V12 Ferrari v 3cyl Tuned GR Yaris: DRAG RACE

The Carwow Black Friday sale is now live:

It's time for Italy and Japan to go head-to-head!

We've got our hands on a , and it's taking on … A GR Yaris ?! But, obviously, this is no normal GR Yaris – it's the very same one that took on the Lamborghini Aventador SV!

So let's see how the 2 compare. Beginning with the , it's powered by a remarkable 6.5-litre naturally-aspirated V12 that can produce 800hp and 718Nm. This power is sent to the rear wheels only via a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, and the automobile weighs 1,630 kg. When brand-new, it cost around ₤ 261,000!

Then we have the GR Yaris. It's generally powered by a 1.6-litre 3-cylinder turbo fuel that can produce 261hp and 360Nm. However, that has actually been removed and replaced with a completely built engine, and this tuned Yaris now puts down 630hp and 430Nm! This power is sent out to all 4 wheels via a 7-speed sequential transmission, and the car weighs simply 1,280 kg! With all the mods included it has a value of around ₤ 130,000!

So the Ferrari has more power, however the Yaris is incredibly light! Can you pick a winner? There's only one method to see which will come out on top … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to everybody who assisted set up this race:

Ferrari :
Toyota GR Yaris:
Toyota GR Yaris:
Toyota GR Yaris:


63 responses to “V12 Ferrari v 3cyl Tuned GR Yaris: DRAG RACE”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Change-Your-Car-2209

    1. @johnsilva9216 Avatar

      Did you say gintani exhaust?

    2. @Seventh7Art Avatar

      So this modified Yaris costs more than a stock Model S Plaid Track pack and it runs 11 seconds when the Tesla runs 9.5 seconds or better…

    3. @medsupercelle7592 Avatar

      bring the CT5-V BLACKWING

    4. @Sandesh351 Avatar

      You should put turbo S together with them. Will be very interesting.

  2. @Blottski Avatar

    I don’t care what anyone says as someone who grew up with Ferrari posters on the wall, the 812 is on of the most beautiful Ferrari’s EVER MADE. May be one of the most beautiful front engine cars ever.

    Edit: I said “one of” just to be clear. Big fan of the 575 and the F12 TDF and the 458!

    1. @GhostFace990 Avatar

      Ferrari f430 for me all day everyday the sound is Unfuckingbelievable

    2. @HeqaDesigns Avatar

      Ferrari F12 TDF is writing…

    3. @TheGreekCarGeek Avatar

      Agreed, only other front engined cars that compete are Aston’s (One 77, Vulcan, Victor)

    4. @azathosayingwhat Avatar

      Hope you get one

    5. @briankoalagobe8851 Avatar

      Bless you ​@@azathosayingwhat

  3. @owenscallum4565 Avatar

    812 has to be one the greatest sounding cars made 😍

    1. @Corvolet5 Avatar

      Damn right. I prefer the F12 but the 812 is definitely music to my ears.

    2. @TheGreekCarGeek Avatar

      @@owenscallum4565 any V12 with a Gintani exhaust is the recipe for the best sound in the world

    3. @disal...69 Avatar


    4. @akhyarrayhka4048 Avatar

      one of but not THE

    5. @TheGreekCarGeek Avatar

      @@owenscallum4565 definitely. The recipe appears to be: V12 + gintani exhaust = eargasm

  4. @mustafaefedeniz2967 Avatar

    4:29 one of the moment of carwow history I think

    1. @mohammdM5cs Avatar

      Bugatti Chiron Super Sport vs. Koenigsegg One Friends, please like to complete the challenge

    2. @mohammdM5cs Avatar

      Bugatti Chiron Super Sport vs. Koenigsegg One Friends, please like to complete the challenge

  5. @bamafan-in-OZ Avatar

    That Ferrari is stunning and that sound is a big reason EVs will never be better than ICE no matter how fast they get.

    1. @YTuberosity Avatar

      Get over it.

    2. @Popelpeter Avatar

      After boomers are gone, no one will ever care about combution engines.

    3. @josiahdavis8043 Avatar

      @@YTuberosityu have no passion

    4. @MamayMotoventures Avatar

      agree with you. That’s EV is now declining 🤣

    5. @Carrera-gp9od Avatar

      Why should he , we are not all wef androids At least not yet .

