600hp Toyota Supra v 700hp Nissan Silvia: DRAG RACE

Thanks to everyone for providing us their cars for this race:

: @GeoByLukeReviews
– Toyota Supra:
– Toyota Supra:

It's time for an amazing tuned !

We've got Mat lining up in a slightly tuned Toyota Supra, and he's about to take on a massively tuned Silvia S15!

So let's see how these two compare. Starting with the Supra, it's typically geared up with a 3-litre straight-six turbo. Nevertheless, it has a couple of mods done to it, consisting of switching the turbo with a hybrid turbo, and it's had an ECU tune. These mods cost around ₤ 6,000, and as a result, it can now produce 600hp! This power is sent to the rear wheels via an 8-speed automated gearbox.

Then we have the S15. It's geared up with a 2.2-litre 4-cylinder engine, however this is no normal engine – it's been fully constructed specifically for this ! As an outcome, it has the ability to produce an incredible 700hp! In regards to the expense of the mods, it's oh-so-much more than the Supra, costing at least ₤ 80,000!! What's more, this likewise has one huge downside compared to the Toyota – it's equipped with a 6-speed manual gearbox!

So the Silvia has 100hp more than the Supra, however will the lack of an automated transmission prove decisive? There's just one way to discover … LET'S RACE!

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90 responses to “600hp Toyota Supra v 700hp Nissan Silvia: DRAG RACE”

  1. carwow Avatar


    1. Harrison Kyle Avatar
      Harrison Kyle


    2. RobertLewandowskiPlaysGames Avatar


    3. 𒅒𒇫𒄆𒇫𒄆𒀱𒂝 Avatar


    4. My crazy reviews Avatar
      My crazy reviews

      I was 1 second faster 😏

    5. Modellissimo 1:87 Avatar
      Modellissimo 1:87

      😂😂 yeah congratulations ❤❤

  2. Michael Porter Avatar
    Michael Porter

    Luke is such a good guy

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      And also cool.

    2. Critical Avatar

      He is what we call a cigarette in the UK.

    3. S Avatar

      @Critical why so mean lmao 😂

    4. Asif Noaman Avatar
      Asif Noaman

      is that a GTC VXR? Gang!😂

    5. Michael Porter Avatar
      Michael Porter

      @Asif Noaman it is mate 🤙🏾😂

  3. Sardor Khakimov Avatar
    Sardor Khakimov

    We all know what silvia made for

    1. Chen He Avatar
      Chen He

      well, certainly silvia requires more traction

    2. Evann Music Avatar
      Evann Music

      We know

    3. Денис Инпушкин Avatar
      Денис Инпушкин

      Circuit racing?)))

    4. Chuck Norris Avatar
      Chuck Norris

      Circuit racing? No. I’ll give you a clue: “ding ding ding ding..ding”

    5. Jace Johnson Avatar
      Jace Johnson

      @Chuck Norris tokyo drift song

  4. Sam Anson Avatar
    Sam Anson

    Silvia sounds like a beast

    1. ShutterPunk - Walks through Night City Avatar
      ShutterPunk – Walks through Night City

      Much like a Silvia should 👌

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      ​@ShutterPunk – Walks through Night Citymuch also like Daishin Silvia.

    3. It's Red Racer Avatar
      It’s Red Racer

      YEAP 😊👍

  5. Sam Anson Avatar
    Sam Anson

    I do love these modified drag races 👌

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Wish we got Konnersport Butler Global Racing F1 vs 700bhp Toyota Supra drag races.

    2. Kleon Causapin Avatar
      Kleon Causapin

      ​@Purwanti Allanthe supra has no chance

  6. Liam Berry Avatar
    Liam Berry

    That S15 absolutely rips 😮 and the sound of it is insane

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yep. Even the Xanavi Arta Silvia got outclassed in terms of sounds against this Silvia.

  7. Asanda Siyabonga Avatar
    Asanda Siyabonga

    Sound Test: 2:31
    Drag race 1: 4:00
    Drag race 2: 4:39
    Rolling race 1: 6:00
    Rolling race 2: 6:52
    Rolling race 3: 8:03
    Rolling race 4: 9:00

    1. ghuldorgrey Avatar

      the only comment to upvote

    2. Vynx Avatar


    3. Erik Pacic Avatar
      Erik Pacic

      You have too much time on your hands lad.

    4. EMANUEL1500 Avatar

      no brake test 🙁

    5. InternetEntity Avatar

      ​@EMANUEL1500Shame, 80k modifying the S15, so I presume the owner did it properly and the suspension & brakes are sorted too…

  8. AGD White Avatar
    AGD White

    6k pounds to take your car up to 600hp is great! What a amazing engine the B58 is 💪 but that Silvia… 🤤

    1. Nathawat Udkanta Avatar
      Nathawat Udkanta

      4cyl & 6cyl 😮

    2. Largeone1968 Avatar

      I’ve the B58 in my Z4 and it’s stage 2 tuned (around 480bhp)
      100bhp more is available with a £2k hybrid turbo. Tempting 😂

    3. AGD White Avatar
      AGD White

      @Largeone1968 So tempting of course, beautiful car 💪

    4. Kealeboga Pelotshweu Avatar
      Kealeboga Pelotshweu

      @Largeone1968 do it 😉😏

  9. BigStreetGuns Avatar

    That Silvia sounds like a machine gun. Deadly good.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yep. So did the 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo with 900bhp.

