Smallest Cars DRAG RACE

Kei vehicle drag race let's goooooo!

We've got our hands on 5 Japanese Kei and trucks, and these micro devices will go head-to-head over the quarter-mile to see which is quickest!

Lining up we have a Copen, Autozam AZ-1, Suzuki Alto Works, Suzuki Coffee and a !

For those not in the know, Kei vehicles (known by numerous as Japanese city and trucks or Japanese microcars) are the tiniest road-legal vehicles with limited dimensions and engine capacity. As a result, all five automobiles included a 660cc 3-cylinder turbo engine, and they all produce 64hp!

The torque & weight figures do differ slightly, though. For instance, the Copen has the most torque, at 108Nm, while the only has 75Nm!

You know what time it is … LET'S RACE!

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3 Wheeler Drag Race:

Japanese Automobile Drag Race:

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… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Thanks to all the owners for lending us their cars and trucks
! Copen: Autozam AZ-1: Suzuki Alto Works: Suzuki Cappuccino:


74 responses to “Smallest Cars DRAG RACE”

  1. Tristan Bird Avatar
    Tristan Bird

    Thank you so much to the car wow team the cameraman, the starter Matt , thank you very much Keep up the great work love the reviews and the drag races thank you

    1. Èbony Rènèè Avatar
      Èbony Rènèè

      Carwow will wins the battle

    2. hamdan ali Avatar
      hamdan ali

      shut up man

    3. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Èbony Rènèè Donut Media wins this drag battle.

  2. Arthit Shaw Avatar
    Arthit Shaw

    Young Matt seems like a heart-breakerπŸŒšπŸ’”

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


    2. Ψ§Ω„ΩˆΩ„ΩŠΨ― Ψ§Ω„Ψ³Ω†Ψ§Ω†ΩŠ Avatar
      Ψ§Ω„ΩˆΩ„ΩŠΨ― Ψ§Ω„Ψ³Ω†Ψ§Ω†ΩŠ


  3. HimTortons Avatar

    Correction: kei cars are not legally limited in horsepower, only in displacement. The 64hp is merely a sort of gentlemen’s agreement that none of the manufacturers really stuck to anyway

    1. RojiPuma 69 Avatar
      RojiPuma 69

      @HimTortons cbr600rr swapped az1 where? I neeed to see that

    2. Niels de Bakker Avatar
      Niels de Bakker

      @Sir Bini That 64hp is actually regulated. But a tune can change things off course, especially with the turbo cars.

    3. Mark Fullick Avatar
      Mark Fullick

      Hence why it’s regulated…. πŸ™„

    4. Peter G Avatar
      Peter G

      ​@Ben Garlick is that the same 1.3 that were used in the Yaris MK1? I had a 2004 Yaris 1.3 and that engine was superb!

    5. Chris Reid Avatar
      Chris Reid

      I’d love to see the dyno test on them, see just how gentlemen like the owners are πŸ˜‚

  4. Reshan Naidoo Avatar
    Reshan Naidoo

    I love these races that aren’t with exciting cars but Carwow team makes it so cool

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @ΞšΟ‰ΟƒΟ„Ξ±Ξ½Ο„ΞΉΞ½ΞΏΟ‚ Παπαδοπουλος this car has the most potential perhaps.

    2. Livi70590 Avatar

      It says it right there on the AZ-1: ‘Exciting Micro CoupΓ©’

    3. TheYBGOON Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan what’s a mini Cooper one?
      Is this a mini hatch one? Or is there a different version I’ve missed?
      The one can’t be a Cooper. Otherwise next in line would be a mini Cooper Cooper followed by and Mini Cooper Cooper S

    4. Smokin_D3ad Avatar

      these cars are exciting!! i don’t think you understand that if you have a car, you turn arround to see it and make you smile, ITS A EXCITING CAR,

    5. Big duphus AJ Avatar
      Big duphus AJ

      These little things are way more exiting than the horrible soulless unreliabe German finance express junk.

  5. CeresMusic Avatar

    I love those heart shaped signals on Daihatzu Copen!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yep. Keke Tang drove this Copen once.

  6. Queen Avatar

    I love this kinda unusual drag races!

    1. The Happy Guy Avatar
      The Happy Guy

      I can’t believe you are still alive, your majesty. 😯

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @The Happy Guy wish we also see DTM Cars drag race.

