This initial owes you a Porsche!


23 responses to “This initial owes you a Porsche!”

  1. @jayrio9251 Avatar

    Cool interior

  2. @dhruvsanghavi7157 Avatar

    Wait, there a James at carwow, he owes me a Porsche now 🎉

  3. @theawesomeman399 Avatar

    How’s it been only 3 minutes and there’s already more than 6 bots?!

    1. @anomius8112 Avatar

      They instantly comment when a new video is released on pre selected channels

  4. @adityasreekar5308 Avatar

    what the hell are these bots lol

  5. @muaazahmed243 Avatar

    Every Jack, Jake, John, James, Jackson and Jane owes me a Porsche 💀

    1. @faithminz7788 Avatar

      How could you forget Josh . Like literally the most common name in the world.

    2. @T-Bag13 Avatar

      ​@@faithminz7788no it’s not. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

  6. @Scoobywoo7447 Avatar

    I like that interior.

  7. @forlatagate1 Avatar

    Jesus, thank you for my porsches, you owe me nothing, I’m grateful to be blessed amen

  8. @mungolianbeef Avatar

    J-cism will be tolerated

  9. @jivalroopnarian Avatar

    Out of all the letters…

  10. @stre622 Avatar

    Team Porsche ❤

  11. @therealbodidly6521 Avatar

    Well Jerome Jeremy Jimmy James or whoever needs to cough it up I need my Porsche S now please!!!!

  12. @ukwan Avatar

    I owe myself one, I’ve had two. Mission complete ✅

  13. @GobblerGaga Avatar

    Do I owe myself one?

  14. @stevenrees6015 Avatar

    My wife. Jess. I’ll let her know.

  15. @Schmitzelhaus Avatar

    Jesus, you owe me a god damn Porsche,
    i´ll take the S/T or the Speedster. Amen!

  16. @abdurrahmanshaleh4687 Avatar

    J-J-James Bond and John Wick😂

  17. @jaysohoni6003 Avatar

    So I owe myself a porsche. Nice

  18. @dhrubajyotipaul4595 Avatar

    JJ Thompson if you are watching this, i am waiting for my Porsche to arrive any minute now.

  19. @drk-ent Avatar

    Jedi- May the Porsche be with you

  20. @AgentSmith911 Avatar

    My first name starts with a J, so I guess I owe myself a Porsche :^)

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