3 Cylinders vs 6: DRAG RACE

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It's time for a JDM showdown!

We have actually got the almighty going up against … A Yaris ?!

But wait! This is no normal . Simply wait till you see the statistics.

The routine GR Yaris can produce 261hp and 360Nm from its 1.6-litre 3-cylinder engine. Nevertheless, this edition rolls up with a fully developed engine that produces an absurd 630hp and 430Nm of torque. This power is sent to all four wheels via a 7-speed sequential manual gearbox, and almost every element of the vehicle has been modded and updated! It doesn't come inexpensive though – all in it costs an eye-watering ₤ 130,000!

Then we have the . Unlike the Yaris, it's completely stock, which suggests it's powered by a 3.8-litre twin-turbo V6 that will produce 600hp & 652Nm. Naturally, it's much heavier than the Yaris, weighing in at 1,725 kg compared to 1,280 kg, and when it was brand-new it cost around ₤ 125,000.

So the Yaris is somewhat up on power, however will the insane quantity of mods & upgrades all work as they're meant to ?! There's only one way to discover for sure … LET'S RACE!


88 responses to “3 Cylinders vs 6: DRAG RACE”

  1. @bsodgamer1234 Avatar

    At this point Mat watson will probably race a 3000 HP GTR against a jet.

    1. @metropcs1099official Avatar

      Wicked racing a 3000 hp GTR against a jet

    2. @Mrtoast-w69p Avatar

      that‘t I wanna see

    3. @iitsvonvino Avatar

      Id pay

    4. @just_justin6411 Avatar

      I think that’s one race Mat has a fear of 😂anything that is built he tends to fear especially when there’s a lot of wheel spin that’s gonna be involved

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@metropcs1099officialyep. If it does, add also P38 Lightning to battle against R35GTR.

  2. @darrenprior6339 Avatar

    600hp from what is basically a fart in a jar. Love the Yaris!!

    1. @joe125ful Avatar

      Yes?Watch AMG One engine itd F1 engine….lol.

  3. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-05-10

    1. @jacobrev6567 Avatar


    2. @Reppintimefitness Avatar


    3. @ALG--06-CARS Avatar

      i wan’t to camee to uk help me pls

    4. @heyhey3887 Avatar

      @@ALG–06-CARSit’s not hard we have open borders and will put you up in a hotel, give you money and can’t deport you.

    5. @Ngarepairercar1990 Avatar


  4. @zakidz6053 Avatar

    The GTRs still looking good after all these years 🤔

    1. @Maboidatboi Avatar

      Ugly since 2007.

    2. @Max_RO1 Avatar

      ⁠@@Maboidatboi Specsavers can fix your eyesight problem. 👍

    3. @kimnotking9742 Avatar

      @@Maboidatboi that what ur mom say when u r born

    4. @CB-rr9fe Avatar

      Okay Stevie ​@Maboidatboi

    5. @Superdimensional Avatar

      Timeless design ❤

  5. @davidsaihouheuwinkel7570 Avatar

    That Yaris launch is crazy

    1. @joe125ful Avatar

      Yes but lose vs real car…lol:):)

    2. @jdavidblais Avatar

      @@joe125fulthat yaris was made for trackrace not drag race !! And dont forget that transmission have a lot to do with the result but yeah Both car are sick ❤❤

    3. @SpecializedRider249 Avatar

      Real car lol? The GTR isn’t the better car. The Yaris is far better. ​@joe125ful

    4. @danielh9981 Avatar

      @@SpecializedRider249 not really

    5. @georgepoulos1592 Avatar

      @@SpecializedRider249 were you hit in the head as a kid?

  6. @accordcl9-zy8dc Avatar

    Not wasting time and getting straight into the specs and race. Love it💪🏻

    1. @courtney5796 Avatar

      I don’t mind the tossing about, i just don’t like the editing of most races. You watch 4 seconds and then cam switch, but it’s at 3 seconds now

    2. @KM-gh3ob Avatar

      gone is the chit chatta, man that GTR still looks like killer

    3. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      oh yeh no german brand to advertise

    4. @diodak39 Avatar

      And then waste our time with not performing car. Hate it

    5. @TG-mt6ke Avatar

      ​@courtney5796 I actually think it’s pretty clever how they edit the races. Be poor just showing us a 10 second race. Good to see both guys reactions on certain times of the race

  7. @thecake6635 Avatar

    Credit to Sam for that shifting timing,

    1. @ryanedirisingha8532 Avatar

      Speaks a lot about his experience when he figured out what the issue is, i was very impressed

  8. @ahnuldschwarzenegger1 Avatar

    2:25 Racing driver Sam:”Oaaahhh!!!!” Matt Watson: “Aaaaaah” Bros being bros.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Imagine if it is Oscar Piastri driving the 600bhp R35GTR.

    2. @ahnuldschwarzenegger1 Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 I’d think we’d get along fine. A man of few words but a lot of action. He’d be a bro for sure.

  9. @NeoMalatji-vb2tq Avatar

    Lamborghini Revuelto vs Porche 911 Turbo S would be EPIC!!!

    1. @taghiaff479 Avatar

      Porshe take the win

    2. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@taghiaff479 Nope!

