Tesla Model X PLAID v Ferrari 296 v McLaren 750S: DRAG RACE

The Black Friday sale is now live:

How's this for an electric vs ICE line-up?!

We've got our hands on a Tesla Design X Plaid, and it's taking on the almighty GTS and a ! All three are mightily outstanding, but how do they compare on paper? Let's take a more detailed look …

Starting with the Tesla, it's powered by three electric motors which integrate to produce 1,020 hp and 1,420 Nm of torque. This power is sent out to all four wheels, and it weighs in at a large 2,464 kg. As new, the Tesla will set you back around ₤ 120,000.

Along with it we have the McLaren. It's powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 that can produce 750hp and 800Nm. This power is sent to the rear wheels via a 7-speed dual clutch automatic transmission, and it suggestions the scales at simply 1,389 kg! As brand-new, the 750S expenses around ₤ 250,000.

Then lastly we have the 296 GTS. It's loading a 3-litre twin-turbo V6 paired with an electric motor, and these combine to put down 830hp and 740Nm. This is delivered to the rear wheels via an 8-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and the automobiles weighs around 1,700 kg. It's the most expensive automobile in this line-up, costing around ₤ 280,000.

Thanks to everyone who assisted set up this race:
: @DrivenPlus
– McLaren 750S:
– McLaren 750S:


88 responses to “Tesla Model X PLAID v Ferrari 296 v McLaren 750S: DRAG RACE”

  1. @Speedy_edits2 Avatar

    The 296 is just amazing!!

    1. @Smzxe Avatar

      @@Speedy_edits2 they didn’t use 720s because it would gap the 296 GTB instead of this slow 750s using it for 3rd time

    2. @Speedy_edits2 Avatar

      @Smzxe  ok

    3. @THIS_IS_SPARTA696 Avatar

      @@Smzxe 720s=9.9 s @ 148.2 mph – 750s=9.8 s @ 145.0 mph – 296 GTB=9.6 s @ 149.6 mph – Source: Fastest Laps

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@Speedy_edits2The looks of 296 GTB is very stylish.

    5. @jameswillard1 Avatar

      @@Smzxethat’s been debunked a million times. Sorry if you have a 720 and you’re so butt hurt that you need to refer to one video that was a total anomaly but I actually owned a 720S up until last year and had the opportunity to drive a 750S at a McLaren event, so I first hand felt the increased speed and how much of a difference the shorter gearing made. It definitely wasn’t slower my friend

  2. @anurag15271 Avatar

    for me 296 is one of best hybrids, sounds much better than sf90 and f80

    1. @tudorneagos3847 Avatar

      maybe sound but, V8>V6 all day for just 0.1 sec

    2. @stasy_whipz Avatar


    3. @stasy_whipz Avatar

      I agree

    4. @josemoura635 Avatar

      V12 ❤

    5. @shroudyrowdy2036 Avatar

      F80 has the same sound as the 296 (same engine , same sound tone) it’s also a bit louder

  3. @yiannimize Avatar

    This race should not work but damn 💨 🤯

    1. @DRFTYPE Avatar

      Shut up Yianni and do the running race with Matt already..

    2. @RustyBezos-l3j Avatar

      Hi I love your channel

    3. @RustyBezos-l3j Avatar

      I will subscribe if you reply to my comment

    4. @Smzxe Avatar

      should have used McLaren 720s
      Instead of this slower 750s for the 3rd time
      Wanted to see what fastest McLaren would do against 296 GTB

    5. @Aatish2k8 Avatar

      Waiting for you to bring that metallic monster to this fray, Yanni.

  4. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-3011

    1. @Paparazzicarventes Avatar

      This is the one race I’ve wanted

    2. @v.t.6890 Avatar

      WTF you loony MAT what nonsense you have SAM available and you guys gave him Model X wait what. We want him on 750 S whenever such sort of races happenes.😮

    3. @jacobrev6567 Avatar


    4. @cloaxzyシ Avatar

      crazy race nil

    5. @cloaxzyシ Avatar


  5. @ALana-wy5ql Avatar

    CLICKBAIT! The Ferrari isn’t red!

