Porsche Taycan Turbo GT v Ferrari SF90 v Yamaha R1M: DRAG RACE

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We've got our hands on the all-new GT, and it's taking on one of the kings of the drag strip – the Ferrari SF90!

Not just that, however we have actually likewise included the for good measure! However how do the 3 compare? Let's take a closer look …

Starting with the , it's powered by two electric motors which integrate to produce 789hp and 1,240 Nm! However, when launch control is allowed, the power output increases to 1,034 hp!! It ideas the scales at 2,365 kg, and as new it costs around ₤ 186,000.

Along with it, we have the . It's powered by a 1-litre 4-stroke gas engine, and this can put down 200hp and 113Nm. This power is sent to the rear wheel only, and without the rider, it just weighs 202kg. As new, it costs simply ₤ 24,666.

Then finally we have the almighty SF90. It's powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 coupled with three electric motors. These integrate to produce 1,000 hp and 800Nm! This power is sent out to all 4 wheels by means of an 8-speed dual-clutch transmission, and it weighs around 1,670 kg. It's easily the most pricey car here, costing around ₤ 376,000 as brand-new.

It will be so close to call, but can you select a winner?! There's only one method to find out for sure … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to everybody who helped set up this race:
– Yamaha: @BikeWorldTVshow
– Ferrari:
– Ferrari:
– Ferrari:


81 responses to “Porsche Taycan Turbo GT v Ferrari SF90 v Yamaha R1M: DRAG RACE”

  1. @anuragkularia Avatar

    Mat selling your porsche without launching it once is a crime

    1. @EliteBoxiq Avatar

      for real

    2. @Gcyrusin Avatar

      He’s an idiot he just wanted to sell it for higher price

    3. @russotusso1695 Avatar

      Tbh doesn’t Porsche recommend certain amount of KMs are driven before launching it? And he didn’t do said KMs? If anything it would be more stupid to launch it.

    4. @somerandomfella Avatar

      Getting an allocation for it was already a crime..

    5. @ahmeddakir5000 Avatar

      His car his decision

  2. @yiannimize Avatar

    Got to have big balls to ride the bike with it slightly damp and at those speeds… 👌🏼

    1. @timothy6049 Avatar

      M5 cs vs R8 GT? 😢 start commenting this from now one we need it Yann

    2. @Brouhaha3213 Avatar

      @@timothy6049bro we’ve heard you!

    3. @faze_urbook Avatar

      Do you get!! He’s a pro!

    4. @jacobrev6567 Avatar

      True they are big balls

    5. @notme-y1m Avatar

      They act as stabilizers and they improve traction. They probably hang at the same height since the bike is balanced.

  3. @babogam Avatar

    the third bike run. you can see the adrenaline in his eyes

    1. @PrashantSingh-bu1uj Avatar

      Lol I can feel adrenaline by watching that bike man… I was full excited to see this race

    2. @Lemingtona-x5g Avatar

      wow TT races crazy

    3. @drkabhisar Avatar

      The biker had to do the most work, You can see he was exhausted in last two races.

    4. @Jumboy92 Avatar

      And the cars didn’t even sweat a brow…this is it, biker was exhausted to even keep up with a 5 seater sedan LOL

  4. @steven4114 Avatar

    The R1 should’ve had a full akro system, wouldn’t have changed the result, but my god the sound would’ve been awesome.

    1. @ayoubelmeloua7083 Avatar

      It will changw the results at least he wi take the ferrari adding the full system will add between 7hp and 10hp and less weight

    2. @mfactory451 Avatar

      Mine same bike akra and dyno tune from 189 to 203 plus it spins faster. Also from 4-7k it has 18 hp more rhen stock

    3. @mustafashulqamy1844 Avatar

      Toce and SJ project are far better on the R1

    4. @MrDefiant17 Avatar

      r1 is still the slowest 1000cc bike from japan

    5. @MrDefiant17 Avatar

      they shoudve had an gsxr or fireblade instead of r1m

  5. @NIAtoolkit Avatar

    The bike launching and braking along the yellow lane stripe in the wet is giving me the heebie jeebies

    1. @BoopBobBeep Avatar

      Yea i was like wtf painted line wet condition.

