Why is EVERYONE hating on the NEW BMW M5

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The time has come for Mat to examine the brand !

Now it's fair to say that the has had a fair little bit of criticism tossed its method considering that it was unveiled back in June, however is everything justified? Mat's ready to take a closer look and learn.

Beginning with the style, there's no denying that it has a quite aggressive look to it. There's a big front bumper that includes enormous air intakes, while there's also a large blacked-out M grille which can even light up in the evening! Along the side, there are side skirts and M side mirrors, while at the back there's an insane diffuser-styled bumper, coupled with quad tailpipes! It's even possible to add a carbon fibre roof too.

Step inside and you'll find a traditional M interior, with a big diving digital dial and infotainment screen. There are loads of M touches also, including the M steering wheel, M sports seats, and even M pedals! There's great deals of soft-touch material throughout, and a great deal of M performance concealed in the infotainment system.

Under the bonnet, the is still powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8. Nevertheless, it's now also a hybrid, so when the engine and electric motor combine it produces 727hp and 1,000 Nm of torque! However of course, the hybrid system enormously adds to the weight, with the M5 clocking in at 2,435 kg!

All in, the brand-new M5 costs from around ₤ 111,000. So is it worth it ?! You'll need to stick with Mat to see for yourself!

00:00 Intro
00:58 Engine
01:51 Dyno Test
03:56 0-60 & 1/4-mile
06:35 Revs
06:48 Brakes
07:36 Driving Convenience
09:02 Business and truck
10:28 Design
11:28 Interior
12:22 Appearances
13:01 Driving Modes
14:54 Weight
16:09 Back Road Driving
17:22 Options
18:27 Interior Materials
19:00 Verdict


97 responses to “Why is EVERYONE hating on the NEW BMW M5”

  1. @arnisonxxvi Avatar

    New BMW’s looking fresh off Roblox.

    1. @BradBrown95 Avatar


    2. @srbjbt746 Avatar

      Looks really good IRL its so wide and muscular

    3. @lolpartyparrot Avatar

      ​@@srbjbt746 looks bulky and fat

    4. @PL-fj4uq Avatar

      @@srbjbt746 it has a rear light cluster that looks like it’s from a modern Skoda and the entire car looks generic with some sporty bits stuck on

    5. @srbjbt746 Avatar

      @@PL-fj4uq No it does not look like Skoda and Purosangue does not look like KIA stop hating what you cant afford.

  2. @yiannimize Avatar

    Where is the drag race.. Saturday is drag race day on car wow 😢

    1. @Presto_001 Avatar

      That’s what I’m saying!

    2. @トヨタプリウス_PHEV Avatar

      It looks worse than the Lexus es. The Mercedes bmw can’t beat the Lexus anymore, and the sales are always overwhelmingly high by the Lexus. And the German car is not worth seeing now. I’d definitely buy the Lexus es300h

    3. @timothy6049 Avatar

      Please tell Matt: “M5 cs vs R8 GT? 😢

    4. @Hamood_1995 Avatar

      PLLLLEASE mat any drag race with yanni we miss him so much 😭😭

    5. @landish7338 Avatar


  3. @mickyp2006 Avatar

    Dyno is a nice touch. Should do it more often.

    1. @timothy6049 Avatar

      M5 cs vs R8 GT? 😢 start commenting this from now one we need it

    2. @Keksteig82 Avatar

      @@timothy6049but why

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      No doubt. Dyno performance testing could be a crucial factor.

  4. @carwow Avatar

    VOTE: E34 M5

    1. @biasedsherman Avatar

      This is the only correct answer

    2. @Finito1-m7h Avatar

      I had the last year run 3.8 e34 before buying the e39 m5 in 2002. The e34 had the looks but struggled elsewhere. I loved the e39, but other than being ideally sized, it is not a patch on my current f90.

    3. @ayamahei1393 Avatar

      For the MEN .

  5. @carwow Avatar

    VOTE: E60 M5

    1. @spookyreaper1702 Avatar

      Hell yea🍻🍻

    2. @hdizzy2497 Avatar

      Lighter w/ a v10


      @@carwow 👍

    4. @AlexNae-lf4tx Avatar

      The Best

    5. @DraganMecanov Avatar

      I have a friend with a bmw E60 V10 with 600hp

  6. @carwow Avatar

    VOTE: F10 M5

    1. @mostafaayman6295 Avatar

      The forgotten.

    2. @blagovukovicbarbieri2046 Avatar

      Where is E39 M5?

    3. @minuraedirisinghe9359 Avatar

      The most beautiful and Fav

    4. @i20010 Avatar

      Before it went out of control…

    5. @Revheadrev Avatar

      I’m in the privileged position to own an F10 LCI as my daily. It’s amazing. So subtle and understated. It’s a joy to get in it every time, always puts a smile on my face.

  7. @carwow Avatar

    VOTE: F90 M5

    1. @JerainJezza Avatar

      FYI my F90 M5 was weighed 1825kg without fuel and driver on the scales… Driven many M cars but the F90 M5 is the best allrounder, it can do everything.

