New Koenigsegg 0-400-0km/h world record! ๐Ÿ”ฅ






35 responses to “New Koenigsegg 0-400-0km/h world record! ๐Ÿ”ฅ”

  1. @joebeus6886 Avatar

    Koenigsegg is on ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. @sonicrulez Avatar

    When she says she’s home alone

  3. @Mbenzguy-Sa Avatar

    I was faster than than with my golf๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. @tompettersson3814 Avatar

      I guess it is a 1983 golf D.

  4. @rbarbetta1978 Avatar

    Carwow. You have the clout. Need this versus Rimac please!

    1. @Smzxe Avatar

      Rimac Nevera will win
      1 mile 20.3 seconds @246 mph
      Jesko absolut 1 mile 21.6 seconds @256 mph
      It will be best race between Chiron SS 300+ and the Jesko absolut in 1 mile
      Chiron SS 300+ 1 mile 20.5 seconds it reached 258 mph on SoC 1 mile Runway Runway
      So it will be best race between those two

    2. @Harrappa Avatar

      Rimac will definitely win from a dig the launch is crazy plus even 0-400 is only 2.6 secs slower than jesko meaning from a dig nevera will lead for most of time but. At higher speed and roll jesko will take the lead

    3. @rbarbetta1978 Avatar

      @Smzxeย  About a 1 sec difference? Elevation and environmental differences alone can easily make a difference larger than that. Definitely worth a head to head race on the same day on the same track. But even better yet, race all 3!

    4. @geemy9675 Avatar

      โ€‹@@SmzxeBugatti tourbillon owns everyone 0-400 in 16s๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. @JL-wf2wp Avatar

    I wanna put that engine

    In my civic ๐Ÿ˜Ž can you imagine?

    1. @rhysmorris2245 Avatar

      Your chassis would snap in half if you had it at idle ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. @JL-wf2wp Avatar

      @@rhysmorris2245 i would reinforce the crap out of it. It would be the craziest sleeper ever

    3. @TehNiCoLaS Avatar

      @@JL-wf2wpjust buy a better car

    4. @JL-wf2wp Avatar

      @@TehNiCoLaS no bro you don’t get it. The shittier it is the better

  6. @philipgai4862 Avatar

    Yes do it against rimac

  7. @ericchen3129 Avatar

    Koenigsegg’s really presenting themselves with a car that rivals the Tourbillon. Looking forward to this car’s top speed run!

    1. @Harrappa Avatar

      They are pretty different if you ask me one is full combustion while other is hybrid one is more performance oriented other has timeless luxury interior. The actual rival to jesko was Chiron ss 300+ which still had a different purpose.

    2. @stevefitchett6193 Avatar

      I’d rather have the bugatti.

    3. @TehNiCoLaS Avatar

      @@stevefitchett6193and youโ€™re smoking crack

    4. @geemy9675 Avatar

      โ€‹@@Harrappathe tourbillon still quicker AND faster (ina straight line) than Jesko despite 1330lbs heavier!

    5. @scale...3d Avatar

      This is an old record. Not the latest one.

  8. @0Y02USH Avatar

    Bugatti be cooking more now. The Franco-German-Croats are sure to respond!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. @cardealerfan3349 Avatar

    Dang, world record

  10. @xXAlmdudlerXx Avatar

    Crazy how long the braking distance is at these speeds even with a hypercar.

  11. @alyaly6755 Avatar

    Hey carwow we need more and more Koenigsegg drag races ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž all petrolheads waiting that ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

  12. @saulowarrior Avatar

    Based on the footage I believe that the Koenigsegg can reach more than 45km/h…

  13. @CrazyTechLab Avatar

    0-250mph in 20 seconds. ๐Ÿ˜

  14. @cosmin2300 Avatar

    Wow, 550 m to stop! It’s impressive from that speed, but that’s a long distance! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  15. @FrancisShe Avatar

    It was flinging hundreds of ‘Sticks of Truth” out the back for extra thrust.

  16. @tesla-spectre Avatar

    Looked like it had a lot more in it but had to stop because the runway was too short…

  17. @Nedim-ow1sh Avatar

    Did anyone else catch that the driver switched gears at 412 and then immediately hit the brakes?

    1. @beanapprentice1687 Avatar

      He didnโ€™t switch gears, itโ€™s in automatic mode

  18. @unknownquestions7692 Avatar

    they beat their own record๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. @johnwight6041 Avatar

    Wow amazing it looked so undramatic. And he missed the 400kph mark and still beat the record

  20. @royaloreca Avatar

    That’s nothing, I’ve done 600+ in a Boeing multiple times,… risked it all๐Ÿ˜‚

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