When you cheap out on car parts…





33 responses to “When you cheap out on car parts…”

  1. @Heyyouyesyouimtalkingtoyou Avatar

    I love that guy laughing

  2. @theenlightenedone1283 Avatar

    I would buy this car ❤ especially the horn

    1. @user-xm3wq2pd5z Avatar

      Its a sensor to fit in ur car

    2. @JesusChristofNazareth-s8o Avatar

      That is sensor he bought, not the car

    3. @user-xm3wq2pd5z Avatar

      @@JesusChristofNazareth-s8o that’s what I said

    4. @JesusChristofNazareth-s8o Avatar

      @@user-xm3wq2pd5z yea, i know u said that

    5. @theenlightenedone1283 Avatar

      Wow that’s cool ​@@user-xm3wq2pd5z

  3. @JesseEngelbrecht-rr2jh Avatar

    That’s brilliant

  4. @ashokatlondon1 Avatar

    just a bit of music before your car crashes- just perfect!

    1. @cardealerfan3349 Avatar

      Ah yes

  5. @Akky_08 Avatar

    Eastern European parking sensors

  6. @ShanaDixon-sr7kl Avatar

    Appreciate the honesty in your videos, it’s rare these days

    1. @Cyborg_Auto Avatar


  7. @lool130 Avatar

    That guy needs to laugh bro has the most genuine laugh ever

  8. @George_Shonia Avatar

    how that’s possible 😂😂😂😂😂

  9. @AndreiPiano Avatar

    That’s a Romanian party song🤣 can’t believe Matt posted that here haha

    1. @BogdanBPM Avatar

      Românii aici

    2. @NuSuntRaresh Avatar

      A postat echipa carwow, nu Matt, din păcate

    3. @VeilsideSkyline Avatar

      I love Romanian women 😊

    4. @AndreiPiano Avatar

      @@VeilsideSkyline we all do

    5. @amirmur8268 Avatar

      Who tf is matt

  10. @1234tiberiu Avatar


  11. @danielionvasienache6949 Avatar

    Yoo where are my Romanians folks at 🇷🇴

    1. @BogdanBPM Avatar

      Românii aici🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

  12. @muktoonsepiphany9944 Avatar

    You suppose to be jamming with all this jazz

  13. @GeorgeCaragea Avatar

    Sounds like a Romanian Gypsy or popular music…. hahahaha

  14. @frankiehenriques196 Avatar

    ..and then begins the beat..when the other car crashers into your car😂😂😂

  15. @Cromans41 Avatar

    Car really said:🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🎷🎷🎷🎶🎵🎼🎶🎵🎵🎶

  16. @pesuruhjayasumpahmelaka Avatar

    AKA… APSWE (Anti Parking Space Wasting Equipment) in future mass production vehicles, ensuring all parking spaces are used to the last few inches 💪 😅

  17. @The_Foulmouthed_Cypriot Avatar

    Dacia should make that standard fitment. 😂😂😂😂 🇷🇴👍🏻

  18. @0Y02USH Avatar

    Ah yes, the famously cheap and unreliable parjing sensors

    I remember I was literally miles away from the pillar in my Friend’s Honda and the thing beeped like the Car was going into labour bruh 😂😂😂

  19. @ndautomotive Avatar

    When you don’t come to the Balkans, the Balkans come to you

  20. @jasonmcdonald7280 Avatar

    I wish the BMWs I work on did that. 😂

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