New Porsche Macan Review – has it lost appeal?

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's small SUV has actually had a significant revamp for 2024, and there's one crucial difference – it's gone totally ELECTRIC! Now that might sound like a bad thing to some but being Porsche has actually gone all out on the engineering of the brand-new Macan.

Let's have a more detailed look shall we. On the outdoors Porsche has done what they typically do and kept the style quite similar to the previous car however still made some notable changes. Starting at the front the grille has been switched for a larger lower air intake, and the brand-new headlights are almost precisely the same as the Taycan.

From the side there's not a substantial difference to the present Macan but you can start to see one big modification they have in fact made. Which of course is the back, you now have a much more squat looking rear-end which helps with the aerodynamics of the automobile, whether it looks much better or not, we'll leave that as much as you.

On the inside the brand-new Macan is once again pretty similar to the Taycan, but that's no bad thing is it? The driver gets a high resolution curved screen as well as a large infotainment screen in the centre of the dash. Even the front passenger gets their own screen that is perfect for seeing on.

Then of course eliminating the ICE variation of the Macan does has some benefits, one of those being, efficiency. The entry-level dual-motor can produce 408hp, while the top-of-the-range Turbo can put down 640hp and an mind flexing 1,130 Nm of torque – that's 80Nm more than the Taycan Turbo S! Porsche likewise claims it needs to be able to hit 60mph in simply 3.3 seconds but we'll see what it can really carry out in this video!

The brand-new Macan will begin at around ₤ 70,000, rising to around ₤ 95,000 for the Turbo edition. However is it worth it ?! You'll require to stick with Mat and see on your own!

00:00 Introduction
00:44 Style
02:58 Interior
07:02 Back Seats
10:10 Boot
11:48 Annoying Functions
14:05 Cool functions
16:54 Powertrain
18:24 Boat
20:41 Town Driving
23:09 Freeway Driving
23:53 Back Road Driving
26:39 0-60
26:58 Effectiveness
27:36 Decision


92 responses to “New Porsche Macan Review – has it lost appeal?”

  1. @Angus_____ Avatar

    Any Electric car with “turbo” in its name is a scam.

    1. @denizarslan7679 Avatar

      911 turbo s?

    2. @Angus_____ Avatar

      You CAN’T turbo an electric motor.
      5hame on you Porsche.
      Quit the E.v nonsense and lies.

      I couldn’t care less if it had 700bhp…. waaay over powered for 95% of its buyers.

    3. @raaghavnaraayan.m.v1304 Avatar

      ​@@denizarslan7679that’s not electric

    4. @mashhoudk2009 Avatar

      ​@@denizarslan7679911 turbo s isn’t electric. He meant any electric car with the turbo name

    5. @Teethclenser2007 Avatar

      @@denizarslan76793,7 biturbo 😁

  2. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The 2024 Macan is 8.3/10 for me.

    2. @terryrodbourn2793 Avatar

      I didn’t expect you to be a ludite!

    3. @versailles9412 Avatar

      I’d never buy an electric car, I’d rather go to jail.

    4. @Angus_____ Avatar

      Sell your car For free ?
      You offer thousands less than the car is worth and thats free is it ?

    5. @kovaxzolika Avatar

      ​@@versailles9412you will soon go to jail😂

  3. @tinashetf Avatar

    That front looks like it belongs on a different car

    1. @187marter Avatar

      A Chinese one

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Yep. More like the front end like it came from 2004 Elise 111R.😅

    3. @MrRandomguyTom Avatar

      ​@@187marter Exactly

    4. @abelor21 Avatar

      A Renault 5. But in the R5 fits fine.

    5. @chrisguest778 Avatar

      ​@@187marterAbsolutely my thoughts too! I don’t think it’s particularly good looking to be honest..

  4. @cedriccomair Avatar

    You should start showing the cars at night. Lights are a big part of how cars look.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      And also makes those cars more beautiful to look at night.

    2. @omnicognatesnr5947 Avatar

      The interior lighting on the current macan is appalling, and the headlights are pretty bad too.

    3. @PilotPhteven Avatar

      yea, agreed. So much of the design goes into lights, light bars, interior lights, brake lights, blinkers, etc.. it should be a part of the review ..

    4. @PsychicOracle Avatar

      They don’t let you take the cars away overnight during a press drive

    5. @franzgrosser Avatar

      Get a Christmas tree…?

  5. @da_meme_guy_2010 Avatar

    Ah yes, *Turbo* Macan, More like *Turboless macan*

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      For me this is more like NA (Naturally Aspirated) Macan.

    2. @jazzy4011 Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 It’s electric

    3. @srbjbt746 Avatar

      Idk who needs 640hp in macan, i mean when does it stops. In 10 years audi RS3 is going to be 1000hp eletric 2.5 tons hypercar.

