The 15 fastest cars in the world 2023!

Here it is – the definitive list of the fastest automobiles you can buy in 2023!

Now, naturally, there are an entire host of and trucks that can hit 200mph+. Nevertheless, generally only a hand filled with these astronomically quick are produced, so they typically sell out incredibly quick. Take the brand-new Daytona SP3 – it offered out before it was even revealed!

So with that in mind, we're only consisting of vehicles that you can really go out and buy in this list! So with that in mind you will not find any Bugattis here. But could popular home names like or Mercedes make a look?

And more importantly, if there's no in this list, which maker will take the top area?! You'll require to stick with Mat to take a look at the complete list!

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73 responses to “The 15 fastest cars in the world 2023!”

  1. carwow Avatar


    1. SteveGamer273 Avatar


    2. Tyre Evans Avatar
      Tyre Evans




    4. Matthew Norman Avatar
      Matthew Norman

      We need hyundai getz on this channel day 163

    5. SteveGamer273 Avatar

      @Matthew Norman Hyundai Getz 😂

  2. The Happy Guy Avatar
    The Happy Guy

    How cool would it be if Mat can be able to review some of these awesome supercars/hypercars just so he can experience the brutal force of the speeds these vehicles are capable of.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Moritz Köchig and Bugatti Bolide.

    2. Brian's Bricks Avatar
      Brian’s Bricks

      hes reviewed most of them im sure

    3. Familie Merk Avatar
      Familie Merk

      @Purwanti Allan and who t f is setsuna yuki

    4. TeIegrqm👉Carwow113👈 Avatar

      Congratulations fans I have a package for you!!! 🎊 ..

    5. Tüp Avatar

      they dont get the joke i think

  3. The Happy Guy Avatar
    The Happy Guy

    Fast Fact: These insane top speed vehicles also tend to have an insane 0-60mph launch time as well.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @The Happy Guy SSC imo has double the amount of bhp to all of LMH and even Group C cars.

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Aarav Saini me too.

    3. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @VipersGalore VipersGalore, the Venom F5 has double the amount of bhp than LMP1 and LMHs. LMHs only 680bhps on average.

    4. Adam k Avatar
      Adam k

      Isnt that a given lol

    5. MQ Avatar

      You might be on to something there mate, who would have thought a car with over 1000hp would have a good 0-60 time

  4. MrHiBeta Avatar

    Porsche claims the 992 Turbo S does 205 mph.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Pagani Huayra 2013 does 259.6mph.

    2. AJS_Drums Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan 238 mph*

    3. Excepticus 0503 Avatar
      Excepticus 0503

      @Purwanti Allan that’s a really expensive car mate

    4. Brennang78 Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan So?

    5. blaze smooth Avatar
      blaze smooth

      @Purwanti Allan wrong

  5. Mark Cary Avatar
    Mark Cary

    Regarding the Pagani and various other points, just to clarify, weight does not affect top speed, simply how quickly you get there

    1. Mark Cary Avatar
      Mark Cary

      @Twelve yes it could of course.
      Would just take a VERY long time to get there and need some rather special tyres.
      So long as there is some force from the engine greater than the wind resistance and tyre friction then there Will be acceleration even if very small.
      Weight is not a factor since it acts in a different direction to the acceleration. Only has negligible effect on drag due to tyre deformation

    2. Mark Cary Avatar
      Mark Cary

      @Like a bantha Ok, “negligible” then….

    3. D. S. Avatar
      D. S.

      Twelve like how an airplane could reach 200 mph during takeoff on runway

    4. Amarjit Singh Avatar
      Amarjit Singh

      @Twelve Watch Jason Cammisa’s video on the Hagerty channel explaining how weight has no effect on the top speed!

    5. Sabersz Avatar

      @Twelve if you can get wheels, tires, chassis to support that weight, AND an engine to push that kinda weight… Sure.

  6. Oblivions Edge Avatar
    Oblivions Edge

    my favourite thing is that most of these cars are so sleek and aerodynamic to get to 200mph, but Dodge puts a nuke inside a brick shaped car, that can just keep pushing until it reaches 200mph

    1. GraveUypo Avatar

      none of them are very slick. cars used to get to 200mph with mid 400s HP. now it takes like 200hp more than that.

    2. blaze smooth Avatar
      blaze smooth

      @Russo Tusso pretty sure it was about turbos

    3. Shawn Satterlee Avatar
      Shawn Satterlee

      It will be a bomb on wheels when trying to track it and take a turn! The Vette, is the real world “supercar” ! Cheap and extremely effective on and off the track. The Ford is just a overpriced Fisher Price POS . Mean let’s be realistic.

    4. FalconGamer58 Avatar

      @Shawn Satterlee the corvette isn’t cheap

    5. EM EM Avatar
      EM EM

      And here is the answer how much more hp you need to overcome the drag of a dodge brick body to reach same 200mph

  7. Dian Barrow Avatar
    Dian Barrow

    Hitting top speed in your Lamborghini and a huge Bentley comes cruising past 😂

    1. Nemesis12345 Avatar

      @Critical What about RR then?

