BRB just watching Carwow in the new Dacia Duster ๐Ÿ˜Ž






18 responses to โ€œBRB just watching Carwow in the new Dacia Duster ๐Ÿ˜Žโ€

  1. @AliceSteele1 Avatar

    You are the best YouTuber in the world and I love yours.
    ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ $

  2. @AnnaWaters19 Avatar

    Your talent is like a star shining in the artificial sky of YouTube. Enchanted!๐Ÿงก 6 ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. @HannaKeys Avatar

    I watch your channel with pleasure. Your videos are always so easy and entertaining.๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒ

  4. @ElenaFloyko Avatar

    Jedes Video ist wie eine Reise in Ihre Welt der Kreativitรคt. Danke fรผr die Einladung in diesen magischen Winkel der Inspiration! ๐ŸŒท ) ๐Ÿ•ถ

  5. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

    Why is Mat Watson not in the boot / trunk

  6. @itisallaboutspeed Avatar

    as a car content creator i approve this video

    1. @Meshaal.701 Avatar

      No one give a sh!!t

    2. @H.K_R Avatar

      With 9 subscribers.

  7. @benplaysroblox4753 Avatar

    these bot comments with sus af pfpsโ˜ ๏ธ

    1. @clashwithadam2340 Avatar

      Yea brooo๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. @snakeeyes9246 Avatar

      I raise a petition to destroy all sex bots.

  8. @fakechinese815 Avatar

    Watch carwow in the trunk as youโ€™re being kidnapped

  9. @burnzy3210 Avatar

    Please stop making youtube shorts ๐Ÿ™

  10. @busolaodumade Avatar


  11. @cheesepuffo9 Avatar

    Makes any car a 10/10

  12. @matthewnorman9803 Avatar

    Can we please have a Hyundai Getz sx on carwow day 371

    1. @snakeeyes9246 Avatar

      Just give up already. It ainโ€™t happening.

    2. @matthewnorman9803 Avatar

      @@snakeeyes9246 if they didnโ€™t have a i10,20,30 and picanto on this channel then I wouldโ€™ve given up, but because of that reason no

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