Tag: henry fisker
FIRST DRIVE: 2024 Fisker Ocean: is Fisker’s electric SUV worth the wait? | Electrifying
#fiskerocean #fisker #electriccars One of the most keenly prepared for new electrical cars is finally set to strike the UK early next year. The Fisker Ocean might have been a long time coming, however patient customers who took a punt on the fledgling carmaker are about to be rewarded for their perseverance. The Ocean is…
FIRST LOOK: Fisker Pear – Is the new Fisker the best electric car ? | Electrifying
#FiskerPear #electriccars #FiskerPear Read the Fisker Pear preview: You might not have actually heard of Fisker yet, but the business is being touted as the next Tesla – if they can navigate their way through some choppy financial waters and finally get production started. The Ocean SUV is due in the UK next year and…