1.6L GR Yaris vs 6.5L Lambo ๐Ÿ’€


47 responses to โ€œ1.6L GR Yaris vs 6.5L Lambo ๐Ÿ’€โ€

  1. @jameschristopher9938 Avatar

    You jumped the start Mat!!๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. @flaminggodofthunder9212 Avatar

      He does that a lot tbh

    2. @lbnewell23 Avatar

      @@flaminggodofthunder9212he does but this time it wasnโ€™t even close ๐Ÿ˜‚

    3. @Tricolor40004 Avatar

      A chase is a race

    4. @wcstXXy Avatar

      it was kind of a headstart given to matt because of lack of aero watch the full video

    5. @monsterinside8819 Avatar

      He was given a headstart

  2. @NathanOakley1980 Avatar

    Got the name of the car right this time ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. @courtney-rw8ch Avatar

    As long as it fully built, including sleeves. Should be good for a minute.

  4. @maxratterman684 Avatar

    Built vs bought

    1. @Shadowshen5 Avatar

      Itโ€™s like a built gaming pc vs brand gaming pc

    2. @th3Kun Avatar

      Lmao, the only reason he got ahead was because he jump started. Also, you can check the SF90 vs the 1000hp supra hoonigan video.

    3. @Cobra_08YT Avatar


    4. @oceyho Avatar

      now compare the price, braindead. You could probably buy and build 5+

    5. @aviationgaming2957 Avatar

      โ€‹@@th3Kun haters gonna hate npc ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. @dzo487 Avatar

    Matt was aggressive with those shifts ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    1. @sando990 Avatar

      Very aggressive

    2. @Ignacio.Romero Avatar

      Itโ€™s not a manual

    3. @JstPJ Avatar

      You have to on a sequential

  6. @EdBlackburn-k2w Avatar

    Me questioning in what world does a Toyota Yaris almost beat a Lambo in a race

    1. @AntowQa Avatar

      in a world you put 100k under the hood

    2. @DerAngeloMerte Avatar

      but still original motorblock with 3 cylinders tho๐Ÿ˜‚โค

    3. @ronanwaring3408 Avatar

      Rally spec probably I saw a Rallye model, one second it was there the next it wasnโ€™t.

    4. @GUERRA-lt4qb Avatar

      What do you mean by โ€œalmostโ€? The yaris just won

    5. @alim7502 Avatar

      In the world where Toyota jumps the start

  7. @Jordy_loco Avatar

    Ik people are out to destroy Lambo but that v12 sound will never be beaten

  8. @grandtourshorts3879 Avatar

    that gintani exhaust on the lamborghini is just awesome

    1. @MrMuz99 Avatar

      I prefer the Yaris. ๐Ÿ˜…

  9. @JesseEngelbrecht-rr2jh Avatar

    Matt be shifting jard

  10. @cardealerfan3349 Avatar

    Yoooo, thatโ€™s cool and Mat, why did you jump the start

  11. @GladysGordon-zq1wr Avatar

    Love your style, itโ€™s like a burst of creativity in every video!

  12. @TangoSuckaa1 Avatar

    630hp from a 1.6 is just mental

    1. @Simracingisgoated Avatar

      I mean a lot more is possible too.

    2. @993mike Avatar

      Boosted that much youโ€™ll probably be lucky to get 5K miles out of it before boom.

    3. @Cluelessracing Avatar

      It have others that make 800 to 1000hp, the stock block from what i gathered can take up to 800hp.

  13. @icandoit9278 Avatar

    That 6.5L lost to an 1.6 Lโ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ’€

    1. @itzjustjojo9805 Avatar

      Watch the full video, this run, the Toyota jumped the start

  14. @Sanny1669 Avatar

    That Gintani exhaust ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

  15. @abuaim77 Avatar

    My grandpa when he says no worries

  16. @jurandas00 Avatar

    Bro jumped and thought he didnโ€™t

    1. @FleetwaySuperSonic2024 Avatar

      He jumped the start multiple times

    2. @jurandas00 Avatar

      @@FleetwaySuperSonic2024 I know!๐Ÿคฆ

    3. @FleetwaySuperSonic2024 Avatar

      @@jurandas00 he needs a good start but not to start early

    4. @jurandas00 Avatar

      @@FleetwaySuperSonic2024 yes

  17. @MateoMihaelGudeljevic Avatar

    Bro really got into that shifting๐Ÿ˜‚

  18. @user-fe5qo2ne2j Avatar

    The way matt shifted those gears like his life depended on it ๐Ÿ˜…

  19. @Aayush789 Avatar

    Matt never misses a chance to embarrass Lamborghini

  20. @Jiujitsu-boy Avatar

    That Toyota is mental

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