New AMG C63 v Audi RS7 Performance: DRAG RACE

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It's time for an AMG vs face-off!

We've brought the brand- and Performance together to see which is the quickest over the 1/4-mile. So let's see how the two compare!

Beginning with the Audi, it's packing a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 under the bonnet, producing 630hp and 850Nm of torque. This power is sent to all four wheels, and it weighs in at 2,065 kg! It rolls up with a pretty substantial price tag, though, costing around ₤ 133,000!

Then we pertain to the AMG C63. It's powered by a 2-litre 4-cylinder turbo coupled with an electric motor. Integrated these produce an amazing 680hp and 1,020 Nm of torque! This power is sent to all 4 wheels by means of a 9-speed automated transmission, and it weighs in at 2,190 kg. However, although it weighs more than the AMG, it includes a smaller sized price tag, costing around ₤ 100,000.

So the AMG has more power, but will it snatch the win? There's only one way to learn … LET'S RACE!


91 responses to “New AMG C63 v Audi RS7 Performance: DRAG RACE”

  1. @idontknow33352 Avatar

    Monday mornings are a little easier with Carwow!

    1. @velkoto1 Avatar

      Bro its like 13:00 here

    2. @doordonotthereisnotry6796 Avatar

      Yup just that much easier

    3. @idontknow33352 Avatar

      @@velkoto1 there’s these things called time zones

    4. @esprogamer9445 Avatar

      In my area it’s currently 15:49 here😅

    5. @ndegwa_1 Avatar

      well lunch breaks are easier with Carwow from this side of the world

  2. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @CSTechExplorer Avatar

      audi fans —–>

    2. @OtshelengOlaotse-rt5it Avatar

      Mat can you drag race yianis revuelto with the sf90 v turbos v Toms revuelto v 765lt

    3. @d3struct0r14 Avatar


    4. @A.S.8.9. Avatar

      Your description has a mistake 😃 it states in the Merc description that the AMG is heavier than the AMG 😃

    5. @d3struct0r14 Avatar

      @@A.S.8.9. huh?

  3. @CooperGrima Avatar


    1. @thadynakat Avatar


    2. @kgotlakaygeemogotsi8854 Avatar


    3. @Reppintimefitness Avatar


    4. @MyHandleIsVeryCool Avatar

      “no car DRAG RACE”

    5. @kingboss6113 Avatar


  4. @habibbouazzamarouf1582 Avatar

    Rs7 vs M5cs vs GT63SE
    WE want this

    1. @ImanSengupta2102 Avatar


    2. @kyledavies4651 Avatar

      I agree.

    3. @calvinampofo7159 Avatar

      I agree with that

    4. @heberjulio6303 Avatar


    5. @gesucristo9256 Avatar

      Mettete like 😂

  5. @rayanhbeash5927 Avatar

    It seems like audi is more focused on performance since they stopped producing the R8

    1. @MonicaHolly143 Avatar

      They are more focused on making money, supercars don’t make money sedans and suv does that’s why bmw dont even care to launch a supercar

    2. @gapininja Avatar

      The r8 was cancelled due to regulations and not sales, you know nothing about audi….​@@MonicaHolly143

    3. @98765432139267 Avatar

      Super cars don’t make money? Lol Ferrari and Mcleren and Porsche makes crazy profits on their super cars then most of the sedan

    4. @MonicaHolly143 Avatar

      ​@@98765432139267urus is the most sold lambo

    5. @legaspiferdinandb.5278 Avatar

      ​@@98765432139267porsche and lambo is still here becuz of cayenne and urus actually 😂 go look search up their most sold vehicles
      Ferrari is also now selling suv to copy lambo and mclarens is also planning in the future

  6. @dandylion1987 Avatar

    RS7 performance is a quick car. And looks better, and sounds better. No comaprison

    1. @BugMagnet Avatar

      Sure does.
      Would be humiliating if it did not given it is 30% more expensive.

    2. @emmakeuken7436 Avatar

      Looks are subjective, rs7 doesnt sound great either but still better than that 4banger. And a c63 should be compared with an rs4…

    3. @dandylion1987 Avatar

      @BugMagnet  residuals will be better, so “Expensive” depends on context. C63 4 cylinders are basically unwanted.

    4. @bpislove7065 Avatar

      Obv, the C63 is the wagon version, its not gonna look good

  7. @ImanSengupta2102 Avatar


    1. @prayasdash Avatar

      Not just ‘GT63’ but the ‘GT63S E Performance!!”

    2. @austinaustin2751 Avatar


      But still we know the results 😊

    3. @CalmSteven Avatar

      @@ImanSengupta2102 let’s do it🙃

    4. @ntethebongani8842 Avatar

      ​@@prayasdash lol gt63 pro

    5. @ImanSengupta2102 Avatar

      @@prayasdash not that, that uses hybrid technology i.e. electric motors with a big V8

      And if it is user against m5cs, it will definately win, the normal gt63 is compatible with the other two being only ICE power.👍🏻

  8. @AdrianPortelli0fficial Avatar

    There’s a reason those 4 cylinder c63s haven’t been selling well

    1. @ApothecaryTerry Avatar

      Same problem as a lot of new Mercs and the new M5 – people can’t buy them until they reinforce all the local bridges.