    2. @jatingupta21 Avatar

      That F90 M5 is the best looking BMW ever. So sharp and perfect, perfect, perfect.

    3. @mtx1212 Avatar

      Isn’t this obvious?😂😂😂

    4. @TheFootballAndWWEEditGuy Avatar

      Best looking

    5. @Ren_1106 Avatar

      I prefer the F90 M5 in terms of the “Last” pure Petrol V8 engine without any BS Plugin Hybrid system that makes the car heavier and raw power.

  8. @aaa-c7z5e Avatar

    The M5 Competition F90 achieved a 0-60 mph time of 2.9 seconds and a 1/4-mile time of 10.9 seconds. In comparison, the new M5 G90 clocks in at 3.5 seconds for 0-60 mph and 11.3 seconds for the 1/4-mile. This performance gap is the primary reason many people are disappointed with the new M5 G90.

    1. @vishrudh8285 Avatar

      There will be a competition version of the g90 m5 this the base version

    2. @Shadowboost Avatar

      ​@vishrudh8285 base model should be faster than the previous competition

    3. @danielshinerock1526 Avatar

      Fiat 500 is quicker.

    4. @aaa-c7z5e Avatar

      ​@vishrudh8285 So far, I haven’t come across any reliable sources confirming that a Competition version will be released. I doubt one will be introduced. Adding more power would require a larger battery, which is costly and takes up additional space. Moreover, increasing the V8’s output is unlikely due to EU7 environmental emission regulations.

    5. @Cain353 Avatar

      And the “old” M5 weighed 1.9 tons. This weighs close to 600 kg more….

      That’s just stupid.

      We’re now at a point where a full electric equivalent is lighter than this…

      Why pay a stupid amount of money for this with piss poor sound (you can barely hear the V8) and a cumbersome hybrid system when you can pay the same amount of money for a MUCH faster and lighter electric car?

      This or an Audi RS E Tron GT?
      2450 kg vs 2350 kg?
      780 hp or 925 hp?
      0-60 in 3.4 seconds or 2.5 seconds?
      1/4 mile in 11.3 seconds or 9.9 seconds?

      Why would anyone still buy this overpriced, overweight piece of scrap metal?

  9. @anonblikret6240 Avatar

    E39 M5 is still a proper classic

    1. @negrusz Avatar

      the best. the reason why its left out of the vote list? 🙂

    2. @katzicael Avatar

      It’s the most *HANDSOME* car BMW ever made.

    3. @ccraig4399 Avatar


    4. @wassimkhazzaka6360 Avatar


    5. @mattyb1624 Avatar

      ​@katzicael that title belongs to the E31 8 series

  10. @kjosh3151 Avatar

    Mat basically said: the new M5 is ugly, doesn’t handle that well(possibly the worst thing to say for a new M car), expensive, and rather cheap feeling inside. So no high points in the important areas for this class of car.

    BMW really are out of their minds these days.

    1. @carleddison7479 Avatar

      As Mat says, why would you buy this behemoth over the M3 Touring?

    2. @Pugjamin Avatar

      He didn’t say it doesn’t handle well. He said it handles extremely well, but isn’t as exciting as the feedback is masked due to the weight.

    3. @v8rockz Avatar

      heard the same thing about the M2 a few years ago, now look at the videos the last months. Most of them more than positive…

    4. @ClarionCaww Avatar

      This is an ugly car. End of story. People like expensive cars because they are usually good looking and fast. This car might be fast, but it’s pig ugly 🐖

    5. @Hamsteak Avatar

      ​@v8rockz That always happens with BMW. People appreciate them more over time

  11. @MatWatsonCars Avatar

    Listen carefully – I said ‘UNLIKE’ Ali not ‘AND LIKE’. It’s my mumbling Brummie accent. Do you really think ANYONE would say Ali had no personality? Blimey…

    1. @Bibanbora007 Avatar

      I love BMW F90,E60🇩🇪 And I like your videos

    2. @トヨタプリウス_PHEV Avatar

      No, the Lexus es looks much better. The Mercedes bmw can’t beat the Lexus anymore, and the sales are always overwhelmingly high by the Lexus. And the German car is not worth seeing now. I would definitely buy the Lexus es300h

    3. @qas.00 Avatar

      You nearly caused a riot with that comment

    4. @LukeHargreaves-s6d Avatar

      Relistened 😅👍🏻🤣

    5. @Lohse_dos2 Avatar


  12. @averageyoutubeuser9483 Avatar

    They call Dodge Chargers and Challengers boats, but sadly this M5 is an entire cruise ship

    1. @esthetics4512 Avatar


    2. @sunnyd5944 Avatar

      That would most likely gap the other boats

    3. @993mike Avatar

      I love the “track mode” on this huge beast. With this weight the brakes would be on fire after 3 laps.

    4. @andrecardoso6941 Avatar

      I thought the same but then I saw it live and it looks much better in person. Still a clear downgrade from what BMW’s used to to look like.

    5. @pokest225 Avatar

      One thing doesn’t negate the other. Dodges are boats.