    4. @Chrassi Avatar

      Maybe they think of turbo more in a sense of the heritage of that word: Turbine. And electric motors are mostly turbines as I can recall.

    5. @phantom0590 Avatar

      looks like a taycan SUV

  6. @igger562 Avatar

    people wont steal this headlights now

    1. @Only_Ameen04 Avatar

      They will steal the DRLs now

    2. @DontReadMyPicture93 Avatar

      *Don’t read my name..…😮*

    3. @Editionsz Avatar

      Challenge accepted

    4. @SolaricAngel116 Avatar

      Wrong choice of words.

    5. @igger562 Avatar

      @@SolaricAngel116 people are not going to steal this type of Porsche headlights

  7. @ChakibTsouli Avatar

    That gimmicky electric charging flap costs more than the rear passenger’s side airbag that could potentially save a child’s life lol

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      How expensive the 2024 Porsche Macan could be? For me it could be $78.900.

    2. @danharbun483 Avatar

      That’s why they put price so low so people will pay the 315 to have it on the car

    3. @DontReadMyPicture93 Avatar

      *Don’t read my name..…😮*

    4. @Just_a_random_birb Avatar

      @@DontReadMyPicture93 ok

  8. @timweydert3490 Avatar

    Making airbags optional is literally telling your customers that you don’t care about them but just about their money. Which we all know is the case but it’s a pretty bold move to pull out in the open.

    1. @omnicognatesnr5947 Avatar

      Rear airbags have always been optional on the Macan.

    2. @MrCosmin94 Avatar

      Weight saving

    3. @AB-80X Avatar

      Optional rear airbags is normal in many, many cars.

    4. @deputydd4364 Avatar

      Don’t confuse the side seat airbag (option) with the side curtain airbag (standard). I think Matt has confused these too. The curtain is far more important than the seat option. 11:48. All the various global safety tests are done WITHOUT the optional airbags

    5. @collind328 Avatar

      I think it’s an EU thing, that’s not an available option on North American Macan EV. It would be interesting to know why, Europe typically has smaller cars and lower speed roads and therefore lower safety requirements for passengers maybe? Correct me if I’m wrong.

  9. @erasmus9627 Avatar

    More ‘Boat Wow’ segments please. The boat snapshot was great.

    1. @TheAegisClaw Avatar

      Half these commenters will want sailing boats to have their masts ripped off and replaced with V8s…

    2. @McNasty214 Avatar

      We want a Matt v Yanni boat race

  10. @AM-qu6vu Avatar

    My first Porsche was electric. It was remote controlled and it was awesome.

    1. @roland9367 Avatar

      Your last Porsche will also be electric? Since you’re not getting any other Porsche than the remote controlled one? 😅

    2. @redbakery8943 Avatar


    3. @damien2670 Avatar

      ​@@roland9367 I don’t get are you making fun of him or asking him?

    4. @JStryker7 Avatar

      @@roland9367pretty sure most Porsche EV owners bought them to try to get an allocation for a real Porsche

    5. @Father-klovkoski Avatar

      @@roland9367You don’t even know if he can afford a Porsche or not. But I know for sure there is no way you’re ever going to own a sailboat yacht. So there is that

  11. @KenCheng Avatar

    They should call it “Super Charged” vs “Turbo”, at least it’s a word play on “charged”

    1. @Kurre. Avatar

      Why abandon an easy to understand and well established naming system? The only people “TURBO” upsets, are teenagers who will never be able to buy any Porsche

    2. @KenCheng Avatar

      @@Kurre. Because there’s no turbo in an EV… Apparently, you don’t know what turbo is 🤦

    3. @Kurre. Avatar

      @@KenCheng I do know what a turbo is, I have studied mechanical engineering. Did you know that there are many things that have names that don’t accurately describe them yet people still buy those things!?!?! A load of lifted hatchbacks are called SUVs even tho they are just hatchback. Guess what, PEOPLE STILL BUY THEM. A name will not impact anything. The old diesel Macan is a bigger stain on Porsches name than this will ever be…

    4. @erik3371 Avatar

      Oh i like that! Has anyone done it? Reminiscent of the supercharged of yesteryears!

    5. @paul4292 Avatar

      @@KenChengshut up kenny

  12. @zyy5511 Avatar

    The rear design without a spoiler is just too weird for me

    1. @SS.1. Avatar

      Can’t understand why would design the rear camera to stick up and be invisible whole time. Why not hide the rear camera under the spoiler. Where is the roof spoiler? wich would make the look less bald…. There is so many ugly and wrong details witch make me question about is Porsches head of design fit to job….