    1. @metropcs1099official Avatar

      It is actually grey

    2. @Twin.motors Avatar

      It should be illegal for a Ferrari to not be red

    3. @justuraveragecunt9005 Avatar

      How did u notice that 😭

    4. @taxissch.4204 Avatar

      Nor the Tesla is blue!😆

    5. @ZX-mg5xs Avatar

      The original colour of Ferrari is yellow not red

  6. @nibhedude Avatar

    The 296 is the best all rounder supercar on sale right now (hot take)

    1. @Abhinav-ng2xv Avatar

      Lukewarm take

    2. @jezebulls Avatar

      Too bad it’s hideous

    3. @marcusj8623 Avatar

      Except for looks

    4. @dluu25 Avatar

      until the Temerario comes out.

    5. @nandakrishnanv4026 Avatar

      The only problem is that it looks like a fucking mouse

  7. @LOLA6ifyable Avatar

    “Ferrari is off like a tesla” – not a sentence I ever thought I’d hear

    1. @alexnutcasio936 Avatar

      Correction: Ferrari is off like a Tesla sport utility or minivan. A Model S Plaid would’ve gapped all of these cars.

    2. @thebagnechannel3183 Avatar

      It is if you’ve invested in Tesla stock.

    3. @bavariancarenthusiast2722 Avatar

      @@alexnutcasio936 true until the first corner comes …

    4. @alexnutcasio936 Avatar

      @ who’s racing an X on the track? Fact is,the X gaps them all in a drag or roll-on.

  8. @franco_0347 Avatar

    296 might be the best supercar on the market at the moment

    1. @jonb4248 Avatar

      And is still not as quick as an electric SUV!

    2. @YOLOedit Avatar

      Elaborate why

    3. @playthefakerole Avatar

      In my opinion nope – V6 & it’s reflected in the poor sales

    4. @MajdovZ Avatar

      @@jonb4248quick where? On irrelevant straight airstrip? Car is incredibly ugly also

    5. @VarunTomee-kr6nf Avatar

      @@jonb4248it is quicker watch video again

  9. @sheldzeeking640 Avatar

    3:48 I see Mat finally took Nick’s idea if keeping the walkie talkie on the seatbelt 😅😅😅

  10. @黄龙-p1x Avatar

    296 are just the combination of beauty & beast,not a huge McLaren fan but 750S are indeed amazing.

  11. @lukabosnjak3829 Avatar

    8:18 Plaids start to lose power ever so slightly below 80% and noticeably around and below 50% like in this race… Also the loss is more noticeable at higher speeds from what I’ve seen

    1. @sippycuppp Avatar

      yeah the model X underperformed than normal

    2. @metropcs1099official Avatar

      Probably to protect the battery

    3. @Dayswithryan Avatar

      Where as an ICE car would do this race over and over 😅 the 1000watt microwave just can’t cut it.

    4. @PolyGerman43 Avatar

      Plaid still able to be the mclaren below 40% soc. Impressive!

    5. @audriusbaranauskas6227 Avatar

      @@PolyGerman43 Plaid will never be able to “be” a maclaren.

  12. @funnepic2458 Avatar

    the 296 will be one of the greatest ferrari mark for it value

  13. @mks1702 Avatar

    1:57 I love Rory’s car nerd science. Picking up on small differences like the GTB vs GTS in terms of weight is something that even Matt didnt mention

    1. @powerslider30477 Avatar

      And they didn’t even mention that the 750S here is a spider variant.

    2. @humayoonxpro3220 Avatar

      @@powerslider30477 yea that’s what i said it’s a 750s spider and its a wee bit heavy than it’s”coupe” counterpart

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@powerslider30477The Porsche Boxster S also has a spider variant.

