soup Avatar
      wet soup

      @Square what do you mean theyre never driven? the people who own these cars in dubai drive them a surprising amount!

    4. JSTMelon Avatar

      @wet soup no, they are stuck in the dealership and if they drive them the miles go up and it gets more valued down. Have u not watched the vid, the Ferraris have literally no miles

    5. Ernie H Avatar
      Ernie H

      Dubai Mafia?

  6. Ryan Miskimmin Music Avatar
    Ryan Miskimmin Music

    What an incredible showroom and an extremely humble CEO!

    1. DNA Avatar

      ​@Johnny Chimpo Dubai is great if you don’t mind living an unsustainable life that doesn’t belong there, at high environmental cost, and propped up by the siphoned-off wealth of half the world… Most likely by many of the neighbours you find yourself living next to.

    2. Animaxtor Avatar

      @B.A.B Because they give you the keys of your lambo as soon as you land on the country…

    3. G H Avatar
      G H

      That’s a sales guy, not CEO.

    4. Manuqtix Manuqtix Avatar
      Manuqtix Manuqtix

      No 007 Aston Martin?
      No koenigsegg?

    5. SYNIISTER Avatar

      @Johnny Chimpo america is not a complete mess.. at least we can get our water and air conditioning to work in the summer 😂

  7. Sir Trevor Avatar
    Sir Trevor

    “G-class over here is like a taxi, everyone has one”😅

    1. Joaquim Lak Avatar
      Joaquim Lak


  8. Warren Tanyaradzwa Chishiri gxSKpsczDi Avatar
    Warren Tanyaradzwa Chishiri gxSKpsczDi

    Ali is officially my favourite car salesman 😅😅

  9. PATIL THE BOSS Avatar

    The best car knowledge i have ever got in my entire life . . . hats off to matt & ali 🔥

  10. Вучкоо ез Avatar
    Вучкоо ез

    So humble, yet so smart man. Having 2/3 amg gt’s in the whole world really makes you the one who dictates the price..

    1. PatriotPigeon Avatar

      Well, they have 2/3 of the AMG GTs with *that color scheme* , so they still have to adhere somewhat to the value of the other colors of AMG GTs since the ONLY thing special about those is their paint scheme being the press photo launch color. Paint can definitely be valuable, but even the most diehard fans have to have a limit on how much they are willing to pay for something that someone could honestly just have a decent paint shop just copy.

  11. Mohammed Hafiz Nabila Avatar
    Mohammed Hafiz Nabila

    Finally found a guy that knows more about cars than Mat 😂

    1. imran khan Avatar
      imran khan


  12. jgrywacheski Avatar

    The most amazing thing in this video is Ali’s ability to recall so much information. The passion shows.

    1. F L R S H Avatar
      F L R S H

      Yeah but he is talking lot of SALESMAN BS. lot of the things he is saying are not true . Like prices and so on .

    2. Dr Satyam Upadhyay Avatar
      Dr Satyam Upadhyay

      ​@F L R S H he is a S A L E S M A N and he is also an excellent one.

    3. theKuɴ Avatar

      @F L R S H like what?

    4. F L R S H Avatar
      F L R S H

      @theKuɴ Laf price for example , or the divo or few lambos and so on . But im sure he is well aware of the real prices he is just saying them in a consumable way . Or the term at 0 miles/km there’s no ferrari that comes with 0 miles/km proper term is delivery miles or km , its just easier for normal people to consume it this way.

  13. Mbiu George Avatar
    Mbiu George

    Mat is the only person who can criticize a hyper car

  14. Scream! Avatar

    Ali looks like the kind of guy you’d want in your mergers and acquisitions team. Firm and goal oriented.

    1. MJ12 Avatar

      I bet you’re fun at parties!

    2. Scream! Avatar

      @MJ12 I am. Perhaps not your type of “fun” but fun nevertheless.

      It’s an objective assessment of his character based solely on presentation of his product in this video.

    3. MrCan98 Avatar

      ​@Scream! It was a weird reply ignore him

    4. Naren Nallapareddy Avatar
      Naren Nallapareddy

      @Scream! You must not be fun at kids parties but definitely fun elsewhere ha ha

  15. TotallydubbedHD Avatar

    What a legend Ali is! Sounds like a knowledgeable man and one that’s seen a lot of cars come in and out of his showroom.
    Great video from the team and Mat – was entertaining yet informative at the same time 🙂

  16. Drew D'Alesandro Avatar
    Drew D’Alesandro

    Ali, Is an absolute gem! His vehicle intelligence and inventory knowledge is mind boggling. I have been to UAE twice and the people of UAE are so nice.

    1. FARES AUTO SALES Avatar

      i lived in UAE as well. Some of them are nice generous and humble but.. there are oppression their and many innocent people are in jail. There is no freedom and justice there plus the mafias controls Dubai. Be safe.

  17. Kol88 Avatar

    This dude has a dream job to be around those cars every day is amazing.

  18. KiLLJoY Avatar

    Mat’s really on another level with this channel, absolutely love it

  19. Mluleki Dean Dladla Avatar
    Mluleki Dean Dladla

    Mat Watson and carwow with Ali just took us to our dream garages, from classics to exotics. Thank you

  20. Darío Avatar

    This one is for sure one of the most valuable matts videos. Ive learned so much from Ali, thanks for his time and knowledge, also thanks to matt for being a national treasure

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