    2. @ngc-fo5te Avatar

      Yeah, overpriced by 40K

    3. @owamamazongolo8200 Avatar

      I have seen some people buy it though, but you are right

    4. @verynice8830 Avatar

      I live in a relatively wealthy area and I have yet to see just one on the roads. I have no idea what Mercedes was thinking making the new C63

    5. @ivailoivanov01 Avatar

      @@ApothecaryTerry LMAOOO

  9. @gordonmills2748 Avatar

    Not that I can afford either, but the RS7 would be my choice. It’s not the 4 banger in the Merc. It’s that interior. The Audi is clean and understated. The Benz is “look at all this cool tech! Here’s some ambient lighting! Don’t worry about the quality, it looks good!”

    1. @jrex3575 Avatar

      Merc and their shiny glossy chrome-y sparkly trim everywhere virtually every model every year. So feminine.😂

    2. @zulchemical Avatar

      same, i actually prefer merc exterior looks but their interior is meh, even more compared to audi

    3. @wallenb2839 Avatar

      Mercedes interior quality is far better though.

    4. @Kelle128 Avatar

      ​@@wallenb2839 That is absolutely not true. Gloss black plastics aren’t quality.

    5. @IGNT_ Avatar

      Believe !. If You really want it, work towards it.

  10. @fabulousfab5287 Avatar

    That sewing machine sound for 100k… just amazing…😅

    1. @Youcallthesebagels_ Avatar

      They sound nearly the same if you watched the video 😂

    2. @stasy3481 Avatar

      @@Youcallthesebagels_no they do not

    3. @xali2008 Avatar

      @@Youcallthesebagels_ you can put Akrapovic exhaust on Audi, and it will sound amazing.
      Mercedes, on the other hand, not much you can do.

    4.  Avatar

      @@Youcallthesebagels_ it’s the soft limiter. Take it off the Audi and it sounds insane already. Or get a better exhaust

  11. @BIGGELATO Avatar

    **C45 E-Performance vs. RS7 Performance**

    1. @nirfz Avatar

      _C20e-performance_ 😉
      (the A45 and A35 should be A20’s too.)

    2. @AnatoliyKrastev Avatar

      yeah, should be gt63s vs rs7perf 639hp vs 630hp vs. m5cs 635hp

    3. @Patatasfritas2000 Avatar

      Independently tested, the m5cs has 744hp

    4. @softroseforyou7457 Avatar

      Wrong! It should be E63S E Performance vs RS7 Performance.

  12. @prayasdash Avatar

    Guess we’ll never get the M5 CS vs RS 7 Performance vs AMG GT 63S E Performance!
    It’s always the other combos except this, which most people actually want!

    1. @PabloEscobar-nr3ic Avatar

      I really want to see the rs7 perf vs m5 cs

    2. @jacquincedras Avatar

      M5 CS makes around 700hp so its kind of obvious

    3. @PabloEscobar-nr3ic Avatar

      @@jacquincedras what 700? It s 640hp m5 ce

    4. @jacquincedras Avatar

      @PabloEscobar-nr3ic the m5 comp probably makes 640. 640hp isn’t the true hp output of the M5CS

  13. @mahmoudyassen8444 Avatar

    Nick actually looks like kings from middle ages 😂

    1. @Freddy_Confetti Avatar


    2. @angrysocialjusticewarrior Avatar

      one of the*

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Kings from Middle ages?

    4. @ohshitherewegoagain2864 Avatar

      إنجليزى ده يا مرسي

  14. @Rzaoutlaw Avatar

    when the RS is at full tilt, it sounds like a spitfire! splendid

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      When fully upgraded it also goes as fast as HKS 180SX DRAG CAR.

  15. @jacobrev6567 Avatar

    I much prefer the Audi RS7 actually

  16. @russell3436 Avatar

    We don’t care how fast that new C63 is, no one gives a toss about a 4 banger C63

    1. @dusuandersonlee Avatar

      i planned to get one then i saw 2.0 Lt 4 Cyl, i said to myself, im going to get W205 V8.

    2. @russell3436 Avatar

      @@dusuandersonlee my personal favourite AMG is the W204 C63

    3. @stevp372 Avatar

      ⁠@@russell3436can’t beat the sound of that 6.2 V8 for sure

    4. @dstewusa7054 Avatar

      I got a 1 owner 2015 C63 507 Coupe if you got $75K 🙂
      Only going up in value

  17. @raheemmustapher Avatar

    Mat please give us our dream drag race. An RS7 Performance going up against an M5 CS and GT63 S!

  18. @YousufAnasChowdhury Avatar

    I just love how in every race that that rs7 is in its always neck and neck until it remembers what it is and just stakes off. 😂😂 what a creation

  19. @Siscahunter-r2x Avatar

    8:56, “3rd gear from 50mph”
    Proceeds to show Speedo of RS7 reading 94mph?! Weird editing guys

    1. @OkOk-qd2mb Avatar

      typical audi dashboard

    2. @mateidobrescu6545 Avatar

      ​@@OkOk-qd2mb kilometres per hour

    3. @OkOk-qd2mb Avatar

      @@mateidobrescu6545 it said mph

    4. @bollemann2582 Avatar

      @@OkOk-qd2mbIt isn’t the dashboard though?? They clearly edited it wrong. Since it was doing 90mph in 4th gear..

    5. @hristiyanhristov2874 Avatar


  20. @VirginiaMahon-o2o Avatar

    I’d much prefer the cars not having cameras on their exteriour to honestly present their performance and aero. Ik some camera angles work best with the cameras on the outside, but you might be able to work around that.

    1. @rekcufrehtoM-olleH Avatar

      600+ hp, big heavy cars with a bunch of electronic systems inside and 2 tiny cameras should affect something? Maybe -0,00001 seconds. The aerodynamics (downforce, cw value) aren’t bothered by these tiny objects.

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