Why expensive SUVs are pointless!

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Can a ₤ 23,000 SUV beat a ₤ 74,000 specialist around an course?

Well, it's time to find out as we line the Duster up against the brand new !

When it pertains to off-roaders, many people will instantly think of the . This brand-new edition comes geared up with a 2.8-litre 4-cylinder turbo diesel that produces 204hp and 500Nm. So the power output might not be massive, however there is a lot tech constructed into it, from a low variety mode, locking centre and rear differentials, and obviously, several various driving modes. The important things is, while it can clearly carry out off-road, it does not come cheap!

On the other hand, the Dacia we have here comes in at just a third of the cost of the Land Cruiser! It's also down on power, with a 1.2-litre three-cylinder engine producing 130hp. It comes with an off-road mode, however otherwise, it lacks all of the off-road tech that the Land Cruiser comes equipped with. Furthermore, the Duster is just fitted with winter season tyres, while the Land Cruiser has all-terrain tires.

However the Dacia does have one technique up its sleeve. While the Land Cruiser weighs in at 2,335 kg, the Duster suggestions the scales at just 1,390 kg! Could that show definitive throughout the off-road drag race? There's only one way to learn!


88 responses to “Why expensive SUVs are pointless!”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-0603

    1. @Reppintimefitness Avatar


    2. @User-J-f9t Avatar

      Lexus LBX review.. please.. :,)

    3. @AlanFormula12022 Avatar

      Or perhaps the Super Turbo Micra.😅

    4. @AlfarrisiMuammar Avatar

      We need byd fang cheng bao 8 next time

    5. @zumezoom9593 Avatar

      These cars are getting more expensive by the year. Big SUVs are for the people who go grocery shopping and picking up their kids from school. At least it’s how it is here in Canada mostly

  2. @YashGupta-pn1du Avatar

    He’s Mat Watson and we are watching Carwow.

    1. @sapphirejunction8993 Avatar


    2. @Reppintimefitness Avatar

      Ford Explorers beat Trackhawks

    3. @aarthiknair3453 Avatar

      Good one😂

    4. @hakshayak2044 Avatar

      He is mocking your f***ing accent​@@sapphirejunction8993

    5. @Rob_Dekker Avatar

      He sure is and we sure are

  3. @UzairW Avatar

    Oh hell yeah! These offroad challenges especially with quirky cars are FAR MORE fun compared to the endless drag races. Dont get me wrong, I love the drag races involving proper hypercars or mega-tuned Lambos and BMWs lol, but the remaining 90% drag races feel cookie cutter to be honest.

    Speaking of which, when are we getting the rest of the hypercar drag races the from your recent UAE visit? Those Koenigseggs and Bugattis deserve to be shown properly here on Carwow!

    1. @AlanFormula12022 Avatar

      Simply lovely also.

  4. @j.a.citadel3258 Avatar

    The duster really is slept on genuinely nice cars these days.

    1. @AndrewTSq Avatar

      but they are also made of cheap renault parts. edit : I checked the platform, it uses the same platform as Renault Talia , and Vaz Lada Iskra

    2. @raullk4282 Avatar

      @@AndrewTSq but it’s a cheap car

    3. @j.a.citadel3258 Avatar

      @AndrewTSq  honestly though have you had a go in a new Dacia? Personally I would rather have a new or nearly new Duster over a used land rover product for the same price or some other used SUV. But tbf it’s not for everyone.

    4. @alanmay7929 Avatar

      its not

    5. @j.a.citadel3258 Avatar

      @alanmay7929  ok it’s not

  5. @TheFreakonhell Avatar

    Duster + software tune + new upgraded suspension + nice holiday in a foreign country = still less than half the Toyota

    1. @Muiry8 Avatar

      Just buy a second LC

    2. @下田洋介-w4z Avatar

      It’s called “Subaru”.

    3. @Memeza0 Avatar

      Will the Duster last even half of the mileage that the Prado will do? No. So I’d rather go for a car with reliability and that’s already well built which can also tow quite well.

