This part was more difficult and expensive than I thought it would be ! | Dream Garage Ep8 | 4K

The develop is coming along perfectly however this part has actually shown more difficult and pricey than I thought it would be. In this episode we complete the plastering and close up the front of the building … well almost!


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20 responses to “This part was more difficult and expensive than I thought it would be ! | Dream Garage Ep8 | 4K”

  1. @francoisg3500 Avatar

    Evening all! Hope everyone is doing well and have a great week.

  2. @Euen2 Avatar

    Looking forward to seeing the finished project

  3. @sja9836 Avatar

    Really pleased for you Pete and Mrs P too of course. Looks brilliant. Well done. You must be very happy!!

  4. @AwgraphicsUk1973 Avatar

    The roof tiling bit of the timelapse was superb👌

  5. @GoodOnYerMate Avatar

    Just fantastic, so pleased for you. It looks good as it is for now but probably best to paint it once weathered. So close now.

  6. @alicemacmaster2826 Avatar

    I love the front the way it is. Great being able to see the time-lapse footage

  7. @k3nco Avatar

    Wow Pete, looks awesome, you must both be very pleased. Watched this episode on the train home from the F1 Exhibition at the eXcel London, which was excellent, made my day watching the time lapse footage 😅

  8. @wordreet Avatar

    Looking great so far Pete! Those boards will not change colour very quickly I suspect as they are treated. Black will look proper and traditional, but will obviously be hotter in the summer. So the choice will, obviously, be yours to make. My father’s parents had an all cedar clad and tiled house built between the wars down at Bosham. Cedar is well known for it’s lovely, slightly silvery, warm grey colour once it has aged. Oh and it resists rot naturally. So the roof, chimney stacks and first floor were cedar grey, while the ground floor cladding was painted a creamy white. The house still stands, and I drive past it once in a while, usually on my way home from visiting family in SLOS.

  9. @gordonmackenzie4512 Avatar

    That’s why I have been waiting on this episode. I am a garage door installer. Side hinged, and automated was always going to be difficult.

  10. @JoeAchilles1 Avatar

    Very cool mate, coming together beautifully! Love the naked wood personally x

  11. @stevecarter5084 Avatar

    Another great episode, nice to see the progress. It would be nice to keep the wood natural as you have gone to such lengths to keep the original looks to blend in with the surroundings. Think that the overall look and feel will be great balanced between new technology and keeping the “natural “ materials look. Hope that you both enjoy it to the fullest.👏👏

  12. @p.h.234 Avatar

    Paint it – I think the blue looks great and will wear the seasons better. Great progress, looking forward to the next update Pete.

  13. @jowafa Avatar

    To use your words Pete it look’s awesome, what a transformation

  14. @carlhughes7003 Avatar

    Looks amazing. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

  15. @rogiervandijk4068 Avatar

    Amazing to follow next to your car videos, can’t wait to see the final result. Keep it up! Greetings from Holland

  16. @trev8591 Avatar

    Fantastic progress, Pete! (I didn’t end up stalking you at CarFest, I was having WAY too much fun!). Loved the time-lapse.

  17. @watchcommander2012 Avatar

    That’s looking absolutely fantastic. I personally would always keep it natural but it’s very much personal choice and preference. Looking forward to seeing the next episode of the build

  18. @alasdairwilson4806 Avatar

    Looking really good.Time lapse was great.So close to the end now.

  19. @leemarson7137 Avatar

    The garage is looking so good now, must admit I’m more than a little envious! It would be hard to get me out of there if it were mine. Can’t wait to see it finished, hope the last bit goes well too. Do love a time lapse too. 👍

  20. @markstack1783 Avatar

    It’s time for the best part. The finishes. The spaces will make a major transformation. You may be stuck with painting the exterior boards because of the house color. If that’s not a concern, I would definitely use a natural stain on the garage siding and not paint them. Good luck. It’s fun watching the evolution of the garage.

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