Land Cruiser vs Superbike OFF-ROAD RACE!

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We've got our hands on a traditional from 2002, and it will take on against a 1000 K2 in a series of obstacles!

On the face of it the should stroll it, right? Well, this is no regular ! It's had a load of mods contributed to it so it can tackle this off-road course, consisting of the addition of off-road tyres and armour plating below!

So let's see how the two compare. Starting with the Land Cruiser, it's powered by a 4.7-litre naturally-aspirated V8 that can produce 235hp and 434Nm of torque. It's geared up with 4×4, and it also has low-range mode and a main locking diff.

As for the bike, it's naturally a great deal lighter than the Land Cruiser, weighing only 198kg. It's still packing a little bit of power, mind, having the ability to put down 140hp.

So can a that was developed for the roadway really contend on an off-road course? Remain with Mat to see on your own!


65 responses to “Land Cruiser vs Superbike OFF-ROAD RACE!”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @carvidz01 Avatar


    2. @Laura-sm6tx Avatar

      This is not a good innovation content, try homewow or wristwatchwow or maybe jewelerywow

    3. @jarredtremain4644 Avatar

      Classic stuff fella’s. I think time was bit wrong on hill climb. Anyway Avagud1

    4. @GoldenCroc Avatar

      Was this bike some kind of strangely horsepower limited example? Normally, they are 160hp…

  2. @BikeWorldTVshow Avatar

    Thanks for another amazing day guys, looking forward to the challenge.

    1. @ahsanhamim7293 Avatar

      Bro you’re the best morotbike guy and I like it bro.❤

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Did the CBR1000RR can do Carwow Off Road drag race?

    3. @kashura7174 Avatar

      You are an amazing guest every time ❤️

    4. @MdAminulIslam-un3pi Avatar

      This race was true fun to watch.

    5. @ODIOPOWER Avatar

      You are a crazy man! Never change, pls 😉

  3. @somerandomfella Avatar

    That 2002 Land Cruiser is more reliable than a 2020 Land Rover.

    1. @adamkissassi Avatar

      You think 😅

    2. @berjerk3425 Avatar

      a 2002 land rover is also way more reliable than a 2020 one.

    3. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      not Land Rovers fault. its the BMW engine and crap on them . BMW is X5 is far worse

    4. @glennchinyangarara8225 Avatar

      @@hassyg4083nah they decided to go to bmw for their V8 engine who are no more reliable than Renault or Peugeot

    5. @omerkhallad7195 Avatar


  4. @thesaaxxxbaba6672 Avatar

    We need bikewow now

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Bikewow? Well thats absolutely cool, man.😅

    2. @AdeptMechanic Avatar


    3. @martinh.899 Avatar

      Yes 100% Bikewow

    4. @Losthewaronemus Avatar

      It’s called BikeWorld, buddy

    5. @rickyv3911 Avatar

      I agree

  5. @f1rstlyGeo. Avatar

    That land cruiser is never dying 🙏😭

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The legacy from Land Cruiser probably gonna last forever.

    2. @philldownes8685 Avatar

      i would like the money been spent on it in parts in its lifetime… peopel dont seem t orealise that owners arealways having new parts on these and say its still the same engine. yeah the block but it will of had mains and big ends ,possibly head gasket, new fuel pump and probaby a few exhaust systems…. oh and all the suspension rubbers rebuilt and new shockers… they only klast becaise people spend a ton on them.

    3. @ryannajam8757 Avatar

      ​@@philldownes8685nah bro you are totally wrong. People only do basic maintenance on these things. They sre indeed built like tank. The maintenance and parts on these LCs are way cheaper than a range rover. To drive the same amount of miles in range rover you would have spent 15x the amount you woulda spent on this land cruiser. Dont post these stupid comments unless you have owned the car

    4. @ALIHAIDER-gg2bz Avatar


    5. @cameronlotter1392 Avatar

      Take your cringe tiktok emojis elsewhere

  6. @MillerCorner Avatar

    Anyone remember Baron VonGrumble’s green lane GSXR…?

    1. @m.b.82 Avatar

      Lol yes. He was crying like a little girl. Didn’t have knobbies tho if I remember correctly

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The green coloured GSX-R 1000 still looked cool tho.

    3. @More_Row Avatar

      I do remember.

