Is the Bugatti Tourbillon quicker than the Chiron? πŸ‘€






44 responses to “Is the Bugatti Tourbillon quicker than the Chiron? πŸ‘€”

  1. @riba2233 Avatar

    So the answer is YES πŸ˜…

  2. @Ishowspeed-ot6nw Avatar

    Of course it is

  3. @high-captain-BaLrog Avatar

    No speculation, no scale modelling, it is unclear at this moment

  4. @randomuser8341 Avatar

    Cant wait for the 500kmh+ version

    1. @emiel255 Avatar

      I don’t understand why they immediately didn’t do a 500 version or one that is closer to 500. The new Tourbillon can do 445 which is a top speed we have seen from countless other Hyper cars

    2. @Geetayadav-xh8cy Avatar

      Tourbillon Super Sport ❀❀

    3. @makr0295 Avatar

      @@emiel255bc of the tyres

    4. @emiel255 Avatar

      @@makr0295 yeah but why can’t they fit tires that are able to handle those kinda top speeds? I mean the Chiron super sport 300+ was already able to hit 489km so why can’t they fit those tires on there from the get go?

    5. @wantu7816 Avatar

      ​@@emiel255 they limit the top speed to 445km/hr for production car. They will probably test its true top speed once it’s released.

  5. @lepenpitopen Avatar

    Δ°f it weren’t faster they wouldn’t share it

  6. @EllipseGamer Avatar

    Are the tailpipes real though?

    1. @falcon2898 Avatar


    2. @VeilsideSkyline Avatar

      ​@@falcon2898Stick of truth never lies

  7. @ST1706 Avatar

    Ok that new speedometer like a clock is actually a good idea. πŸ‘

    1. @peanutbutterjelly1368 Avatar

      Hence, the name “Tourbillion.”

    2. @Jax-795 Avatar

      Bugatti also made watches so it could be inspired from their watch’s design

    3. @CanisoGaming Avatar

      When it breaks they’ll charge you the equivalent of what rolex charges to fix clocks πŸ˜‚

    4. @mediumTierGod Avatar

      ​@@CanisoGaming so? The people that own such cars don’t care about maintenance price.

    5. @NuSuntRaresh Avatar

      @@Jax-795you mean Jacob and co built watches that mimic Bugattis cars design language

  8. @tamasdebreczeni5335 Avatar

    The old one is doing it for real, the new one is just a simulation

    1. @imavanasear Avatar

      yeah the 1800hp hybrid is faking it for sure

    2. @champsdesigner Avatar

      @@imavanasear is not fake, but is a computer simulation which does not include traction issue, climate, wind and other things.

      It’s fast for sure, but not that fast.

    3. @Music-xb3ny Avatar

      It will probably be since it’s hybrid​@@champsdesigner

    4. @Accoun6.02 Avatar

      ⁠@@champsdesignerI think they included the resisting forces. You can see that the acceleration gets slower with increasing speed.

    5. @champsdesigner Avatar

      @@Accoun6.02 with computer.

  9. @KellyBeeSan Avatar

    One thing to note here is that the engine of the Tourbillon without the actual body that’s doing all of this. If the engine was mounted to the car and the car is run on a dyno, it would be slower than displayed. Otherwise, we weren’t told the conditions at which the engine was tested.

  10. @Mondballer_00 Avatar

    What I love the most about the Tourbillon is that they lowered the weight of the car compared to the Chiron, despite the electric motors, batteries and such.

  11. @mubaraqabiodun4212 Avatar

    Who noticed the movement of the fuel guage as it declines with speed as wellπŸ˜‚

    1. @petyo_ Avatar

      Battery charge.

    2. @Cheeseiscool7 Avatar

      That’s the battery charge

    3. @Matriarchy_Feminism Avatar

      Empty in 4minute

    4. @AFelix-cw9nc Avatar

      If you talking about the top one it’s because the camera angle changes

  12. @sherwinmathew179 Avatar

    9k revving v16 😍πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅

    1. @partisanapple5349 Avatar

      Naturally aspirated 🀀

    2. @kami79x Avatar

      9.5k rpm πŸ˜…

  13. @phantom7694 Avatar

    Old Is Gold

  14. @Fredrick_6 Avatar

    Shocking: A car is slower than the better version of that car

  15. @Chewwss Avatar

    Animated vs real tho

  16. @PaulsViewsReviews Avatar

    That clock combining the speedometer and tachometer is stunning!

  17. @TiptronicSS Avatar

    It’s like the laws of physics are different with this car πŸ˜… Incredible how it keeps accelerating. It’s kind of also a setting of your gears, so I do wonder if the pull would be the same on a higher speed run.

    1. @RDB33 Avatar

      it can accelerate as much as it wants as the engine is being revved in Cosworths machine, it’s not actually in the car yet

  18. @mohitmohanmajhi993 Avatar

    That integrated RPM meter is cheif’s kiss i mean Engineer’s kiss

  19. @LucileLoyer Avatar

    Gorgeous new dials aside, I’m slightly suspicious that the Chiron vid was done on a road/track/runway, while the Tourbillon one might have been done with the car on a rolling road or in a similar drag-free environment. Still bloody quick, though, and can’t wait to see it in action!

    1. @xXAlmdudlerXx Avatar

      I think the Tourbillon video isn’t real but an animation matched with the engine sound from the dyno to give a preview of what to expect.

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