BMW M8 v Panamera v GT 4-Door: 800hp DRAG RACE

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What a line-up!

We have actually got our hands on a M8, AMG GT 4-Door and a Turbo, and these V8-powered behemoths will go head-to-head over the quarter-mile!

Nevertheless, these are no ordinary German powerhouses. They have actually all been tuned, and are now kicking some serious extra horses over their normal performance stats! So let's take a more detailed take a look at the numbers.

Beginning with the M8, it's powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8. This would typically toss out 625hp, however this has now been increased to an almighty 800hp! It's the lightest car here, at 1,980 kg, and the expense of the automobile new coupled with the tune comes in at around ₤ 143,000.

Along with it we have the AMG. It's loading a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 under the bonnet, which would typically put down 639hp, however this has now been increased to 740hp! It suggestions the scales at 2,045 kg, and it's the most expensive automobile here, costing around ₤ 154,000!

Then finally we have the . Typically its 4-litre twin-turbo V8 would produce 550hp, but this has actually now been increased to 740hp – an eye-watering 190hp boost! It's the heaviest and truck here, mind, weighing in at 2,080 kg, and with the tune the vehicle costs ₤ 113,000.

So will the more powerful BMW take it? Or could either the AMG or declare the win? There's only one way to learn … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to for lending us these vehicles!


90 responses to “BMW M8 v Panamera v GT 4-Door: 800hp DRAG RACE”

  1. @friday_xo Avatar

    Daniel is back!! Glad to see him in the drag race series

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      I wish we see Daniel Ricciardo driving a TUNED Mercedes AMG Black in a Carwow Drag Race alongside the TUNED AE86 TRUENO.

  2. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @snm1786 Avatar

      @@pixelman400 no one cares

    2. @joshuaclement01 Avatar

      Some people also didn’t noticed that the cars were tuned.

    3. @yeetboi36 Avatar

      @@joshuaclement01is literally said in the first 10sec of the video.

    4. @syd_ney3731 Avatar

      8:48 Mat clearly jumped the start as usual but the stewart wont admit it probably coz he’s afraid of losing his job or something it’s annoying.

    5. @x5pro_ Avatar

      Mat how long u will be doing this ? aren’t u tired of these repeating drag races?

  3. @davidnguyen9409 Avatar

    Matt, we’re all still waiting for you to do a 1/4 mile running race with Yanni.

    1. @pdsnpsnldlqnop3330 Avatar

      To be beaten by Daniel, Nick and Sam, in alphabetical order.

    2. @junkyardboy Avatar

      I think they broke up for the Irish/german guy

    3. @aaaa-ig6sc Avatar

      Yanni has just had back surgery hasn’t he? Not sure how good his running will be.

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@pdsnpsnldlqnop3330wish we could see Stephane Peterhansel in a Carwow Drag Race.

    5. @The-Audi-driver Avatar

      Yanni had back surgery, so he won’t be doing anything for a while

  4. @hallohello1239 Avatar

    The english Translation to the german comments is hilarious 😅

    1. @julianl.715 Avatar

      Exactly my thought 😂

    2. @hutchson7410 Avatar

      “Losing in German” 😂

    3. @Reppintimefitness Avatar


    4. @Leonchik999. Avatar

      ​@@hutchson7410 between German cars 😅😅😅😂

    5. @Account1746 Avatar

      You must be easy to impress

  5. @ninja6._ Avatar

    Love how bro started speaking German

    1. @adrianvo9800 Avatar

      That’s his job. They have a second German channel and he moderates it.

    2. @hechter80 Avatar

      Translation was not correct, but funny 👌

    3. @ninja6._ Avatar

      @@adrianvo9800 ik bro

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@adrianvo9800he moderated them?

    5. @benfurtado8708 Avatar

      He speaks better English than the other two as well 😂

  6. @tas4976 Avatar

    Daniel should always know Matt keeps going until he wins!! 😂😂

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      I count about 596 times in total now that Matt jumped the start in Carwow Drag Races.

    2. @justme307 Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 Almost always. Get rid of the arm drop and use the phones to have some say “3…2…1…go!” with an intended and varied pause between 1 and go.

  7. @monolith2001 Avatar

    The sound of that Merc motor never gets old.

    1. @ricardoferreira2038 Avatar

      Soft limiter mano

    2. @d.s.2868 Avatar

      lol are you deaf? it’s rubbish compared to the BMW and the Porsche

    3. @wrth Avatar

      mmm I love speakers

    4. @un6250 Avatar

      @@wrthyeah, speaker sound from outside the car 🤣
      Watch the video ffs

    5. @yugarten8523 Avatar

      @@ricardoferreira2038 there’s no limiter when you’re going flat out !

  8. @AMG63 Avatar

    Mat definitely jumped, play it in slow motion and the car moves before hands start dropping.

