Straight piped V12 DRAG RACE





28 responses to “Straight piped V12 DRAG RACE”

  1. @y731x Avatar

    best sounded car on the planet

  2. @aeromastersargentina6579 Avatar

    The v12 screaming like a v10 but so much louder is awesome

    1. @kh.spotstiktok Avatar

      The v10 and v12 are COMPLETELY different sounding engines dude. Please stop talking.

  3. @Mapa356 Avatar

    That revuelto is definitely up there with the best sounding cars

  4. @forfunstudiostm3788 Avatar

    Best asmr sounds❤😂😅

  5. @SquidwardhatesEVs Avatar

    I love a sound of a V10 and V12 engine.

    1. @kewunthomas3773 Avatar

      Where’s the v10?

    2. @SquidwardhatesEVs Avatar

      @@kewunthomas3773 My bad, But I do love the sound of a Huracan V10.

    3. @SangheiliSpecOp Avatar

      Then you’ll love the newest lambo…. Oh, wait 😂😭😭😭

  6. @Mechaniclemaniac Avatar

    Dang that Revuelto REVVVVVVS You can’t say Revuelto without saying Rev..

  7. @Daniel-z7n8w Avatar

    The Revuelto can just kill you immediately if you’re near it when it launches!!

  8. @stevesmith6236 Avatar

    Never cared for that super high pitched whine type of exhaust sound. I much prefer the sound of a HEMI V8.

    1. @johnm3907 Avatar

      Yeah i like a lot of them but a crossplane v8 is hard to beat

    2. @35jaxlove Avatar

      The only American comment

    3. @johnm3907 Avatar

      @@35jaxlove the v8 was invented by a frenchman…..

  9. @itz_kyojuro4843 Avatar

    when u hear a lambos v12 u just know its a lambo

  10. @NuSuntRaresh Avatar

    God damn, that revuelto sounds like a thousand demons screaming when getting close to the red line!

  11. @Nite-owl Avatar

    Not often that a 911 comes last.

    1. @jeremyredwaveincoming5123 Avatar

      You mean the turbo s? Cause all 911s that have 500hp come last lol they’re track cars not drag cars turbo is is for straight line speed

  12. @KarenSedrova-kv5gq Avatar

    The world needs more people like you.

  13. @Somebodyelse-b4h Avatar

    Thank you for always sharing great energy.

  14. @ayaanvinayak3169 Avatar

    Gintani exhausts 🔥🔥

  15. @bctiger7882 Avatar

    I do like the scream of a V12 but a V8 sounds so much better to me

  16. @RebelsInc969 Avatar

    Tha Porsche is no slouch which just shows how fast the other cars realy are

  17. @RealBonkersTV Avatar

    In order to prove what car is the fastest, you would also need to switch the drivers.

  18. @EGamer05 Avatar

    Sound of 21st century yall ❤

  19. @hubhubmei7174 Avatar

    Sounds like mosquitoes

  20. @VictoriaHall-y5b Avatar

    Man, I’m all about this vibe, so real it’s unreal.

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