    4. @SirishShrestha-w6z Avatar

      But 720s spider was lighter than coupe ​@@humayoonxpro3220

  14. @noel6812 Avatar

    5:29 Judas from the back😂

    1. @brandonmusic9712 Avatar

      The best

  15. @artinbakhan Avatar

    100% – 50%: Full power – slight reduction in performance
    50%: Noticeable decrease in peak power; limits top speed and acceleration under heavy load
    40%: Performance drops by about 10-20%
    30%: Power is reduced by 20-30%
    20%: Acceleration drops by 30-50%

    1. @GianlucaMoschetti-i1x Avatar

      i need only 400m lol

    2. @kidamere2408 Avatar

      Huh isn’t what alot of other videos show but it’s your fan fiction

    3. @Neojhun Avatar

      @@kidamere2408 WTF That is very much what is shown by drag races. No major power cut until close to 30% battery. It’s also massively annoying to reach that point. If you arrived at the track with 85% it’s still Couple DOZEN runs to get to 40%.

    4. @Neojhun Avatar

      @@kidamere2408 “what alot of other videos show but it’s your fan fiction” Even in this video Model X was at 36% at still keeping up with these supercars. You ignored the video just to spam nonsense.

    5. @ALIENWAREGTX Avatar

      That’s 100% not true for plaid version. Still running 1/4 miles under 10 sec even with 30% soc … you bad lier miboy

  16. @TheCluelessEnthusiast Avatar

    Sam definitely wins the sound test with his fart noises. Lol

    1. @nkoster3717 Avatar

      They are all fart noises 😂

  17. @RichardFer01 Avatar

    Kids in the back of the Tesla: look mom, that Ferrari is trying to come past us …

    1. @HappyDude1 Avatar

      It will in first corner

    2. @BlatantBurnerAccount Avatar

      on a dual carriage way or motorway the teslas getting pumped. My mate beat this same Tesla on the motorway on a gsxr750 the guy with the Telsa even aknowlwdged it he was his old army mate. Dont get me wrong Gsxr750s are fast especially tuned ones but if thats beating one then there are loads of tuned cars and 1000cc bikes that will eat them on the actual road in a roll race

    3. @GDM22 Avatar

      @@HappyDude1 It would want too.

    4. @GDM22 Avatar

      @@BlatantBurnerAccount They still need to be on boost or in the case of the bike in the right gear, but thats not life is it.

    5. @BlatantBurnerAccount Avatar

      @GDM22  ohh know what will the biker do? maybe kick the gear selector down 🤣🤦 my R1 has autoblipper up and down and drops 2 gears and dumps the clutch if i hang onto the gear selection. Litteraly changes down 2 gears in a nanosecond. Listen mate we know from people owning them mow that they get battered on the dualy and motorways and obliterated on B-roads. A fiesta ST can beat Teslas on B-roads. Even the performance packs they melt the brakes up they are too heavy Period. I had the same discussion about my missuses new Defender when she cant get her horsebox up to the usual places her last car (Dmax) could because its just too heavy peroid. Its getting hung up on wet grass nevermind mud and thats with the smaller steelies and BFG LO2s. Too heavy gets found out if not up the straights then on the other stuff. I really dont care about Chris Harris and his “but if you cant feel the weight” nonsense. For a start Chris came to our local Pro Cart track and got beat on the carts by old men at 70yr old not just some of the teenagers who race them… So Chris can shut up till he wins something or even podiums.

  18. @Bionic Avatar

    hate seeing Mclaren lose vs batteries 😭😭

    1. @dalea4350 Avatar

      Sign of the times

    2. @DerAngeloMerte Avatar

      100% hater comment.

      Why dont you change your smartphonebattery against a Generator?

    3. @QuanPookie Avatar

      You better get used to it because EV technology is only getting better.

    4. @urbanjam_1139 Avatar

      @@Bionic tesla is king speed super car sucks way too expensive and overated

    5. @WouterB76 Avatar

      100% more fun to drive though.

  19. @_Ape_ Avatar

    The funniest thing about these videos in particular is how hard all the other cars sound like theyre trying, then the tesla whose in the lead is just silent.

    1. @Sebas_M_Kinoman Avatar

      That’s the emotion of ICE, bullet trains are fast a hell still boring

    2. @mrb2349 Avatar

      @@Sebas_M_Kinoman the emotion of ICE is losing? rofl

  20. @thefatefulforce8887 Avatar

    That is embarrassing. Super Cars getting beat by a Soccermumobile.

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