Peugeot’s interior designers are on FIRE!





38 responses to “Peugeot’s interior designers are on FIRE!”

  1. @austrianbua5378 Avatar

    yeah love the shitty 3 cyl engines that sound like theyre about to explode when you try to speed up 😍😍😍😍

    i dont get the hype around interiors if the engines are garbage and not built for longevity

    1. @lukasbeck4421 Avatar

      You can look at both things seperately you know. Liking the car is a whole different thing then where everything comes together, but I can hate an engine and like an interior. I know, it’s mind-blowing 🀯

    2. @austrianbua5378 Avatar

      @@lukasbeck4421 ok, go buy a car for 30k thatll not last you beyond 3 years.

      i care fucl all bout the steering wheel if the engine doesnt work in a few years

    3. @lukasbeck4421 Avatar

      @@austrianbua5378 again has nothing to do with what I said or what the video is about, but good for you

    4. @WarMatt86 Avatar

      Thank you! Exactly my thought! I wouldn’t buy a car with less then 4 cyl

    5. @Saevus00 Avatar

      that was unneccessary as the whole video’s purpose was commenting the INTERIORS of the car, and not its performance

  2. @lasskinn474 Avatar

    at least they put the screen in front. it looks a bit high though.

  3. @EugeneFields-im2ep Avatar

    Just had to drop a comment to say how amazing this video was.

    1. @NeilMcG1983 Avatar

      Carwows paying for bots to leave positive comments and feedback. Shameful

    2. @DaDoge. Avatar

      ​@@NeilMcG1983that’s a prnbotπŸ˜‚ no they aren’t

    3. @RadvinAz_2008 Avatar

      are you sure that was your only reason ?

  4. @chriszaiser Avatar

    That corvette console is hideous

    1. @welln0w Avatar

      horrible for sure

  5. @arghilvasilemetea2970 Avatar

    Peugeot had a nice design in last 15 years.
    And cars are not so bad

  6. @pcfreak1992 Avatar

    I don’t want to be inside a spaceship, I want to be inside a car.

    1. @PatrickAnderson-vh7hv Avatar

      Same. I hate how modern cars are filled with distracting screens and how everything is controlled by touch sensitive crap that makes you take your eyes off the road.

    2. @nobrakes7892 Avatar

      back in ma day

    3. @sufianshahid3690 Avatar


    4. @PatrickAnderson-vh7hv Avatar

      @@nobrakes7892 I mean, you got me there. Just part of getting older, I guess πŸ™‚

  7. @kennethblack6237 Avatar

    More screen than road

  8. @johnjackson2349 Avatar

    So much going on them screens but nice to see the steering wheel covers up the bit that matters the most, great job Peugeot πŸ‘

  9. @jurycould4275 Avatar

    The wiper … πŸ˜‚

  10. @whitefr4me445 Avatar

    Doesn’t that screen block the view a bit?

    1. @rare6499 Avatar

      Exactly what I was thinking

  11. @chunkplunk Avatar

    cars are just going to become mobile computers

    1. @welln0w Avatar

      every industry reflects the current trend

  12. @serpex77 Avatar

    Why do the French always try to make things different, even if they are disfunctional?

    1. @alexgo1034 Avatar

      Poisonous frogs

  13. @CPhillips5481 Avatar

    Uh no. Plz keep those away from here 🀣

  14. @Goekhan. Avatar

    Anybody need too much big screen for a speed dash? Also blocked by a wheel?

    1. @welln0w Avatar

      it’s awful

  15. @Ren_Jenkinss Avatar

    Bright sun on a side:
    β€” I’m going to destroy this shitty interior full of screens

  16. @RadvinAz_2008 Avatar

    i missed those days that we used to have Peugeot 405 and 406 those were true cars not this shitty 3cl expensive trash

  17. @jax6230 Avatar

    At least they have something nice to look at while waiting for the recovery truck at the side bay

    1. @guytansbariva2295 Avatar

      No, I’ve got a 2019 3008 with 120,000 KM and it’s never had any problems whatsoever. Plus, it’s a better interior than the competing BMW or Merc. Can’t beat a 6 speed diesel.

  18. @mariokrings Avatar

    Well… I agree, that one big screen looks sharper than two combined ones, but if you need to replace it it gets expensive….

  19. @RickZanardi Avatar

    Wow it looks dystopian, very period correct.

  20. @CAL1MBO Avatar

    This looks like trash. You guys wake up, work, drive and go to bed looking at computer screens all day. It looks like hell

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