Toyota’s INSANE New 750 Mile Battery SHOCKS The Entire Industry!

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10 responses to “Toyota’s INSANE New 750 Mile Battery SHOCKS The Entire Industry!”

  1. @evitoonbundit2453 Avatar

    Up to now, none (0) of the legacy brands can claim a successful transition to EV production in the sense of profitable production at scale.
    Especially Toyota seems to excel in vaporware with spectacular claims for a decade and negligible EV sales.

  2. @davidboatman925 Avatar

    Where’s Elon now?

  3. @emmo2850 Avatar

    And so they’ll still keep mining stripping the earth of her minerals. SMH

  4. @jamesmcneal1821 Avatar

    Oh, isn’t this interesting? Toyota has a solid state battery that they won’t show any evidence of. Once again they are promising it will be out there in 2 or 3 years. But wait, isn’t that what they say every year or two? Every other battery producer shows evidence of their batteries that they claim to have but for some reason only Toyota doesn’t show any evidence. How convenient. The stock should definitely be going up based on this because Toyota has never promised a fictitious battery to be coming out soon and failed to do so. … So impressive. This is the same company that has spent huge amounts of money lobbying governments to slow down the adoption of EVs, slow down the demand for cleaner ice cars. I wish this were true. But I’ve been lied to too many times, as you have been also if you just check Toyota history on its solid state battery claims.

  5. @arthurwakhweya9420 Avatar

    The usual Toyota hogwash

  6. @profounddamas Avatar

    I knew there had to be some serious disadvantages.

  7. @Trilobite45 Avatar

    Battery, engine, dilithium crystal antimatter engine of the week to displace Tesla. Ho hummm.

  8. @keithcook3908 Avatar

    😅😅😅not happening 😅😅😅

  9. @IsaacGbornor_9s Avatar


  10. @ottopuppy Avatar

    This will be out in 2030

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