Just wait until you see the 3rd car… 🥵






25 responses to “Just wait until you see the 3rd car… 🥵”

  1. Mk210 Avatar

    I think Mat has forgotten that he wanted to finish the 3000hp Patrol vs SF90 because he only did the rolling race when the most important challenge is the drag race

    1. Μιχαήλ Σιδεράς Avatar
      Μιχαήλ Σιδεράς

      The patrol broke down tho

    2. Mk210 Avatar

      @Μιχαήλ Σιδεράς I know about that part but when it’s fixed he should do a rematch

    3. Chxmph Avatar

      @Mk210 its alot easier to say than do

    4. Conor Avatar

      @Mk210 Do you think he lives in Dubai?

  2. MaLa Avatar

    I prefer #2. Looks fantastic!

  3. Alvin punnoose Avatar
    Alvin punnoose

    Imagine the amount of gas you need to put in the fourth to just run 10 minutes 💀💀💀💀

    1. DEADLY SNIPER Avatar

      u realize that the stock Nissan Patrol drinks fuel like crazy, right? it has like the worst fuel economy in any SUV

  4. DOOM-servise Avatar

    Best music 🎶

  5. Shuten-Doji Avatar

    Ehhh, I would have used Megadeth’s Symphony of Destruction as the background music.

  6. Avinash m.v Avatar
    Avinash m.v

    I hope he reviews the y62 too.

  7. Юрій Грона Avatar
    Юрій Грона

    even that 1200 hp one can’t put his power down, 3000 hp is just a tire burbibg machine not about acceleration

  8. It's Chaos up here Avatar
    It’s Chaos up here

    I want Metallica playing Enter Sandman live on top of that 3000hp Monster like something out of a Mad max film

  9. John Smith Avatar
    John Smith

    Hey Mat, when’s round 2 coming?👍

  10. Saleem Akhtar Avatar
    Saleem Akhtar

    i like the overall spec of the first one i love the rims on it aswell

  11. Michael Avatar

    That last one is the Alpha predator of the Trackhawk and gonna eat some kitties too lol

  12. Ben Lecluyse Avatar
    Ben Lecluyse

    Hell yeah !! 😜😜

  13. Mario Harris Avatar
    Mario Harris

    Look at the size of that turbo! THOSE turbos! 🤯

  14. Big Lil A Avatar
    Big Lil A

    the 3rd car is gunna blow up without even a thought

  15. Zygmunt Zarzecki Avatar
    Zygmunt Zarzecki

    Matt had to give up one of his cars to pay for the Metallica.

  16. OK-DIRT-OUTLAW🇺🇲 Avatar


  17. Hassan Alajmi Avatar
    Hassan Alajmi

    welcome to gulf countries

  18. Layton Bunce Avatar
    Layton Bunce


  19. Luke Lawrence Avatar
    Luke Lawrence

    They make teslas look.slow 😂 3rd one

  20. Benji Avatar

    Yeah nice and all. Needs rebuilding every 500 miles. But what a hoot when ya at the lights!!😀😄😂

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