  7. EpicKenya Avatar

    πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ The ‘stiutututu’ from Yianni’s turbo hits differently.. it’s πŸ”₯

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Vrooooom TRTRTRTR.

  8. carwow Avatar

    Hit the LIKE button on this comment if you love these unusual drag races!

    1. Khyber Rahmani Avatar
      Khyber Rahmani

      Hey Mat, when yianni recieved his new urus, I want you to drag race that with new X6M on dyno and wrong way. I don’t think X6M is 625 hp. Poor yianni lost the drag race with his urus against X6M so you should bring bmw on dyno to reveal the truth.

    2. Odean Herde Avatar
      Odean Herde


    3. Copper Key Racing Avatar
      Copper Key Racing

      0:44 Matt states 660cc turbocharged 65l4hp engines and then procedes to show us a 1998cc k20 naturally aspirated engine in a DC5 with 220hp. What??? 2000cc or 660cc? Turbocharger or natutally aspirated? 64hp or 220hp?

    4. Rasher basher Avatar
      Rasher basher

      @Okith De Silva no surprise there.

    5. Ben Lecluyse Avatar
      Ben Lecluyse

      @Q LMFAO 🀣

  9. Baden Wheeler Avatar
    Baden Wheeler

    I want that mini lambo, it looks by far the best and sounds absolutley phenomenal. Looks like a bullet and fun to take around a track.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Alto Works is also a mini Lambo.

  10. I_THE_ME Avatar

    I love the Autozam. It’s always been such a unique little race car.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Not just AZ-1, ALTO WORKS also.

    2. DarthVaydor Avatar

      I want to get one and swap it with a Ducati or haybusa motor

  11. Bob Eyes Avatar
    Bob Eyes

    These races have become a no miss part of my Saturday mornings.

    1. Michael Mazani Avatar
      Michael Mazani

      Watching whilst still in bed.

    2. Geoff Fieldew Avatar
      Geoff Fieldew

      And also my Saturday evenings here in Australia

    3. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Michael Mazani watching this also while drinking coca cola.

    4. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Geoff Fieldew saturday evening in Indonesia.

    5. My name geoff Avatar
      My name geoff

      I get sad when he misses a day 🀣😭

  12. Baden Wheeler Avatar
    Baden Wheeler

    these cars look soo cool why dont brands make more of these I want one

    1. PlatinumNath Avatar

      In Japan they still do but less of the sporty stuff. You can technically still get a newer Copen as well as Honda S660 if you’re not fancying older cars. There’s also the Alto still around.

      Reason why these cars aren’t the stuff everywhere? Other countries have enough space for bigger cars to run free, so kei sized cars aren’t that useful.

  13. Necron00b Avatar

    Honestly, car companies should make more cars like this, low weight, tiny engines but make them look like older super/rally cars…perfect starter cars, money savers..and a bit of a laugh to drive. haha

    1. Les nuits sans Kim Wilde Avatar
      Les nuits sans Kim Wilde

      In some way I agree but those little cars were actually quite expensive and as a everyday car a modern mx5 is probably a much better car. The honda S660 weights about 830 kg which is not that light considering how small the car and engine are. A 2020 Suzuki Swift 1.0 BoosterJet 111 is just a few dozen kilos heavier (865).
      I really wanted toyota to build the S-FR which was a smaller, more affordable mx-5 like coupe (still bigger than a kei car) but it looks like it will never happen.

    2. Big duphus AJ Avatar
      Big duphus AJ

      You can easily tune these to decent power too. I’ve seen the Alto thing beat an older 1.8t TT and all it had was a chip and I think the turbo cartridge had been changed to one from like a 1.9 jtd from a Vectra sri or a mondo tdi I’m sure. It was just some ‘scrap yard special’ parts on it and it was beating 200bhp stuff no problem too.

    3. Les nuits sans Kim Wilde Avatar
      Les nuits sans Kim Wilde

      @Big duphus AJ You can always boost an turbo engine but it’s at the expense of everyday use (turbo lag, mileage, reliability).
      Around 100hp seems to be the sensible number for these tiny engines. It’s enough for that kind of cars actually. At one time there were talks about an european version of the S660 with a 1000cc engine but it never arrived.