    2. @N4CR Avatar

      It just spins up when the glass beads wear off the paint, it’s not so bad.

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@N4CRthe traction control of this bike is on another level.

    4. @MrZyLeXx Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 He had it off but yeah, it’s really good.

    5. @SprSonik13 Avatar

      @@N4CRthat’s the problem…spinning, then getting grip, then more spinning. Wet paint lines suck on a bike

  6. @FrostyTom Avatar

    Needing 1000hp to keep up with 1000ccm bike is crazy. That R1 is a beast and the rider managed some awesome launches with it

    1. @GartenYT69 Avatar

      Well more otherway around that the bike did keep up but the cars won but normally bikes win Thanks to power to ratio but here the cars are just too powerful

    2. @joaquinpaul8205 Avatar

      Truly a beast, the R1 is different from other 1000cc bikes being the only inline 4 with a crossplane crankshaft, sounds absolutely amazing, more like a V4 than an inline 4. Sad day when they finally stop making it

    3. @MrSnicol Avatar

      Death rides a fast bike, he loves it apparently!!

    4. @EvanBoone-d6d Avatar

      The bike is incredibly fast, but weight is crucial. Both the Ferrari and Porsche are significantly heavier.

    5. @joe125ful Avatar

      Lol weight difference buddy :):)

  7. @profo8692 Avatar

    “If you are changing your car-”
    Me: Fast forward 50 seconds

    1. @headness13 Avatar

      SponsorBlock plugin does that automatically.

    2. @szotakandrei Avatar

      ​@@headness13 doesn’t work on YouTube premium and android tv though

    3. @daudimasinde6280 Avatar

      @@headness13 You can block in video ads???

    4. @mukulsain7105 Avatar
    5. @headness13 Avatar

      @@daudimasinde6280 yeah. It just skips ahead automatically. And it’s comunity maintained. When a new video appears, some people registers a segment and it gets skipped automatically for the rest. Browser only unfortunately.

  8. @Randomdude21-e Avatar

    How is the biker able to sit with balls of that size😂

    1. @_INDIAN_TDM Avatar

      Timing ?

    2. @jaylam Avatar

      He sits on them

    3. @hami_1012 Avatar

      ​@@_INDIAN_TDM it’s a joke 💀

    4. @ElGoogKO Avatar

      he has a tiny brain meaning the center of mass is low

    5. @tristiancorbett8896 Avatar

      Look on here for isle of man tt races that’s big balls territory

  9. @koushikparameswaran1114 Avatar

    The tea cup just casually rolling beneath the Porsche at launch 5:18😂 someone please pick that up!?

  10. @BIGGELATO Avatar

    it blows my mind how a bike is close to twice the power to weight ratio than a, pretty much, hypercar at this point, at a fraction of the price, accessible to literally to anyone. Mad props to the biker for these runs 💪💪

    1. @N4CR Avatar

      yeah most people don’t realize how fast superbikes are, it’s hard to explain. closest thing I’ve been able to share that experience with people is in a Plaid, they are close. But the angle of inertia is different.

    2. @ElGoogKO Avatar

      means someone has a small mind.
      You do know bikes are light, especially in modern days with lightweight strong materials and pumped out engines.
      Learn more, speak less

    3. @MrNikolizaseden Avatar

      “Accesible” to all the 3-4k they made.

    4. @Ryosuke-12 Avatar

      We all know but car is better,facts

    5. @zuzelmonster9450 Avatar

      some countries have restrictions on bike buyers. for example to drive this type of bike in the netherlands. i believe u must be +24 years old and have a bike destined driverslicense for up to like….3 years? mabye longer i don’t know.

  11. @CYCLEFANATIX Avatar

    Drone shot is a great addition of a camera angle to these videos

  12. @mungus8064 Avatar

    Discontinuing a 1.0L petrol bike due to emissions is the most moronic thing I’ve heard

    1. @yugarten8523 Avatar

      they even discontinued the R6.