    1. @brun747 Avatar

      Without shadow of a doubt it was a jump

    2. @nimdanilox7783 Avatar

      He always jumps

    3. @Ajay-vk7lz Avatar

      Mat jumps all the time, the stewards always let him get away with it.

    4. @CITRUS-- Avatar

      I came straight to the comments to say he jumped but then heard Daniel call him out…. Only for the stewards to lie😂😂

    5. @Justin-fv9tc Avatar

      when? what timestamp

  9. @byo5335 Avatar

    Baby when they are born – WAAAA WAAAA..
    Matt when he was born – WAWOWIN IN A DRAG RACE

    1. @debkillz930 Avatar

      underrated comment! hilarious!!

    2. @qlu5603 Avatar

      Matt: So what exactly happened?

    3. @aviatorzthebest2452 Avatar


    4. @smallworld707 Avatar


  10. @Rushilbawane Avatar

    We all miss Yianni in these drag races😭
    Imagine Mat, Daniel, Sam and Yianni in one drag race video together!!!

    1. @debarshidatta9897 Avatar

      With him in these videos, i always had to replay the video another 2 times ❤. He made me watch carwow almost every single day

    2. @rextetron Avatar

      Yianni said in his last appearance something that if Mat is fooling around for once more (in the race), he is not coming anymore. Hope that he wasn’t serious!

    3. @mikexhi287 Avatar

      There will be reasons so don’t always ask in the comments

    4. @kennethluff4736 Avatar

      No we don’t. He’s a clown.

  11. @nathansam3270 Avatar

    There was a lot of edging 😂

    1. @Shadowboost Avatar

      But any finish?

    2. @Pessimisti_c Avatar


    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Many edging in fact.

    4. @nicholasanderson9019 Avatar

      That bit cracked me up

    5. @koppzerrr9235 Avatar

      *”He’s behind me now”*
      Matt: I bet he is

  12. @ollarefawzi3253 Avatar

    those bmw shifts sound amazing

  13. @CD-uu6jd Avatar

    Imagine you pay 6k for a tune and you still have rev limiter


      And your gears aren’t working properly after being „tuned“

    2. @The_Stanman Avatar

      ​@@AAALEXANDERSONCarwow videos are always a good reminder of why I don’t tune my cars. Have so many more issues.

    3. @ASemiChub Avatar

      Genuinely tragic 😂 maybe their company isn’t ‘allowed’ to seeing as all 3 of them have their limiters still..

    4. @siraff4461 Avatar

      Imagine being told the ecu is unhackable and falling for it.
      That line has been going since physical chipping as a thing in the 80’s and they’re still rolling it out to take money from simpletons.

    5. @XxXnonameAsDXxX Avatar

      Imagine being a “tuner” and all you do is increase the injection amount and reflash the software. Lmao

  14. @Msr.shaikh482 Avatar

    M8 and GT 🔥
    Two beauties ❤

    1. @Te-legram-_-Carwow01 Avatar


  15. @CerberusTenshi Avatar

    Whoever did the English subtitles for Daniel did him dirty.

    1. @Te-legram_Carwow01 Avatar


    2. @timothymumba99 Avatar

      😂😂😂😂loser in German 😂😂

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      They should never done him dirty with that.

  16. @ellishaindobo1794 Avatar

    Now that’s a proper AMG!

    1. @Te-legram_Carwow01 Avatar


  17. @wdepaepe Avatar

    8:49 that is a clear JUMPSTART

    1. @Te-legram_Carwow01 Avatar


    2. @your_boi_tranquil4254 Avatar

      Ok Expect 😅

    3. @candirik4235 Avatar

      Exactly. Not sure how they rewatch and check?!

    4. @theunknownentity1830 Avatar

      Perfect timing on that timestamp, mate!

    5. @alexnotlando Avatar

      it’s not. the race starts when the hands begin to drop, not once they have dropped. watch it at 0.25 speed. as the steward said, it’s close but it’s not a jump

  18. @QuintenKetelslegers Avatar

    Man, the M8 GC looks so damn good

    1. @Te-legram_Carwow01 Avatar


    2. @pashabiceps95 Avatar

      No, all gc looks terrible

    3. @pantherdxn4835 Avatar

      ​@@pashabiceps95speak for yourself

    4. @suk6806 Avatar

      The regular 2 door looks far better, GC ruins the roof line

    5. @bibinthomas5282 Avatar

      ​@@suk6806but gc is more practical, normal coupe is just a sports car that’s it

  19. @leonchristensen1765 Avatar

    Matt: Lets just run again until I jump the start and get away with it lol. Every time Matt!

    1. @Te-legram_Carwow01 Avatar


  20. @Fasteddie1085 Avatar

    🚥I believe the big four door AWD German sedan won 😎🏁🏁🏁

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The VW Scirocco Tuned can easily beats the TUNED Porsche Panamera.

    2. @tmkprizreni5558 Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089 hard because scirocco is FWD it will only win in rolling maybe even beat them all in rolling race

    3. @skankhunt420 Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089″easily” #riddikulus

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