    4. @alanmay7929 Avatar

      and still 1/5 as capable as the toyota lol!!! you cant seriously compare those two vehicles! the land cruiser has locking diffs which means it literaly can go everywhere!

    5. @alanmay7929 Avatar

      ill take an older audi quattro lifted over that dacia since you think its better than a toyota! youre the one destroying Dacia. grow up!

  6. @dhirenderkumarcarandgadget5520 Avatar

    Please arrange a classic 4×4 challenge with
    Lada 4×4
    Fiat panda 4×4
    Jimny 4×4
    Dacia duster 4×4

    1. @lise1255 Avatar

      It certainly would be a more realistic comparison. 👍

    2. @4f00d Avatar

      Yeah, the real off-roaders test, not some luxurious wife-jeep for kids football drop-offs

    3. @crack24able Avatar

      toyota Rav4 3 door

    4. @kokoscom Avatar

      Along with a grand vitara 1997-2004

    5. @jochem1986 Avatar

      @@crack24able Only if it says “Fun Cruiser” on it.

  7. @PriusTurbo Avatar

    Tires matter far more than a lot of specs.

    1. @franciscomiranda9561 Avatar

      I Totally Agree, a Great Example of This is that in Snow/Ice, Snow Tires with 2WD is Better than 4WD without Snow Tires! 🤔🤷

    2. @N1ckZ Avatar

      Stop with the excuses Toyota fanboy

    3. @Cxcoss Avatar

      These are stock tires i guess?

    4. @Trishal04 Avatar

      ​@N1ckZNo need of being a fanboy. If you don’t know about the most basic thing, you should avoid even watching such videos

    5. @asharak84 Avatar

      @N1ckZ The Toyota was on the better tyres for the task

  8. @naorl8866 Avatar

    All this tests are pointless when you use different tires.

    1. @krevo6c Avatar

      Exactly. It’s completely stupid.

    2. @everyhandletaken Avatar

      Not necessarily, I don’t think.., the Duster is how you would expect one to be that is driven around town & is still fairly capable off sealed roads, in standard spec.

      We all know the Landcruiser is designed for this & is always going to be the better vehicle, but the cost is stupid.

    3. @naorl8866 Avatar

      @@everyhandletaken Landcruiser is a better off roader, But i’m sure the Duster could preform better on this terrain if it had the same tires as the Landcruiser, And the Landcruiser could be worst with the Duster tires.

    4. @everyhandletaken Avatar

      @ absolutely. I think the question is, would it be fairer to put them head to head in the spec in which they would ordinarily be, or try to make it fairer for the Duster, by giving it better rubber.

      I think either is a valid choice, for different reasons.

    5. @zerafians8145 Avatar

      I think the idea is testing them off the lot. How they come to you right after purchase. I agree that true comparison for the vehicles does require the same tires. Seeing how the manufacturer gives the consumer the car is a big factor though. Not pointless though

  9. @eddieallen6401 Avatar

    Imagine the Duster with a set of ATs…

    1. @Art-is-craft Avatar

      It’s still a Duster.

    2. @GrizzlytheLord Avatar

      with a set of ATs…

    3. @mrvwbug4423 Avatar

      The LC was rolling on all seasons, not ATs. For some bizarre reason Toyota won’t spec ATs on the LC

  10. @krevo6c Avatar

    Please put both cars on the same tires !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. @cheesushchrist595 Avatar

      Good point

    2. @guavaice1 Avatar

      They can’t because the Dacia has wider wheels

    3. @kaigordon2900 Avatar

      But at least shows what you’d get straight out the box if you bought one

    4. @brianoptimist3575 Avatar

      test should be done with the tires the car comes with

    5. @cheesushchrist595 Avatar

      @@brianoptimist3575 true, im really curious what the difference would be with tires bringing out better performance

  11. @evostu7814 Avatar

    Maybe test them for picking the kids up from school & see which one blocks the road the best.

    1. @nl3712 Avatar

      Which one parks better in a no parking zone? 😂

    2. @bigglyguy8429 Avatar


    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@nl3712the left side of parking zone?

