EXCLUSIVE: New GTA VI loading screen revealed!


19 responses to “EXCLUSIVE: New GTA VI loading screen revealed!”

  1. @Sarah_Kopp Avatar

    Warum bist du eine Legende geworden und wann hast du angefangen, auf YouTube zu arbeiten?💪🏿

  2. @Ella_Haupt Avatar

    Deine Videos sind wirklich fantastisch, ich habe so etwas schon lange nicht mehr gesehen Zeit👊

  3. @preludeh22a57 Avatar

    I thought this will be another fake, but looks like it’s 100% real!

  4. @JAZZAkif Avatar

    This video is gud

  5. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

    Barbara trying to make Mat Watson feel 😢 with her S**t lol 🤣

  6. @EyesOfByes Avatar

    A little more red/pink tint on it though. Also, having GTA VI in the title really set off the comment bots.. Yikes.

  7. @user-jy1zy4ki2s Avatar

    Damn 😂 I though it ended when the carwow sign came in first, but then it just got better and better 😂

  8. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

    Carwow is now Memewow 😂

  9. @user-lq1ok6tc8m Avatar

    With the GTA 4 music 😂😂😂😂

  10. @fireman3857 Avatar

    The cat was a surprise, the blow up doll not so much 😂

  11. @kylenaudemotorsports8398 Avatar

    Please tell me we can do Drag race missions with Matt to earn money😂😂

  12. @cr34t_ Avatar

    Can’t believe the loading screen got leaked now.

  13. @wallay793 Avatar

    Now I’m really hype for this game.

  14. @shauncarman7209 Avatar

    Something tells me rockstar are coming for you with that one 😂

  15. @Lil_bottega73 Avatar

    Mat watson loading in gta 6 with gta 5 pre load and gta 4 theme song is crazy 😂

  16. @khaaleeddavids6077 Avatar

    One day Matt will be in a gta game

  17. @iamacar2190 Avatar

    Even non-gamers are excited for GTA 6!

  18. @iamacar2190 Avatar

    Imagine if Rockstar actually did put Mat Watson in the loading screen, showing Mat Watson getting smashed by a car💀?

  19. @mahmoudghandour3981 Avatar

    Everyone wants to do a GTA like footage now

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