Conducting with BMW Gesture control!


20 responses to “Conducting with BMW Gesture control!”

  1. @tomrede Avatar

    It’s exhaust? 😂

  2. @EvaDickerson-bj5gj Avatar

    Ich schaue mir dieses Video immer wieder an. Was sind deine Lieblingsmomente? Lass uns eine Liste epischer Momente in den Kommentaren erstellen! 📝🎬😃😃 3 🌠!

  3. @MilaWatson18 Avatar

    Keep up the good work! Your ideas are always fresh and original.🟠💟❣️

  4. @EvaPatrinko Avatar

    Toller Ausgleich zwischen Information und Unterhaltung. Das verleiht Ihrem Inhalt einen zusätzlichen Wert. 💚💚 _ 🌇!

  5. @skyhot Avatar

    Hi from Russia

  6. @SophiaVances Avatar

    Great choice! This is my must-see content every time.💚💚💚 ^ 🏋️*

  7. @Franziska-ty5mx Avatar

    The meticulous attention to detail is an art form. Each frame feels meticulously crafted.😘

  8. @itisallaboutspeed Avatar

    as a car content creator i approve this video

  9. @bsodgamer1234 Avatar


  10. @goodsy3 Avatar


  11. @markohosni4970 Avatar

    Useless gimmicks… my friend got new bmw and he wanted to show me car, as i sit in there and talk i switched music with my hand😂

  12. @tiyani3154 Avatar

    Why are there so many bots on this comments section?

  13. @Floh2802 Avatar

    Will the BMW spray its wiper fluid if I make a thrusting 👆 handsignal?

  14. @JoshW-qk4jf Avatar

    I wonder, when this feature decides to die, are people really going to go through the effort and cost to repair it?

  15. @moksetharous9639 Avatar

    Amazing just im gonna say
    اللهم أرزقنا ياالله ☝️

  16. @philippestrickler3461 Avatar

    Are you director of an orchestra ???? Thank you MAT.

  17. @GourabDas05 Avatar

    Feature for Gen Z Beethoven’s ?

  18. @Manchler Avatar

    Parents: why are you swinging ur arm?
    Me:look and wait

  19. @WSKRBSCT Avatar

    I’ll take ‘Things I Don’t Need’ for $1000, Alex.

  20. @Tzhz Avatar

    Its amazing that they continue to try and sell failed models

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