I was WRONG about the new BMW M5!

Change your automobile with Carwow:

When Mat last got his hands on the brand new M5 he was a bit disappointed regarding how it's progressed from the previous edition.

However, now he's had the chance to drive it several times, he's questioning if he was wrong when he offered his last verdict! To put it to the test, we have actually combined its crucial competitors – the RS7 Performance and 63.

So naturally, given how effective these machines are, we require to take a look at the stats! The M5 is powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 and an electrical motor, which combine to produce 727hp and 1000Nm of torque. Power is sent to all four wheels via an 8-speed car, weighing an enormous 2,435 kg!

The RS7 is powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8, and this creates 630hp and 850Nm. This efficiency is sent out to all four wheels through an 8-speed car, and it weighs in at 2,065 kg.

Then finally we have the . It's likewise powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8, which develops 639hp and 900Nm. It's equipped with a 9-speed automobile transmission, and it tips the scales at 2,135 kg.

So the BMW plainly has the efficiency, however naturally, it's not like an owner of this car will be drag racing it daily! With that in mind, not just is Mat going to test their efficiency, however he'll also provide each vehicle an appropriate Carwow review. He'll look into their style, their interiors, and what area resembles in the rear, and obviously, he'll take each vehicle for a drive.

So will the brand-new BMW come out on top? Or will the Audi or prevail? You'll need to keep viewing to see on your own!

00:00 Intro
00:49 Performance
02:01 0-60mph & 1/4-mile
04:07 Rolling Races
05:52 Wandering
07:27 Revs & Launches
08:41 Interior Noise
10:26 Weight
10:56 Style
11:35 Interior
12:57 Rear seats
13:45 Boot
14:12 Price & Company Cars And Truck
15:24 Driving
18:54 Verdict

Thanks to everyone who helped set up this video:
– BMW M5:
– BMW M5:


75 responses to “I was WRONG about the new BMW M5!”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-2602

    1. @User-J-f9t Avatar

      Lexus LBX review? I need my comfort and small cars.. not more performance sedans that I can’t afford! >:(

    2. @OMED_A Avatar

      why not the e-performance💔💔

    3. @abhaygill8319 Avatar

      my friend bring the e performance one 😁

    4. @MikePerry-c1r Avatar

      Missing the porsche panamera gt

    5. @MikePerry-c1r Avatar

      ​@@User-J-f9tno, once you go German, you DON’T go back

  2. @OutsideDuhBox Avatar

    If you’re changing your ca…

    *skips 35 seconds LOL

    1. @ItzJupiter Avatar

      This unoriginal comment is on every video lol and is posted by you like-beggars

    2. @EternalDark6 Avatar

      ​@@ItzJupiterit’s not wrong though, if there were less ads there’d be less comments like this

  3. @wizzyno1566 Avatar

    Translation: “BMW have been in touch and they have instructed me to change my mind”.

    1. @knutendreringhagen289 Avatar


    2. @911pms2 Avatar


    3. @GoranTosev8989 Avatar

      Yup 😂

    4. @azathosayingwhat Avatar


    5. @Keitumetsemulaudzi Avatar

      Keep hating since that’s the only thing u can do well in life 😂😂😂

  4. @AlfredoElDorado Avatar

    4:36 The nose lift on the Audi is crazy 😂

    1. @scales9014 Avatar

      Quattro jump 🙂

    2. @arnavfn16 Avatar


    3. @yankidiot Avatar

      It looks like an SUV with that huge gap between the wheel and arch 😂

    4. @farooqbichumani7045 Avatar

      It’s because of comfort mode the suspension is pretty soft on it

    5. @Fxrrari Avatar

      Thought it was an suv for a second😂

  5. @Blast6926 Avatar

    He only found out that he was wrong when a BMW agent arrived at his doorstep with bag full of green bills

    1. @PONTIOS-v5m Avatar

      I thought it

    2. @pramey Avatar

      true lol carwow is sold out now its over for this company

    3. @OmarZ77 Avatar

      Did the agent also get you your tinfoil hat?

    4. @Blast6926 Avatar

      @OmarZ77  nope, he gave me your mom

    5. @OmarZ77 Avatar

      @@Blast6926 nope, she’s dead, just like your chances of ever getting an M5.

  6. @houseyUK Avatar

    You got a kicking from BMW didn’t you carwow.