    4. @danu_xoz Avatar

      Or which can do 90 on the school zone.

    5. @NVRAMboi Avatar

      @evostu7814 : hahahaha! This should be a sticky note for this video. Well done, sir.

  12. @lukasmeyer1992 Avatar

    You should start using the same tires on all cars in offroad tests.

    1. @destroyer9429 Avatar

      What about the same driver? One car could have an extra 5kg of fuel? The track will always be different for the second car too, if you get caught up on the inconsistencies you’ll never get anything done. The brands know what the car is going to be tested for and it’s their responsibility to provide tires that would best showcase the cars abilities

    2. @Natepwnsu Avatar

      If they didn’t put snow tires on that cheaper car it wouldn’t even have been remotely close so they had to do that in order to make it look better

    3. @Natepwnsu Avatar

      ​@@destroyer9429using snow tires on one car in a competition like this is cheating

    4. @Al_Lergic Avatar

      @@Natepwnsu are snow tires better than offroad tires?

    5. @Twin.motors Avatar

      ​@@Natepwnsuthe Toyota had all road tires… Not all season. The Toyota had a massive advantage

  13. @csjrogerson2377 Avatar

    The closest 95% of SUVs will get to using 4WD off road is a muddy puddle in Chelsea or a pot-holed driveway in Lower Piddlington-under-sweatyknobend.

    1. @timaustin2000 Avatar

      I think I passed through Piddlington-under-sweatyknobend last time I drove through Surrey,….

    2. @csjrogerson2377 Avatar

      @@timaustin2000 Ah, you were in Upper Piddlington-undersweatyknobend. Lower Piddlington-under-sweatyknobend is in Gloucester. An entirely different type of upper class tw@t in Gloucester.

    3. @tetepetrole5284 Avatar

      In the UK or in Europe maybe. The world is bigger than just Europe

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@tetepetrole5284is it also on West Europe countries?

    5. @csjrogerson2377 Avatar

      @@tetepetrole5284 Its an English car programme, made in England by an English person.

  14. @Tzestolini Avatar

    I live in Bucharest and have a Duster and a Porsche Cayman. Last year there was a flooding after massive rain and the only cars managing to go through were Dusters 🤓

    1. @golf1diesel Avatar

      Cumva e Cayman-ul alb parcat aproape de Eroilor in parcarea aceea?

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Duster > Cayman in Offroads.

    3. @lemcakes32422 Avatar

      romanians buy least reliable cars ,, toyota should be best selling car there

    4. @Tzestolini Avatar

      @@golf1diesel:)) nu, e negru

    5. @DaciaProject Avatar

      I highly doubt a Romanian who owns a Porsche would ever buy a Duster. Smechers don’t run Dacias. . .

  15. @willewiking98 Avatar

    dacia really has nailed the design recently. i remember 10 or 15 years ago first seeing them on vacation in austria and thinking they were just the most horrendous looking thing ever. But they have really made it something good looking nowadays.

  16. @jullblack-nu3wm Avatar

    Next off road race: This Dacia vs Suzuki Jimny!

    1. @MR99TH9 Avatar

      Vs bmw X5 or mercedes GLC/gle , we want to have a laugh

    2. @mohannadalshishani240 Avatar

      Yes please

    3. @flyguy1889 Avatar

      On the same tire

  17. @Sh4dows2 Avatar

    Well done Matt for correctly pronouncing Dacia 🇷🇴

    1. @videos44 Avatar

      he really did pronounce the cardboard box car right 🎉 so proud

  18. @totompa81 Avatar

    0:56 The Dacia has 1,0653 times more horsepower per ton than the Toyota, 93,5251 HP/t versus 87,7944 HP/t if my math is correct.🤓

  19. @razr_178 Avatar

    As a romanian I am ALWAYS impressed by Matt’s pronunciation of the word Dacia – it is 100% correct and he has been saying it right ever since the days when nobody knew what the hell a Dacia was haha. Epic video as well!

    1. @kjh23gk Avatar

      It disappoints me when people insist on mispronouncing it. So disrespectful. 😒

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