McLaren v Lambo v Ferrari… Which sounds best?





25 responses to “McLaren v Lambo v Ferrari… Which sounds best?”

  1. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

    That Lambo is more of an Oprah singer than a car 🎵

    1. @L4ftyOne Avatar

      Drives like bricks too and is way slower then a v6 ferrari

    2. @dharyanchahal5407 Avatar

      @@L4ftyOne probs because its over 10 years old but still was the only proper supercar in that drag race against these two.

    3. @bruh-ib5hz Avatar

      ​@@dharyanchahal5407What? How are Ferraris and McLarens not a “proper” supercar?

  2. @rishabhchaurasia3775 Avatar

    Rock star Lambo

  3. @darkenedlight9397 Avatar

    that farrari roar…

  4. @juscelinojr5589 Avatar


  5. @OneIsDamned Avatar

    Lambo, MClaren,Ferrari

    1. @bh4560 Avatar

      What you said is correct 😂

    2. @DaytonasGarden Avatar

      I saw this comment before hearing the Lambo and was like oh come on. Then the lambo went and I waited, said to my self it’s a Ferrari. Then the Ferrari came up and it was just sad and disappointing. Correct sir!

  6. @rileymaher507 Avatar

    lamborghini easily

  7. @andymudhoney Avatar


  8. @khadeejahak Avatar

    The lambo is just another level

  9. @danmar007 Avatar

    That’s a cool graphic. Ferrari, McLaren and the crazy Lambo. 🙂

  10. @BTouch454 Avatar


  11. @d.s.2868 Avatar

    Lambo ofc

  12. @stevenjones916 Avatar

    The only non-turbo charged one

  13. @MrJosephbelfi Avatar

    Performante by a country mile.

  14. @pepepateaduro Avatar


  15. @cryptoronindude Avatar

    Lambo by far. An NA engine is just music.

  16. @MrAledro84 Avatar

    Huracan, baby!

  17. @Timbarnhem Avatar

    100 % lambo .. 2,mclaren 3 vacuüm cleaner

  18. @pooyakhalili406 Avatar

    I think we can all agree that the hurucan sounds the best 😃😃😃

  19. @momobenk5079 Avatar

    Lambo is the best sound, but mclaren is best car !!

  20. @thatsucks1223 Avatar

    Lamborghini never disappoint when it comes to heavenly sound ❤

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