  7. @saarangkaushik6542 Avatar

    Two Japanese marvels in a single frame. 💪🏻

  8. @TrevorDennis100 Avatar

    As someone who has raced MX and done motorcycle trials, I am seriously impressed with Graham’s performance on that big heavy road bike. He had narrow bars, a high CoG, and limited grip. I was certain he would fall on the rocks, and certain he would bog down in the deep water. so huge kudos for getting through. One big worry is if the engine had taken in significant water with the revs the engine was doing, there’s a good chance it would have seriously damaged the engine. Could it have bent con-rods? Or would it have simply hydraulic’d and locked up? I am not sure, but it would not have been good.

    1. @Harry-TramAnh Avatar

      I was worried about his off road credentials, but he smashed that.

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@Harry-TramAnhhe nailed it brilliantly bro.

    3. @CerberusTenshi Avatar

      Graham? You mean Chris?

    4. @Fabulousprofound168 Avatar

      I assumed they put a filtration sock over the air filter?

  9. @midhungopan9270 Avatar

    2 of the toughest Japanese engineering right there

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      BMW M1000RR to GSX-R 1000: Hold my beer.😅

    2. @CerberusTenshi Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089The BMW doesn’t last that long. It is faster, but 22 years of developement Do that for you. And still, the engine on the BMW blows up after 20000km. And if it’s not the engine, it’s the gearbox. BMW is overpriced crap.

    3. @vistakay Avatar

      ​@@CerberusTenshi BMW motors gives you more juice while it lasts lol

    4. @pikachus5m166 Avatar

      BMW wasn’t competitive until a decade after this Gsxr.

    5. @midhungopan9270 Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 why are you mentioning bmw when I’m talking about the video 😂…..and since you are mentioning lets see what a 22 year old bmw can do, most of them already should be on the scraps begging for mercy

  10. @kissgergo5202 Avatar

    The 20 sec penalty for getting off the bike is bullshit, he’s utilizing the tools available to him when riding a bike

    1. @Omie01 Avatar

      Yeah I thought the same. And the challenge after. Mat did not do it in 4 seconds at all. And the guy timing says bet you won’t do it in that time again. Wonder why. 🤣🤣

    2. @davekennedy6315 Avatar

      ​@Omie01 yeah, unless they edited it weird it was more like 7 or 8 seconds?

    3. @davekennedy6315 Avatar

      ​@@Omie01you wouldn’t get up there in under 4 seconds if it had been paved?

    4. @andyrome6713 Avatar

      Completely agree with you. I’m more a car person than a bike one (even though I have both)..but the bike is a “1 wheel drive” and the car is a 4 wheels…20 second penalty is not fair at all!!

    5. @hogman3543 Avatar

      ​@@Omie01he did so cope

  11. @bastiansteingruber5887 Avatar

    I feel like the second last race didn’t get timed correctly…

  12. @Jupiterider1 Avatar

    One of the most fun races in a long time. I love both the Land Cruiser and bikes. Chris is a legend! Well done!

  13. @swamzino Avatar

    Graham was hating on the bike in the end he was match fixing lol 😆 😂 🤣

  14. @paulwincott2987 Avatar

    Loved this challenge but definitely not 3 secs up that hill so clear win for the bike, and huge respect for the riding!

    1. @wanderer54796 Avatar

      I am thinking the same. That old man with a Timer ⏲️ definitely cheated.

    2. @SamsungGalaxy5G Avatar

      Yea that was not 4 seconds 😂 the bike clearly won it’s obvious even with all the editing

  15. @kendutchess Avatar

    Matt, not sure if you read the comments, but your laughter and true enthusiasm was just what was needed after a rather tiring day at work. Cheers!

  16. @defaultuser3410 Avatar

    The conclusion is that Chris is one hell of a rider!

  17. @TheCluelessEnthusiast Avatar

    I expected the landcruiser to do a lot better than that. And i expected the bike to do a lot worse

  18. @enclavex69 Avatar

    Chris was a great guest. More of that please 🇬🇧👍

  19. @brcosmin Avatar

    Guy got some balls and a lot of skill to ride that contraption off-road.

    1. @mediocreman2 Avatar

      His off road skills were pretty poor but that bike isn’t ever going to be good at it

  20. @tobias6115 Avatar

    Im impressed how good Chris can handle that 200kg bike!
    Very impressive to watch!

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