    2. @TreyyDaMenaceFan Avatar

      They basically ruined the whole motorcycle industry with euro emission bs

    3. @theotherchannel2028 Avatar

      someone just can’t stand us having nice things

    4. @__Max-oe6zm Avatar

      Bikes have got to the stage that they’re so suffocated with emissions nowadays, they can’t take anymore, it really is the dumbest thing ever. Never mind all the planes and trucks and industry that account for most of the issue. Bunch of absolute kents making these decisions.

    5. @xykojen Avatar

      Even worse when you realise emissions aren’t even part of a motorbike MOT test 🤦♂

  13. @2cats1guy Avatar

    9:24 Sam’s wife is going to file for a divorce.

  14. @PEACEOUTXX1 Avatar

    14:45 matt never pushed the push to pass for full HP button for 10 sec… this is why hes getting the slowest times for the turbo gt

    1. @thegreatpaulsmith Avatar

      Correct. I’m shocked no one explained how the car functions

    2. @PEACEOUTXX1 Avatar

      @@thegreatpaulsmith he’s also not doing it correctly. If u watch Daniel abt video of the taycan vs plaid he pushed it before the roll race started at around 2 on the countdown. When he did that the taycan won the race. If u press it too late u lose.

    3. @thegreatpaulsmith Avatar

      @@PEACEOUTXX1 exactly. I just drove a Turbo GT the other day and I’m going to drive a Weissach in the next few days
      Attack mode timing is crucial

    4. @TheBrucifer Avatar

      I don’t think he wants the EV to win..

    5. @ayushmalpeddi2793 Avatar

      Taycan currently is definitely faster in the 1/4 mile than a Plaid in optimal conditions. But in the 1/2 mile is 100% slower. Plaids are able to sustain the full 1000hp or so till 200mph. The Taycan loses more power as speeds increases. Either way the Plaid costs under 100K and the Sapphire exists for the same price as a Taycan and is quicker in most ways ​@@PEACEOUTXX1

  15. @dr.rifathemel4057 Avatar

    controlling a bike at that wet situation, is a fantastic job done 15:08 by chris. He controlled the Wheelie and traction like a champ.

  16. @yanis7846 Avatar

    People don’t realize how difficult it is to launch a bike without launch control, and that guy did it damn fkn good! Usually riders drops the clutch and then the engine boggs down and are left in low rpm, which takes a while to get back to the hihger rpm to get all the power. But by then the cars are already gone. But this guy was slipping the clutch at high rpm to use the max amount of torque and hp he can till the speed of the bike matches the speed of the gearbox. That’s how you recognize a great biker. Good job to him!

    1. @R0KUICH1 Avatar

      Fantastic control on the clutch of that bike there…

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@R0KUICH1the ZX-7R also got a fantastic clutch kick ability.

    3. @TamiyaPhilippW Avatar

      The bike has launch control too doesn’t it? Still impressive

    4. @derekwilcox2202 Avatar

      No more R1s the world is going nuts 😢

    5. @Filip_Phreriks Avatar

      @@TamiyaPhilippW He said in the beginning he turned it off

  17. @M-uq2jr Avatar

    ARGH! Bike rider being very polite and not jumping the start. Almost looks like he’s waiting for everyone else to leave and then he leaves.

    1. @nikhilneo23 Avatar

      A gentleman😂

  18. @r1bew42 Avatar

    Love to see R1 doing so good. Had mine in blue from brand new in 1998. One owner, perfectly original. Nothing better.

    1. @antorame24 Avatar

      My brother has one of 1998 in blue too! But some parts are not original because it was used in track by it’s previous owner

  19. @G.lazaridis1993 Avatar

    “Its shivering, thats the sound of a bike wishing it was indoors”..😂

    Very well said, sir.

  20. @justadakota1822 Avatar

    Props to the bike rider that dude is one hell of a driver.

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