I want that bmw m3
I worked at the DTM this weekend and heard those engines all the time
@J Rwhat are DTM and CAP? I’M a car and bike but but don’t know these terms
@Michael BiniakewitzDeutsch Touring Meister or smth it’s German stock cars racing and cap means ‘correct, (right) on point’, etc.
I love his videos so much, he has such an amazing sense of humor and puts us in a good mood thank you
Sounds well meaty
Bro This Car has no chill and just blasted off in 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1 Seconds. This car should have the world Guiness record for the fastest 0-60 gaining speed record
Where is this runway?
That’s fast .!!!
Those are Turbo S stats
Where did you see stats I was interested
I thought I saw a car …?
Looking forward to see this in a drag race
It has already been featured in a couple
@2jezze794 Well shoot! I’m missing out lol
beutfull sound
E46 Csl has no chill lol this…..whatever
bro Mat was in my english exams
Why does that make you sad? We all get older I don’t understand being upset over if it’s best to celebrate every chance we can
Sounds like a Porsche
this thing kinda sounds like a big turbo om606
last gearchange was so smooth
Great sound
Valvetronic exhaust sounds beautiful
Just wait till Dodge starts making electric muscle cars. The manufactured sound blasting from the tailpipe speakers are gonna blow that thing away!
Never heard that sound from an M3 . Is it a V8 ????
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