This Aston Martin has a secret!





24 responses to “This Aston Martin has a secret!”

  1. @mattweeks7142 Avatar

    A perfect match really

  2. @BuzzTec Avatar

    AMG – Aston Martin Garage

    1. @kristokaravoqiri9988 Avatar


  3. @hammon9670 Avatar

    I mean they’ve been using AMG engines and electrical architecture since 2013

    1. @taladon6420 Avatar

      “handbuild by Aston Martin engineers” yeah sure

    2. @car_xd5478 Avatar

      It’s actually the whole engine is an amg

    3. @skidooboy8977 Avatar

      @@car_xd5478 actually it isn’t AM change the heads

  4. @pawes3399 Avatar

    AMG- Aston Martin Genuine

  5. @ericpisch2732 Avatar

    If it’s good enough for Pagani ❤

  6. @money_rock Avatar

    ah yes, pure Aston Martin Group

  7. @Lambo7420 Avatar

    Well martin use amg engine , that’s not a new info.

  8. @KatherineKrause-v2c Avatar

    *Is the secret that it can’t fit my pizza delivery? Asking for a friend… who drives a minivan.*

  9. @hughgarsehotmail Avatar

    Not a secret , come on guys, how do you not know this old news ?

  10. @TonyKimtheamusementparkfan Avatar

    I mean Aston Martin has done this for years now. I don’t see the problem. AMG V8s are amazing.

  11. @SquidwardhatesEVs Avatar

    AMG and Aston Martin, lovely combo.

  12. @georgeth100 Avatar

    For everyone’s information the latest CEO of Aston Martin told the company that the cars weren’t good enough. That is why the latest generation vantage and db12 use different turbos and camshafts then the AMG GT to produce more horsepower. So Aston is modifying the engines and I’ve seen someone else put it but Pagani also uses an AMG engine so don’t complain they just make good engines😂

  13. @ElZamo92 Avatar

    Astons have used Mercedes engines for a long time now…

  14. @conneryates5073 Avatar

    I mean the engine is an AMG engine

  15. @stephenpyrek4726 Avatar

    Aston martin take a good engine and stick the good lucking frame on it, nicer looking car than any Mercedes

  16. @Alex_AVA_Alex Avatar

    Це давно не секрет. Всі двигуни від амг мерседеса. І конвеєр від мерседеса.

  17. @bigstreetguns6619 Avatar

    “Aston Martin Guaranteed”

  18. @samcross3065 Avatar

    Literally eveyone knows that Aston Martin use AMG engines…. As well as Pagani

  19. @jobri06 Avatar

    Look at the steering Wheel

  20. @leonharduhl9501 Avatar

    its not a secret, its a decade long partnership smartiepants

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