    1. @pramey Avatar

      more like got a wire trasnfer. this whole video is a paid advert. rip carwow so fake now every other race u can tell at this point

    2. @sportbikejesus Avatar

      [sees empirical evidence his opinions are wrong]

    3. @jamie3356 Avatar

      I heard they cancelled his heated seat subscription

    4. @adam.677 Avatar

      ​@@sportbikejesus it’s called common sense pal… let me guess, you are also tripple vaxxed

    5. @enners9098 Avatar


      Lmao, imagine boasting about being a moron 😂

  7. @nchmusic99 Avatar

    Is like BMW forced Matt to make an apology video about the M5

    1. @Blast6926 Avatar

      @@nchmusic99 who wouldn’t when offered a bag full of money? He’s doing this for the money not for science

    2. @nchmusic99 Avatar

      @Blast6926  he’s afraid he won’t be able to review a new bmws anymore if he criticizes it

    3. @Randomdude21-e Avatar

      I think matt understood that it was 2-300kg lighter then they said

    4. @mrb2349 Avatar

      Is there anything he said or any results they came up with which is wrong?

    5. @Fearzzy Avatar

      @@Blast6926 haven’t heard any1 claim its worse than its competitors, the problem is that it’s worse than the last gen which still holds true.

  8. @gillesgeroni6206 Avatar

    BMW after the previous video: can we speak to the manager?

    1. @Levente20 Avatar

      nah nah. its just facts bro. bimmer is the better. always.

    2. @Randomdude21-e Avatar

      Just look at the resaults

    3. @GSCinquanta Avatar

      BMW to Mat: Don’t you dare include the hybrid GT63.

  9. @DavidWindels-e1g Avatar

    Coming soon: Matt gets his free BMW daily driver 🙄

    1. @EricNoi-m5 Avatar


    2. @Sam-s2l2h Avatar

      Was thinking exactly this 😂

    3. @g9mtkvilla Avatar

      My thoughts exactly 😂

    4. @Manu-Official Avatar

      Was looking for this comment

    5. @Cynycter Avatar

      did you drive the new M5 like Mat did, or ar eyou just yapping like everyone else?

  10. @PhanTimo01 Avatar

    Matt got a warning from BMW.

    1. @jamessmith-mq6tu Avatar

      i think so too they were not happy with the last video and told him to do it again

    2. @keithdennis7419 Avatar


    3. @lemcakes32422 Avatar

      @@jamessmith-mq6tu they were very cross like trump but they did not ask for minerals

    4. @mattbuffo9967 Avatar

      Someone’s got to tell bmw their new designs are awful it’s the truth

    5. @MrMaDDeX93 Avatar

      You are all just salty that’s it 😂😂😂😂

  11. @m.aurelius Avatar

    BMW gave Matt a call…

    1. @ogking70 Avatar

      U a hater lol

    2. @Daumex Avatar

      @@ogking70 no you illiterate fanboy, he isn’t.

    3. @PERFECT3345 Avatar

      @@ogking70 no hate, just hard truths.

    4. @staLkerhu Avatar

      @@ogking70 you are stupid. There is a hungarian car channel, where the runner called the BMW Xm the pig of satan. Not long after that, the hungarian BMW brand ambassador or something contacted the guy and shared his dissatisfaction with the wording…

    5. @scottemac75 Avatar

      Think Tesla and BMX have mat on retainer lol

  12. @mariodagostino6401 Avatar

    BMW knows how to make a call

    1. @andreas.2 Avatar

      They also know how the car can produce more than 727 HP.

    2. @SudSale31 Avatar

      @@andreas.2 Yep!
      This goes for all of their cars

    3. @Raptile07 Avatar

      The GT63 AMGs E-Performance destroys every BMW 😅

    4. @Raptile07 Avatar

      The GT63 AMGs E-Performance destroys every BMW 😅

    5. @mariodagostino6401 Avatar

      Just strange how quickly his opinion changed and fit into a new approach in reviewing the very same car as previously reviewed …🤔🤔🤔

  13. @PokeJose64 Avatar

    i dont know about anyone else but i LOVED the new top-down camera angle you guys did during the rolling races! Hope it appears in more future videos~!

  14. @MichaelMorris-p5k Avatar

    Nobody races from 30mph in 3rd. Only reason for that test is to keep non hybrid cars out of their power band and exaggerate the hybrid tq fill.

  15. @Zephyr_White Avatar

    I guess Mat did get a warning letter from BMW, oh dear

  16. @coffxns Avatar

    that m5 makes a deep thump every shift it sounds so good😮‍💨

  17. @dommadafakaplays Avatar

    Amg when reving and audi when launching. By the rest BMW rocks and you can always make some mods to the exhaust to make some crazy noise. So bmw is still the main rocket. But for common people should be which one you like, very few people are pro drivers or pilots so very few notice the slight difference between thesr cars.

  18. @davroshalfbeard8368 Avatar

    I remember when a porche gt3 had 400 odd horse power 😂

  19. @CalvinKellas-m9t Avatar

    Love the BMW sound 😊

  20. @Iyahfardan Avatar

    I love these type of comparison videos can you keep doing them

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