    2. rajesh kadam Avatar
      rajesh kadam

      I would love to see that in a drag race

    3. Liam Rijsewijk Avatar
      Liam Rijsewijk

      German autobahn belike

    4. B Zilla Avatar
      B Zilla

      @Arrshith Acharya lol you must be new to cars, Lamborghini has always been about Top Speed, that’s what feruccio designed them for, the Diablo and the Countach were just about top speed lol. That’s why they were terrible at racing

  8. Leigh Taylor Avatar
    Leigh Taylor

    How cool would it be if Mat learned how to run at 209mph! He could say “Nurburgring” as often as he liked then

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yep. Toyota GR010 HYBRID ever done Nurburgring very fondly.

  9. Efthimios Sakarellos Avatar
    Efthimios Sakarellos

    Matt mate, please include speeds in kmph for us Aussies (and also literally the entire rest of the world sans yanks)

    1. patter dale Avatar
      patter dale

      I always thought the kangaroo touchers did mph

    2. Its Arpee Avatar
      Its Arpee

      You guys in Austrlia are using metric system?Since when?😂

    3. Efthimios Sakarellos Avatar
      Efthimios Sakarellos

      @patter dale nope

    4. Efthimios Sakarellos Avatar
      Efthimios Sakarellos

      @Its Arpee 1974

    5. masterchinese28 Avatar

      @Postthraumatiche Amnesia I always love hearing my Brit friends talking about their weight in stones. As someone who has lived in four countries (soon to be five) in N. America, Europe and Asia, I’m pretty aware of some of the variances in how people measure. Like language, accents and customs, learning to navigate these things is part of the experience.

  10. Cameron Burch Avatar
    Cameron Burch

    It’s so cool to see the picture of the SSC and realize that it was taken just up the street from my house!

    1. Telegram Me👉MatWatson Avatar
      Telegram Me👉MatWatson

      You won a package quickly message me on telegram to claim.

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      SSC Tuatara is more like heavily upgraded Danver Bass Cruiser.

  11. Christian Tan Avatar
    Christian Tan

    Mat makes everything he reviews instantly cool

    1. Telegram Me👉MatWatson Avatar
      Telegram Me👉MatWatson

      You won a package quickly message me on telegram to claim.

    2. Grant Wetzel Avatar
      Grant Wetzel

      He seems like a great guy. Love the channel, love the cars!

  12. david cassidy Avatar
    david cassidy

    Would be interesting to see the fastest accelerating cars.
    0-60 and 0-100mph..

    1. Telegram Me👉MatWatson Avatar
      Telegram Me👉MatWatson

      You won a New Year surprise package quickly message me on telegram to claim🎁🛍️

  13. Angus Aylward Avatar
    Angus Aylward

    You missed the Bloodhound SSC, that’s for sale at the moment! 😂 Alright, maybe not a road car!

    1. Telegram Me👉MatWatson Avatar
      Telegram Me👉MatWatson

      You won a New Year surprise package quickly message me on telegram to claim🎁🛍️

    2. Khumo Kwezi Mashapa Avatar
      Khumo Kwezi Mashapa

      Lol no 😂😂. There also the Thrust SSC, but we know there are gonna be people saying “Well it’s not road legal and it’s propelled by rockets”. They wouldn’t be wrong, but then where’s the fun

  14. Okith De Silva Avatar
    Okith De Silva

    Mat can you drag race a Bugatti Chiron Super Sport against a Rimac Nevera with Yianni?

  15. Okith De Silva Avatar
    Okith De Silva

    Bugatti and Rimac! The best car company partnership ever and ever!

    1. OfficialMatwatson01 Avatar

      Congratulations once more

  16. Okith De Silva Avatar
    Okith De Silva

    Looks like 2023 is going to be an amazing year for the automobile industry!

    1. OfficialMatwatson01 Avatar

      Hello okith
      You won a New Year surprise package quickly message me now on telegram to claim🎁

    2. 34cn44 Avatar

      This is definitely sarcasm

    3. Rasher basher Avatar
      Rasher basher

      @34cn44 this is definitely a bot you mean.

  17. haviii the lego gunner Avatar
    haviii the lego gunner

    205 mph in a R8 is insane! You can pick one up for 120k. Insane value for the money.

  18. abolfazl abouali Avatar
    abolfazl abouali

    These cars are amazing. Is there a small chance of reviewing them this year? please say yes. I’m crazy about tasting them by Mat.❤❤💙💙

    1. TeIegrqm👉Carwow113👈 Avatar

      Congratulations fan I have a package for you!!! 🎊 ..

  19. Rad_nor Avatar

    I would love to see all theses cars all in one big massive drag race, ik it’d probably not possible but still would be cool

  20. Grant Chandler Avatar
    Grant Chandler

    Big thanks for this list. I was looking for a new daily driver for my 11 mile commute and I think there are so decent options here.

    1. TeIegrqm👉Carwow113👈 Avatar

      TeIegram me to redeem your gift…

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