    4. Big duphus AJ Avatar
      Big duphus AJ

      @Les nuits sans Kim Wilde i dunno mate this thing never had any lag it audiably boosted right away, I think the cartridge it was fitted with might have needed clipped down I’m not sure but either way the little engine had no issues spooling it whatsoever and this was more like 150bhp at least. It was smashing all the 200-250bhp stuff it whooped an e46 330 and I mean whooped it.
      Sorry mate I reposted this as I’d written e36 rather than e46

    5. Big duphus AJ Avatar
      Big duphus AJ

      @Les nuits sans Kim Wilde I’m pretty sure it was a clipped down cartridge from a vectra 1.9 cdti Sri or a mondao TDi red badge, I actually had both of them back in the day so cannot remember which one he said now. I vaguely remember him say it was a cartridge from the honeywell turbo whichever one that was and the cartridge itself got removed and sent away then rehoused in the full snail on the hotside as it was originally a cartridge into the manifold housing.

  14. iLupi Avatar

    The Copen suddenly being able to hit 100mph was absolutely hilarious; of course it would be on the braking test πŸ˜‚

    1. Gentleman Parrot Avatar
      Gentleman Parrot

      Imagine 100mph downhill inside that tiny little chassis. Must be a lot of fun πŸ™ƒπŸ€£

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Gentleman Parrot 155mph.

    3. north of no south Avatar
      north of no south

      Best one I’ve seen in a while. 10/10. Always depresing waking up to an EV drag race on a Saturday morning 😐

  15. Andy Panda Avatar
    Andy Panda

    Everything about that Cappuccino, from the driver yelling β€œIM HERE TO WIN IT”, to the little video zoom in πŸŽβ€¦ simply epic πŸ˜‚

    1. Jamie Peterson Avatar
      Jamie Peterson

      @Alan According to the AZ-1 owner, the cappuccino was stuck on 6 psi of boost. I don’t think it would’ve won anyway, since it’s way more draggy than the AZ-1, but it should have been a lot closer.

    2. The Murloc Tamer Avatar
      The Murloc Tamer

      @Alan exactly I own a stock cappy as well, it’ll spin tires off the line from 4k rpm and hit the limiter easy cruising in 5th. The cappy driver also said he was having clutch issues

    3. Graeme Warnes Avatar
      Graeme Warnes

      @Jamie Peterson yep it’s my car. I returned it to stock for the shoot and stupidly didn’t test it. Was making 0.35 bar not 0.8 so basically did the whole thing NA. It was a simple fix but didn’t get a chance until after the shoot. I only have myself to blame

    4. Andy Panda Avatar
      Andy Panda

      @Graeme Warnes your car was so much the star of the show that even Matt confused the car he was driving with yours mate! Awesome little 🏎️!

    5. Graeme Warnes Avatar
      Graeme Warnes

      @Andy Panda I mean any publicity is good publicity. I’m just so annoyed at myself for not once testing it beforehand. I spent a weekend returning it to stock and the next taking it up for the shoot on a trailer. I should have tested it but just didn’t expect the boost controller to be the issue. I actually hoped it had just broken as at least I would have been able to justify it but no it was my screw up.

  16. chillout1109 Avatar

    “….. My red one won, followed by Sam’s red one, followed by Daniel’s …..” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I’m still laughing. These guys know how to entertain us.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      The red one always prevail.

  17. Dzon Travolta Avatar
    Dzon Travolta

    Race that nobody asked for , but we all enjoyed , you guys always nail it.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      AZ-1 is considered to be mini rally car.

  18. The Happy Guy Avatar
    The Happy Guy

    Happy to see Yanni always joining in these funky and exciting drag races. You two are an awesome duo to watch. Never fail to make a joke in any videos done together.

    1. Rasher basher Avatar
      Rasher basher

      Get rid of Yianni..ruins these races

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Honda BEAT 1991 and Alto Works Rally Car entered the chat.

    3. marksapollo Avatar

      He has lots of time now he closed his wrapping business and laid all his staff off… don’t think much of him I have to say.

    4. Yianni Avatar

      @marksapollo lol. At least get it right if you are gonna talk πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

    5. Yianni Avatar


  19. Jori Diculous Avatar
    Jori Diculous

    This is the content we subscribe for! Love the Kei Cars, so smal and funny looking. The Autozam is awesome, and a great race car (if manage to fit inside).

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Young Matt got heartbroken in this K Car drag battle.

  20. Dun Avatar

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the way Mat Just tries to Engineer a win all the time he sees Yiani winning is hilarious πŸ˜‚

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