Why are people losing it because the Ferrari F80 isn’t a V12 ?!

Why are people so upset the does not have a V12? I think a Hybrid V6 is the perfect engine for the current hypercar based on their current program. Likewise this week we talk and Porsche GT3, along with my reaction to the United States Grand Prix from Austin.


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33 responses to “Why are people losing it because the Ferrari F80 isn’t a V12 ?!”

  1. @malcolmbrew8815 Avatar

    Porsche are bringing out to many models, but that is what they do.

    1. @johnmull59 Avatar

      I once read the rarist 911 is a base spec Carrera 2 with no options…anything more is just frippery.

  2. @Jake.Warren Avatar

    Good evening everyone! Hope you had a good time in my home city of Bristol, despite the car-hating local council!

  3. @tonymoreton7166 Avatar

    Ferrari fan & owner.
    Not sure about F80 though.
    Stick with an Enzo or before would be my dream take.

    1. @frankyork5808 Avatar

      F40 was the last decent ferrari

    2. @frankyork5808 Avatar

      3 million pounds! I will order two. 😮

    3. @frankyork5808 Avatar

      Porsche are all about milking every last penny from uber wealthy wankers who want the lastest greatest 911. Only to find that within weeks, there is a better 911 that they also need. It’s an endless merry-go-round and these same uber wealthy wankers deserve nothing more than what they get. Disappointment.

  4. @shakesnbake Avatar

    I wonder if Porsche will rethik their hypercar offering and move back to hybrid. I’m sure Andreas Preuninger as a tasty successor to the S/T in the works. The F80 is so focused (and brutal in it’s aero) that I just don’t understand the issue with the lack of a V12?

  5. @rickyard11 Avatar

    Oh no hope the garage issue can be resolved. Hope it’s not that the garage doors are too narrow. 😊

    1. @johnmull59 Avatar

      Probably won’t fit a new 911 in 10 years time the way they are increasing size!

  6. @BMW7series251 Avatar

    Hi Pete. What ever people are saying about the F80, it must be loved by many as l think it has sold out!! Cheers, John.

    1. @23Piccolina Avatar

      Its not hard to sell out when you make 14 of them!

    2. @pauln0371 Avatar

      ​@@23Piccolina799 to be precise and they had over 3 x that in interested buyers……

    3. @jmass9784 Avatar


    4. @23Piccolina Avatar

      @@jmass9784 Oh my, what a huge amount of cars! Honda sells 250,000 a year of one model in the USA. How hard can it be to sell 799?

  7. @NBMBC40 Avatar

    popped over to my home town Bristol hope you enjoyed it.

  8. @prakashnarismulu3332 Avatar

    Props to Max indeed. A master class of defensive driving skills.

  9. @nealm1814 Avatar

    If they are losing their minds about a V6 what are they going to lose when Ferrari go electric? 😂😂😂😂

  10. @AJTalks Avatar

    People are upset because they are a public company that is now overtly milking every dime they can to satisfy shareholders, and much of the ethos of the old brand has died. Some would say this was the nail in the coffin.

    1. @dimsoneill Avatar

      It always is.

    2. @pauln0371 Avatar

      It’s about a link to the Racing programmes that’s all.

  11. @markevans5892 Avatar

    Because they don’t understand business and the fact a V6 is immensely cheaper to produce, service and reliable than a V12. So many people living in the past. Time to move on!

  12. @BuffaloDoctor Avatar

    5:15 the F50 had a V12 not a V10… and WHAT A V12 IT WAS!! 🔥

    1. @alexjones388 Avatar

      Based upon the current (at the time) F1 engine, suitably modified to work as a road car engine, if memory serves me right.

  13. @andypalin3287 Avatar

    I might get my name down for that McLaren! 😜

  14. @guylambrechts2303 Avatar

    That GT3 Touring in dark green would sit nicely in your renewed garage. Problem with the garage? Automating the doors? Cheers

  15. @johnmackay5288 Avatar

    The V12 has always been the ultimate signature engine with Ferrari and for the true diehard fans / owners (as opposed to those who buy it for the badge etc) it matters a great deal. As they say..if you know you know.

  16. @BubuBarong Avatar

    V10 F50? Mate!!!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Easter egg to get comments. Well done 👍

  17. @Yorkshiremadmick Avatar

    Love the styling of the F80
    And the McLaren W1
    People get hung up about Porsche 4cyl engines over the 6
    Same for my SL320 as being inferior.
    I chose the 320 and love it.

  18. @alasdairwilson4806 Avatar

    The Mclaren looks a bit samey to me, but the Ferrari does look stunning.Think I would spend the extra million.

  19. @the_lost_navigator7266 Avatar

    Your Aston Martin Valkyrie video is spine tingling proof that Ferrari should have built a NA V12 (i just watched it again!).
    I think it’s pointless fretting over emissions on hyper cars, most will be locked away as investments or do the odd weekend spin. Just whack the tax on new sales, the billionaires can afford it.

  20. @HQBProductions Avatar

    Hello Peter! A lot to say but I’ll be quick! When Tim reviewed the F80 I didn’t like the styling at all but it looks fine in your picture….i will gladly take on any F80’s that somebody doesn’t want….with 90% depreciation! The 991 992.2 is yet another stunning car I will never own because I’m too old to insure it..and they will be all sold very quickly anyway. The garage…Argghh…but I hope not a BIG arggh…water leaks?…..doors still not right?….30% over budget?…..Tracey wants to move in there permanently?😃😃😃 I’m sure I will want that Cayenne but the GT pack means no sunroof which is a big disappointment although I could live with it. I missed the FI as the WiFi is STILL rubbish in Cornwall and so is the TV! I hope your hols were perfect…we are back home next week! Don’t work too hard! Richard😃😃😃😃🤞🏼

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