    2. GockartzŹ Avatar

      Ngl not a fan of the sound

    3. Grover08 Avatar

      ​@gockartzz8272 same. It’s literally loud noise, nothing nice about it.
      Sounds alright from inside the supra though for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

    4. GockartzŹ Avatar

      @Grover08 supra could sound better if it rev higher

    5. Oh ok Avatar
      Oh ok

      @GockartzŹit’s like one of those cars that fart instead of rev up

  10. AlphaJ Avatar

    We need a drift race between these two

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      What about drift battle between HKS GENKI Silvia and Blitz D1 ER34 2007 model?

    2. Gay cha Avatar
      Gay cha

      No we don’t

    3. Legend Avatar

      @Gay cha I know right talking about drifting lmao

    4. sajsed2 Avatar

      Hell No !!!

  11. X Zilla Avatar
    X Zilla

    That 2nd rolling was a cheeky hold back and accelerate before go. Matt called it out on the 3rd 🤣

    1. Jack Tompsett Avatar
      Jack Tompsett

      I think that’s why he changed up his warning for starting the race 😂

    2. bunter6 Avatar

      Yet he also said no boost building after just trying to do the same by using his anti-lag in the second roll 🤣

    3. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      ​@Jack Tompsettyep. Just to easily jumped the start. Again 🤦

    4. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      ​@bunter6no doubt.

    5. Indigo Foxx Avatar
      Indigo Foxx

      Rules for thee, not for me

  12. Geo By Luke Reviews Avatar
    Geo By Luke Reviews

    Great opportunity to be part of this video! Really appreciate carwow! Thank you 🙌🏽

    1. Ashish Gautam Avatar
      Ashish Gautam

      wicked car you got 🔥👏🙌

    2. Geo By Luke Reviews Avatar
      Geo By Luke Reviews

      @Ashish Gautam Thanks mate!

    3. Lee Avatar

      Nice work fella. Super quick gearshifts too 👌

    4. Darshan Naidoo Avatar
      Darshan Naidoo

      Absolutely legendary car🔥. Is this the same s15 that went viral drifting past the super cars at a car meet?👀

    5. Thompson Motshome Avatar
      Thompson Motshome

      @luke u are a legend bro . . . . . Thanks for blessing us with your beast!

  13. Anton Floor Avatar
    Anton Floor

    700 hp and very very clean shifting, it’s golden combo

    1. Narcis Preda Avatar
      Narcis Preda

      You call that a good shifting ? 😂😂😂😂 he missed a lot of gears

    2. lamakicker69 Avatar

      @Narcis Preda yes that’s good shifting…even the best manual drivers in the world aren’t going to shift faster than that Supras automatic ZF8 .

    3. mastodon Avatar

      @lamakicker69 u mentioned the really important fact
      i would give an award if i could

    4. Narcis Preda Avatar
      Narcis Preda

      @lamakicker69 i cant even shift like an smg. But the guy in the silvia had very worse gear shifts at dragrace

  14. kojo anyomedie Avatar
    kojo anyomedie

    Luke’s gear changes are wicked!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Lanzhu Zhong also matched Luke’s gear changes.

    2. Marcel K Avatar
      Marcel K

      @Purwanti Allan totally agree

    3. Taylor Kirkham Avatar
      Taylor Kirkham

      Wicked bad

    4. lamakicker69 Avatar

      @Taylor Kirkham you don’t know what you’re talking about lol

  15. Sarasij Ghosh Avatar
    Sarasij Ghosh

    I remember Luke and that S15 from Officially Gassed. It’s built for drifting and surprisingly didn’t do too badly in the drag race

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Luke should try get his hands at DAISHIN SILVIA GT300.

    2. Zikhr Avatar

      First saw it in the drift meme from Amsterdam (Used to be black)

    3. Cal OR Avatar
      Cal OR

      Proper drift cars have loads of grip

  16. Kisi3L Avatar

    Mat is giving us what we actually want to see in the Fast&Furious movies nowadays. God bless carwow.

    1. Shawn Avatar

      Newer Fast & Furious movies are absolutely terrible nowadays

    2. Antonio Hagopian Avatar
      Antonio Hagopian

      It’s all about “saving the world” now

    3. Josh Reynolds Avatar
      Josh Reynolds

      Well knowing anything about cars was all ready exploited in their first movie therefore what else is left 🤣. It ain’t about cars 🤣

    4. Shawn Avatar

      If you are a car enthusiasts I recommend watch Ford VS Ferrari 2019 it’s a great movie about cars

    5. Souk Khanhsila Avatar
      Souk Khanhsila

      ​@Shawn that movie isn’t about cars but rather the relationship of the Shelby and miles. F&f are actual car movies.

  17. Kabo Khaile Avatar
    Kabo Khaile

    Those are the best shifts I’ve seen in a while 😭🔥🔥 this guy is talented

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      These cars are absolute fire.

    2. Taylor Kirkham Avatar
      Taylor Kirkham

      You’re kidding right😂

    3. Glenn R. Avatar
      Glenn R.

      He obviously missed a gear in the second race. He was desperately fumbling and trying to jam it into gear in the in-car shot.

  18. Jordan Bain Avatar
    Jordan Bain

    Luke’s gear changes are unreal!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yep. As amazing as Nico Hulkenberg.

  19. Magnus Andersen Avatar
    Magnus Andersen

    Luke did an amazing job launching that Silvia, especially in the 2nd drag!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Luke never jumped the start unlike Mat Watson.

  20. Eric Britton Avatar
    Eric Britton

    Wow! These were the most awesome 5 races I have ever seen. The first 2 races, I was having difficulty believing the S15 Silvia was pushing 700hp, but the final 3 races made me a believer.

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