    3. @taghiaff479 Avatar

      @@joe125ful well both of them can make quarter mile in 10seconds it’s a very close race but I am sure that porshe will had the revuelto off the line

    4. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@taghiaff479 Yes because its boring 911….

    5. @Heartfromsomewhere Avatar

      @@joe125ful400hp less and near identical time on carwow’s track. How boring 🥱

  10. @sushirolls8659 Avatar

    That’s 200HP per a cylinder folks. Let that sink in.

    1. @swappycars Avatar

      A nissan gtr with 1500hp has 250hp per cylinder 💀

    2. @junkfoodeater Avatar

      Need that on my one cylinder dirtbike 🤣

    3. @HYBRXD097 Avatar

      @@swappycars no, it makes about 100 fym

    4. @potatoo_69 Avatar

      @@HYBRXD097 no 1500/6 = 250 lol, it’s a V6 not a V12. Though there are 850hp yaris’ out there making it 283hp per cylinder

    5. @itsnotalih_v1702 Avatar

      ​@@potatoo_69 either way its impressive

  11. @simbas1740 Avatar

    that second launch on the yaris was nuts

    1. @spookyreaper1702 Avatar

      It launched like it was on a drag strip 😮at the traffic lights it’s killing most tuned cars

    2. @slothymango Avatar

      ​@@spookyreaper1702no it’s not it has a problem with shifting because the lever cable is loose, the car is essentially junk. Only cars it’s beating anymore are in the scrapyard

    3. @spookyreaper1702 Avatar

      @@slothymango that may be but it launches crazy

    4. @slothymango Avatar

      @@spookyreaper1702 yeah it does it’s a shame it’s talked totalled

    5. @pete4839 Avatar

      @spookyreaper1702  trust me, she’s more fun in the twisty bits and over a loose surface nothing much will come near it

  12. @Kiss__Kiss Avatar

    Best portion of this video: 4:14 “Because I represent science.” 🤣🤣🤣

    1. @rutkowsky Avatar

      Comedy gold!!

    2. @cheesecakefriend28 Avatar

      “And as the science, give me all your dogs…for science.”

    3. @mediocreman2 Avatar

      Amazing how many people he fooled.

    4. @rutkowsky Avatar

      @@Kiss__Kiss That man is an utter disgrace to science and should be locked up for what he has done

    5. @Kiss__Kiss Avatar

      @@rutkowsky Exactly!!👍

  13. @leonidas7746 Avatar

    Still waiting for the day they put GPS measurement inside the car and show us the 0-60 and the finishing speeds

    1. @chanuka_rulez8343 Avatar

      That’s literally how they measure 0-60 & 1/4mile times

    2. @leonidas7746 Avatar

      @@chanuka_rulez8343 I know but they never share the 0-60 nor the speed

    3. @mattvaughan180 Avatar

      100-200 times would also be great and a leader board of times too, officially gassed does it on his channel

    4. @leonidas7746 Avatar

      @@mattvaughan180 Exactly

    5. @billymays7210 Avatar

      @@chanuka_rulez8343Who’s THEY? We’re talking about CarWow, and THEY don’t…

  14. @MAC_NELO Avatar

    This was more exciting than the previous Revuelto VS RS7 race… Epic!!!

    1. @tajpauko2184 Avatar

      Definetly more exciting. That race was just usefull because you can’t compare familiy sedan with 600hp and 2,1 tons of weight to the fastest hybrid lamborghini with 1000hp. Maybe if the family sedan would be tuned to 1000hp it would’ve been a lot closer

    2. @MAC_NELO Avatar

      @@tajpauko2184 most def

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@MAC_NELOimagine if we got Calibra DTM vs Z4 LMGT3 vs Yaris GR.

  15. @rolfknappmann Avatar

    Unexpectedly: this was the most thrilling AND competitive dragrace I’ve seen in a while.

    1. @danieabedin9804 Avatar

      Grinding my teeth watching it😅

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Thats a 10/10 drag race.

    3. @Corvolet5 Avatar

      Most thrilling? Have you seen the most recent GTI race?

    4. @pete4839 Avatar

      @@rolfknappmann wait until the next one my Yaris is in 👍👍

  16. @tanaysharma3003 Avatar

    You have to have a redo of this whole drag race with a new cable in the gr Yaris.

    1. @bokiNYC Avatar

      Agree 👍

  17. @BetterWarrior Avatar

    We need this rematch when the Yaris is fixed.

  18. @simon_mbugua Avatar

    130k for a Yaris is even crazier 😂😂😂

    1. @JW-qf2fx Avatar

      that doesnt function correctly

    2. @ghuldorgrey Avatar

      Much more exiting than the gtr ever will be

    3. @J200S Avatar

      it looks like shite too. Looks as good as a second hand aygo for £5k too

  19. @Rebeccadear-q9v Avatar

    Never expected that one day I would see Yaris race head-to-head with a GT-R 😂

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Soon add also the RUF BTR 2 and 1995 McLaren F1 GTR Kokusai Kaihatsu UK Racing LMGT1 car to the mix.

  20. @BeautifulAaliyahAustin-b4b Avatar

    The yaris is so unreliable, it must be in the right condition, the right situation before it have any chance to win the GTR. While the GTR is able to perform as it should every single time.

    1. @ghostwrench2292 Avatar

      That’s the difference between a stock car and a race car. That Yaris is fully built but race cars can be feisty.

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