    2. @rapidabdul5050 Avatar

      Exactly what i was gonna comment

  13. @NatalieQN-um9ym Avatar

    2:03 I actually like this idea of having the headlights fitted lower than the DRL’s. I won’t get blinded by these tall SUV while I’m cruising at night. It’s the kind of vehicle purchased by people that like to tailgate anyone.

    1. @geemy9675 Avatar

      the worst is lifted truck 🤬

    2. @patriotbarrow Avatar

      I think it’s the main reason they’ve become so popular nowadays.

    3. @turabali5787 Avatar

      But if the car catches an accident from the front, you will lose headlights along with the bumper. And these headlights ain’t cheap

    4. @kristoffergo6973 Avatar

      @@turabali5787 I dont think it matters. If you hit your front end you will damage your front light either ways.

    5. @turabali5787 Avatar

      @@kristoffergo6973 Brother the chances of losing your highlight are way less as compared to the lights in the bumper. Telling that from personal experience

  14. @straikobaiko9847 Avatar

    That front looks weird.I like old Macan more.

    1. @SS.1. Avatar

      Can’t understand why would design the rear camera to stick up and be invisible whole time. Why not hide the rear camera under the spoiler. Where is the roof spoiler? wich would make the look less bald…. There is so many ugly and wrong details witch make me question about is Porsches head of design fit to job….

  15. @DPCcars Avatar

    Putting ‘turbo’ in an electric car’s name feels like a paradox. It’s like selling safety but making airbags optional—these features should come standard if you care about your customers, not just their wallets!

    1. @geemy9675 Avatar

      turbo had already lost its meaning in Porsche gas lineup 🙄 turbo just means “fast”, turbo S “faster”

    2. @rickygforce4217 Avatar

      Turbo lost its meaning ages ago, it just means ‘fast’ now

    3. @truepaulesko Avatar

      It’s like making vegan hamburgers…. Oh wait!

  16. @SarahJNelson-ej7it Avatar

    Did Porsche borrow BMW designers for a project, or is it a rule that EV crossovers have to be hideous? This is iX levels of being hard to look at.

    1. @paul4292 Avatar

      Haters are always the loudest, wait few months and you will see them everywhere like the old macan

    2. @paul4292 Avatar

      99% of the people hating on new cars are the ones not able to buy and drive them. Its a copeing mechanism hahaha

    3. @dnvyl Avatar

      @@paul4292 Or they just look ugly, because designers want to go over the top and fail miserably

    4. @SS.1. Avatar

      Can’t understand why would design the rear camera to stick up and be invisible whole time. Why not hide the rear camera under the spoiler. Where is the roof spoiler? wich would make the look less bald…. There is so many ugly and wrong details witch make me question about is Porsches head of design fit to job….

    5. @Ryan-uk6zq Avatar

      I don’t think anything could be as hideous as the iX

  17. @SM-1010 Avatar

    I’m happy to see everyone caught on to the airbags being optional. It’s not just Porsche; it’s literally all the big German brands money pinching their customers. I visited both of the Audi and Mercedes configurators online and saw that they were even charging for airbags. Literally outrageous, charging money for a life saving thing that should be standard.

    We must put pressure on these companies to give us basic things standard, especially when it comes to safety systems and assisted driving technology.

    I am fine if things like different leathers and wood trims are optional extras but an airbag? Unbelievable

    1. @BlixemBlixem Avatar

      Not correct. Side airbags cannot be used with child seats in the rear. That is why they are optional.

    2. @SM-1010 Avatar

      @@BlixemBlixem I understand, but not everyone is gonna be a baby in a car seat/child seat. But if this is a concern for some customers, manufacturers can at least warn of it.

    3. @TheGamingNorwegian Avatar

      Yea its scummy, all German car brands do this. Guess some part of their nazi-roots never disappear.

    4. @tbcauhome3573 Avatar

      Former Nazis don’t care about human lives unfortunately

  18. @simonfunwithtrains1572 Avatar

    Having to pay extra for an airbag in a car it’s like going to the pub ordering Fish and chips and when the food comes finding out that the chips were an extra! completely ridiculous.

    1. @omnicognatesnr5947 Avatar

      Well, they kind of are. If you buy fish and chips you are paying for both the fish and the chips, and you can buy fish on its own or chips on their own so as analogies go that one doesn’t really work. Also worth pointing out rear side airbags were always an option on the macan and it does come as standard with rear curtain airbags

  19. @craig8638 Avatar

    2.9 miles per kWh is really good for how you were driving. I probably skimmed over it, but it looks like it has pretty big tires so altogether it’s good range

  20. @Elizabethh272 Avatar

    Can you borrow that battery/motor drive-train chassis base thingy and launch it please as a drag race? Thanks!

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