Temerario SVJ: 1,100hp ‘baby’ Lambo on the way?!

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Revealed earlier this year, it's 's replacement for the Huracan. Rather than a reinvention of the much-loved Huracan, it's an all-new vehicle – new chassis, new bodywork … New whatever!

Nevertheless, numerous fans weren't pleased with the . For beginners, the remarkable 5.2-litre naturally-aspirated engine was removed, and replaced with a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 & a hybrid system! Sure the power output increased to 920hp, but the switch from RWD to AWD coupled with the loss of the unbelievable sound of the V10 was too much for some to deal with!

Nevertheless, we have a sneaking suspicion that an all-new, more exclusive version of the Temerario might remain in the works! Recently, 's CTO Rouven Mohr held an interview where he mentioned that the Temerario's 4-litre twin-turbo V8 might have a power output ceiling that is 4 figures, which is definitely crazy when you consider the output without the electrical system is already 800hp!

So surely that implies a limited-edition, -like Temerario must remain in the works, right? Well in this video, Mat's going to go through what this limited-edition Huracan replacement might consist of, from active aero through to power output … And he'll even show off an unique render of what we think it will appear like!

The concern is, are you a fan of the Temerario, and do you like our render of what the SVJ edition may look like? Let us understand in the remarks!


73 responses to “Temerario SVJ: 1,100hp ‘baby’ Lambo on the way?!”

  1. @jacksparrow4540 Avatar

    I thought you were going to drag race with both cars😂😂😂

  2. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-1212

    1. @Sushiboygaming12 Avatar


    2. @FaizAhmad-ek6bs Avatar

      I lost lots of respect to the editor for the clickbait… smh

    3. @conor7154 Avatar

      Clickbait channel no better than DDE. Isn’t your core business being a just a middleman for selling cars? Why are you trying to appeal to people who are too young to drive? (DDE viewers)

    4. @ryanjamesholliday Avatar

      What’s up with the bs clickbait? Your channel doesn’t need it

    5. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      Why release such garbage content????

  3. @I.4.D Avatar

    R.I.P V10 😭😭😭

    1. @DevanshShahOrigami Avatar

      Keep crying

    2. @sylvaind.6786 Avatar

      That’s not new 🙄

    3. @marklexluthor6603 Avatar

      Stop acting like that V10 made money for your family

    4. @I.4.D Avatar

      @@sylvaind.6786 it’s still sad the V10 screams always gave me chills

    5. @I.4.D Avatar

      @@marklexluthor6603 just a car enthusiast bro stop the hate

  4. @JeroenVanGorp-k4y Avatar

    Lambo’s look so good in green!

    1. @ebridgewater Avatar

      That blue is stunning also, though!

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Also on Yellow colour.

  5. @namechecksout6300 Avatar

    Clickbait Titles 🤦‍♂️

    1. @bryancarter4118 Avatar

      Yeah, he does that these days. With thumbnails too 🤦‍♂️

    2. @rustystuff Avatar

      I was just thinking the same!

    3. @Dad32646 Avatar

      embarrassing af

    4. @Fanaleds-software Avatar

      @@Dad32646 fr fr af

    5. @MeOnAnotherDay Avatar

      ​@@bryancarter4118pretty sure he’s not the one selecting the titles and thumbnail

  6. @carspotterssydney Avatar

    Whoaaaaa that’s crazy! Can’t wait to see the Revuelto SV though!

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Revuelto SV gonna look as fantastic as Temerario.

    2. @carspotterssydney Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 Frrrr

  7. @rafuyhhre4543 Avatar

    Lambo went Ferrari mode. But V10 was a distinct difference between Ferrari and Lambo.

    1. @technom3598 Avatar

      Vote accordingly

  8. @EnzoNotFerrari21 Avatar

    I kinda missed the Y lights that you can see in the Huracan

    1. @razvanrxr03 Avatar

      You can still have them on every new Dacia model 😂😂

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@razvanrxr03and also on Lancia Stratos as well.

    3. @SugmaDubNation Avatar

      Yeah, this car just doesn’t do it for me after the sto.

