BMW M2 (G87) – Not Pretty but Does its Performance match its Price ? | 4K

Enormous thanks to NEXTBASE for supporting this video, find out more about their soon to be released iQ Here –

The new M2 (G87) may not be that pretty but does its efficiency match its price? Based upon underpinnings from the M4, the M2 has a shorter and more agile chassis and runs a somewhat de-tuned version of the exact same 3.0 L twin turbo straight 6. I just recently went to Germany with Joe and Pat from the @drivetorquepodcast and got to spend pleny of time either following or driving the brand-new M2. I took it to some cool roads and put it through its rates.


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Video Contents
00:00 – Welcome to the Nürburgring
00:40 – This is the 2nd Gen M2
01:54 – Thanks to Nextbase Dashcams
02:53 – Front end styling
04:41 – Under the bonnet
05:34 – Rear end styling
06:53 – Interior
08:55 – Driving it usually
09:56 – Pressing on!
11:26 – You just need 3rd and fourth!
12:44 – The right ingredients
14:48 – Last impressions

#PetrolPed # #BMWM 2.


23 responses to “BMW M2 (G87) – Not Pretty but Does its Performance match its Price ? | 4K”

  1. Petrol Ped Avatar
    Petrol Ped

    Massive thanks to NEXTBASE for supporting this video, find out more about their soon to be released iQ Here –

    1. rh16 den Avatar
      rh16 den

      Nextbase never again, GW522 constantly shuts itself down for no reason and downloading footage is painstakingly slow if it doesn’t fail while doing so. Nextbase dashcams 🐖 😠

  2. Joe Achilles Avatar
    Joe Achilles

    Another brilliant video mate, thanks for giving it back in one piece 😉 Can’t wait to plan next years Euro road trip!

  3. Dan Avatar

    Loving these videos, proper cars. 😊

  4. Jim Cabezola Avatar
    Jim Cabezola

    I wouldn’t mind the styling if I were driving it. The manual transmission would be the big draw for me. Such a rarity in new cars.

  5. FreshDrive Avatar

    Great video, I completely agreed you. I would pick FL5 Honda Type R any day over this

  6. Alison Smith Avatar
    Alison Smith

    I owned an og m2
    Great sound but just needed to be a tad faster.
    Think the last gen m2 comp was the perfect combo
    These latest cars are to expensive for me these days
    Thinks I might end up with an m240i in purple

    1. Mark B Avatar
      Mark B

      Yeah I agree. M2 Comp all day long. That purple is lovely by the way!

  7. Bryce Brown Avatar
    Bryce Brown

    It was love at first sight for me! I’d have one in a heartbeat ❤

  8. stevie 007 Avatar
    stevie 007

    Styling: bloody awesome Pete ( simple as ) preferably in a dark metallic grey !! my personal preference. But overall a lovely car that has defo road presence 👌👌

  9. phillip chandler Avatar
    phillip chandler

    It’s a grown up M car in my opinion. We have one in grey and reckon it looks great. Avoided the expensive seats. They’re probably great for the track but it’s a road car really and the majority of owners won’t track them. Only time will tell how it stacks up against previous models.

  10. E CAN Avatar
    E CAN

    Another great review! One thing I use to do in my M135 F21 was lift the armrest to avoid it getting in the way of your elbow/arm, my no means a perfect solution but it gave you room when you needed it. One reason why I loved the M4 CS (F82) without the armrest, just a shame that wasn’t manual.

    1. E CAN Avatar
      E CAN

      I’d love to say it’s a grower but it’s definitely not for me.

  11. John Brown Avatar
    John Brown

    Not being a BMW fan it is not for me but I do like the styling of it certainly at the back with that square shape and real quad exhausts. I would want the carbon seats but really £9k for that package seems a bit steep as I am sure most people would want to spec them.

  12. Steve Mitchell Avatar
    Steve Mitchell

    Another brilliant review video Pete Car sounds and looks great. The unanswered question is does it’s wireless charging destroy your new iPhone15 Pro NFC ability 😁

  13. Nigel Smith Avatar
    Nigel Smith

    The offset pedals in a £70k car is unforgivable!

  14. Thomas Fish Avatar
    Thomas Fish

    Great video love the videos and pod casts both from you and joe having got the new m2 myself in manual its epic gets lots of attention and POSITIVE views comments 👍

  15. Alasdair Wilson Avatar
    Alasdair Wilson

    Great review as always.It’s a bit too shouty looks wise for me I’m afraid.Power,yes,but in a more understated way would be better. The front and rear boxy squares remind me very much of last Civic type R.

  16. rh16 den Avatar
    rh16 den

    Are all current M2’s interior only available in dark colours, i love the fact that in the M3 and M4 you can get bucket seats in wonderful colour combo’s

  17. davidthegolfer999 Avatar

    Pete, I couldn’t stop looking at the road surface, just beautiful. What on earth has happened to OUR country. Great content, thank you.

  18. FlatSixer70 Avatar

    …from my point of view the backside looks much better than the front with the squared intakes and kidneys…❤ the back of this car 😊

  19. Mini Mafia Avatar
    Mini Mafia

    Well it’s BMW M2 and yes it’s square and slightly strange looking and little bit wider , the engine it’s great making solid sounds and actually really good you could have in manual then the price it’s little bit expensive and I have experience to meeting them on the track and they still struggle against our GP3 in time trails that give us really good satisfaction 😂🏁Personally I more like the previous generation. Because this second generation trying too hard to be track car but it’s actually a GT car and that’s the problem
    Really good video love it.

  20. StrangerDanger Avatar

    I think the car looks great. While I’m more interested in comfort than performance, it doesn’t look like the speed demons amongst us will be disappointed by this car. Only problem i have with it is that it’s too expensive. Cars are just too bloody expensive and interest rates too damn high. It’s crazy here in the USA.

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