  13. @TheCluelessEnthusiast Avatar

    Before watching the video i want to answer the title of the video
    1. It’s heavy af
    2. It’s hybrid
    3. It looks like a car from GTA that tries to imitate a BMW

    Yes its fast, yes its powerful, yes it would smoke most production 4 door sedans. But speed and power isn’t everything. The Tesla Plaid would smoke just about any other production ICE car, but a lot of car enthusiasts would prefer an ICE car regardless of how much slower it is

    1. @NamesAreRandom Avatar

      Honestly if you want an ICE car then the massive benefit is weight as light weight makes for fun handling. Even the old M5 would cost a fortune to track yet is far to fast to drive aggressively on a public road, you want something smaller. For the cost of this you could afford your Tesla for the road (much much cheaper to run, faster in a straight line) and something like a Yaris GR to throw around at the weekends (cheap to run on a track, and massive fun).

    2. @kronik9317 Avatar

      one of your reasons for hating it because it’s a hybrid is absolutely outrageous. there are so many other hybrid sports, super and hyper cars out there yet no one hates them for being a hybrid. also that 3rd point just isn’t true

    3. @popsbubbles1242 Avatar


    4. @scott8934 Avatar

      @@kronik9317in my defense, I hate those too. I get it if it’s a supercar. At the crazy price point I expect it to be expensive to repair or maintain, but the M5 will historically depreciate to a point that I can afford it, and if battery or motor replacement is added to the equation, I now can’t.

    5. @windi1982 Avatar

      True. But it’s hate for nothing!

      All those petrol–engines will be gone sooner or later? In 10–15 years? A V8? You can search for them in museums!

      Give Tesla and Co. another ten years, i mean electric cars are bloody young and they smoke and outperform almost everything, another ten years of evolution and nobody will talk about ICE cars again. A dying technology.

      You don’t even need the Plaid! The S Performance smoked the 720HP RS6 from my friend easily, and the S Performance costs not even half the money of the RS. That are statements!

  14. @stevehall3 Avatar

    I grew up with a dad who drove 5 series BMW’s and various Audi cars. This influence sparked a passion for German cars that I have held til this day. Now 53 and I must say that, to me it seems like these manufacturers are all in a race to get somewhere that I have no interest in going.

    1. @BakangPrivv Avatar

      Don’t wanna be that guy,but they could be targeting the newer generation,I mean most featured here I doubt a lot of people you age would understand, the time those in their 20s are old I think they will appreciate these models, but time will tell 17:11

    2. @v4skunk739 Avatar

      Nothing wrong with hybrid. And this is the stock m5. Let’s see what they do with the CS.

    3. @Sha-Ayo Avatar

      Yeah I agree with you, I’m in my 20s and I personally don’t see any issues with this car that would make me lose interest in it​@@BakangPrivv

    4. @philc1773 Avatar

      Me too!

    5. @rs22296 Avatar

      I don’t know who they think are going to buy these cars. The demographic that can afford them doesn’t like them.

  15. @TheHomeExpert5 Avatar

    The reason people hate it is the same reason they hate all new bmws, they are hideous to look at.

    1. @BURG Avatar

      Sad but true 😅

    2. @garymalone547 Avatar

      Don’t mind this one, but colours aside I like the concept Jag lol.

  16. @reinhardtkk Avatar

    As a former BMW owner and admirer BMW is definitely going down the fugly road. It all started with Chris Bangle

    1. @Cuzzazbuzz Avatar

      I remember his 6 series looked like they said ‘there you go, all done. Bollocks, who forgot to fit the boot!”

  17. @paultaylor9652 Avatar

    That car looks horrendous, the technology looks like a gamer designed it.

  18. @GregoryPinto-s3g Avatar

    My main gripes with this new M5 is the overtly angular and bulky bodywork, especially around the rear wheel arches. The front grill is hideous. It used to have a quality and proper design with vertical vanes and chrome outline. Now it is a couple of black Tupperware lids with holes cut in them. It looks cheap and unresolved. The weight is appalling. More mass, more weight, absurd power yet slower than previous generation. This is not a way forward for M cars nor any performance model.

    1. @marclangman4836 Avatar

      Some chrome would go a long way to improve the overall look of the car.

  19. @kgmfer Avatar

    This was the most kindest way to say “This car you should avoid like the plague, it’s ugly and is not a proper M car.”

    1. @garymalone547 Avatar

      can’t bite the hand that feeds.

  20. @norwegianblue2017 Avatar

    The interior is even uglier than the exterior. I would take a Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing with a manual over this any day. For starters, it is $35k cheaper and is 576kg lighter. What the hell has happened to BMW? Who are they building these boats for?

    1. @eptdy Avatar

      Good luck with that infotainment. 😂😂😂 .

    2. @theexterminator Avatar

      @@eptdy If you require infotainment, get a Kia.

    3.  Avatar

      Really like this a lot , i drive audi

    4. @norwegianblue2017 Avatar

      @@eptdy The Caddy got an all-new system in the 2025 refresh. Looks much better than the carnival show going on in this Beemer.

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