    4. @anemeth9281 Avatar

      To me this is a much elegant, cleaner design, like Lambo in the sixties

  9. @billskates6212 Avatar

    Hot take: Hybrid systems are giving us a genesis of NA engines

    1. @K-SHABAB Avatar

      Totally Agree

    2. @JeffreyBenzodiazepines Avatar

      There can’t be a genesis of a thing that already exists? I think you mean comeback or revival of naturally aspirated engine setups?

    3. @markoon139 Avatar

      Not a hot take, which is why everyone loves the Z06

    4. @hertzwave8001 Avatar

      holy moly finally someone else seems to realize this

    5. @stefanomarcellino6701 Avatar

      This engine is twin turbocharged

  10. @timoflo369 Avatar

    Its mad that you have to tell people, that 1100hp from a tuned engine and 1100hp from a stock engine are nut the same.

    1. @powerslider30477 Avatar

      Because of comments like ‘now imagine if Lamborghini added turbos to the V10 or V12’. They don’t understand a factory setup won’t be making 1000hp or more.

    2. @breakupgoogle Avatar

      Ot funny you think you can make a broad statement like that and be correct.

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      From a tuned engine, it suppose to have 1251bhp.

    4. @Cloxxki Avatar

      110 upvotes when I got here. Now 111.

    5. @timoflo369 Avatar

      @@Cloxxki noice

  11. @LelouchVelvet Avatar

    Mat got punched in the face?

    1. @powerslider30477 Avatar

      By Yianni? 😂

  12. @Adrian_portelli Avatar

    I was excited to see an SVJ/SV version for the temerario, but carwow has becoming quite a clickbait channel

    1. @Speed_symphony0 Avatar

      Same bro I thought they actually made an sv version for the temerario

    2. @Hondo-i8g Avatar

      The render looks sick though

    3. @Will-t4w Avatar

      They definetly will make a special version of the temario but it will be in 2-3 years time

    4. @William-d5g2w Avatar

      Smae bro same

    5. @BlackTone91 Avatar

      @@Will-t4w But it wouldn’t be called SVJ

  13. @kennethjensen730 Avatar

    You’ve been in a fight matt ? 😭😅

    1. @mjbadboy14 Avatar

      I was thinking Lamborghini sorted him out😂

    2. @DCHainline Avatar

      It sure looks like someone punched him in the eye.

    3. @Cloxxki Avatar

      You managed 2 spelling errors in a 3 letter name, impressive.

    4. @jasonmcclish2580 Avatar

      Yanni finally popped him..

    5. @MC-kd3yb Avatar

      Karma for the clickbait.

  14. @celki_boi Avatar

    Good thing I have a dearrow extension! The clickbait is insane…

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Maybe in a few days time they will stop doing these clickbaits.

    2. @marnidy Avatar

      Whats a dearrow extenstion?

    3. @celki_boi Avatar

      @@marnidy it changes the name and thumbnail to be less clickbaity

      For example this video would be called “Showcase of the New Lamborghini Temerario” with the thumbnail being the opening scene of the video

    4. @marnidy Avatar

      @ wow thats actually kinda sick

    5. @DislikeFRIDAY Avatar

      thx for th hint, installed it right away!

  15. @walmartpaperbag Avatar

    Thumbnail : NEW SVJ!!
    Video: Varient of Temerario

  16. @akashgovindji9983 Avatar

    did matt get into a fight, look at his right eye and eyebrow.

  17. @adampecenka1909 Avatar

    I think the S,SV,SVJ versions should be reserved for the V12 platform…so revuelto

  18. @victorstefan3780 Avatar

    1. Clickbait
    2. 0-60 mph is 2.6 sec

    1. @bleuebloom Avatar

      and alleggerita is not pronounced “allejerita”🤓☝

  19. @Barty_Play Avatar

    It would be a STO not a SVJ

    1. @technom3598 Avatar

      It would be a performanten not at sto

    2. @MaztaTingAnAgenn Avatar

      It would be a blancpain edition not a performante 7:02 ​@technom3598

  20. @lewis7515 Avatar

    The Temerario really is a fascinating model. The more I see it, the more utterly revolting it looks…

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