  6. @BookLoversPizza Avatar

    2:55 the synced “come on!” is hilarious 😂

  7. @Nice_Person7379 Avatar

    The 812 is an orchestra on wheels.

    The gr yaris is hyper fun to drive.

    Gimme both 🤤🤤🤤

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Very unsurprising that many people still love the sound of 812 till now.

    2. @AngryWalter Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089meaningless comment

    3. @tropicthndr Avatar

      Especially in the dealer’s garage getting repaired because that’s where it spends half of its time.

  8. @Corvolet5 Avatar

    6:30 I’m surprised the 812 Superfast can do mid 10’s in the quarter mile, despite being 7 years old already and not made for drag races at all. I remember Yianni’s Aventador SV a while ago did it in 10.8 seconds.

    1. @thomasgrabkowski8283 Avatar

      Also being RWD

    2. @sinmoto1220 Avatar

      A motorbike of street of 1988 with 130 cv do 10,5 seg…

    3. @LuigiBattista-uw4vs Avatar

      ​@@sinmoto1220No way

    4. @PapiAndrey Avatar

      ⁠​⁠@@sinmoto1220Who cares, it’s a bike

  9. @danielshinerock1526 Avatar

    Sam is the man. The smile and the humour!

    1. @biggybwana6304 Avatar

      Right? Matts best partner and my favourite co star.

    2. @pete4839 Avatar

      He’s brilliant, but I’m driving my car next time 😂

    3. @clydechilders3252 Avatar

      Down shift gang lol Sam the Man!I would have got fired!💯🍻

    4. @linzebaker6862 Avatar

      he’s extremely incompetent, cant drive, cant shift, cant brake, basically useless

    5. @Myhovercraftisfullofeels-o2z Avatar

      @@linzebaker6862 Says the jealous looser who can’t spell!

  10. @AlzhinSon Avatar

    4:54 That’s a jump Mr Watson

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      He jumped the start by 0.4 seconds.😅

    2. @GoogleAccount-pt4zu Avatar

      Anything to make it a close race, they gave the classic “missed a shift” or “car went into limp mode” excuse just to not make it a complete whitewash.

    3. @MacXpert74 Avatar

      I paused the video and then looked at it frame for frame, but Mat really timed it perfectly and the Yaris starts to move exactly at the same moment as the hands start coming down. So he didn’t really jump the start there. Sam’s response time was rather bad, the Ferrari first starts to move when the hands are more than halve way down. This made it look like Mat had jumped it.

    4. @MrBeckPJ Avatar

      Sam had a slower start, not surprised with real wheel drive, it’s not going to be perfect every time. Mat didn’t jump.

  11. @mrorange1401 Avatar

    When Sam is down shifting in the break test …he looks like a person who is a teacher,police, astronaut, firefighter, delivery guy etc.🤔

    1. @wraitth3744 Avatar

      Underrated comment here😂

    2. @christopherharter1702 Avatar

      Sinful bastard 😂

    3. @moogle68 Avatar

      I don’t get it…

  12. @victorcs_ Avatar

    2:10 what a sound!!!

  13. @79blustone Avatar

    I really think you should consider a drone camera angle at launch- something we can see who has pulled away the cleanest better as the current side angle makes judging the distance impossible.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Imagine if we got 787B doing a drag race against this Ferrari 812.

  14. @MitchTube Avatar

    The 812 is the only super car I want. Looks, sound and performance. Perfection

  15. @epyc_one Avatar

    Once that Ferrari hooks it’ gets going. That V12 mated to the Gintani sounds melodious, it’s unmatched.

  16. @md.mahfujulhaquearpon9666 Avatar

    That 812 is an engineering masterpiece 🖤

  17. @Gemm4Terr3ll-d5k Avatar

    That 812 Superfast is such a stunning beast, man.

  18. @eedoamitay3341 Avatar

    I don’t think this gets said enough, but what an AMAZING addition Sam has been to this channel, absolutely stellar bloke and he fits in so well, glad he’s on the crew

    1. @edwinjoshua7743 Avatar

      Well said 👏 ❤❤

  19. @ArtemLokhovitskiy Avatar

    A gigantic…MASSIVE props to those, who built that Yaris. Super power, always in power band, no breaking, good brakes, good looking car.

  20. @LiliMayO765 Avatar

    I believe you should consider a drone camera angle upon launch so we can see who has pulled away the cleanly, as the current side perspective makes estimating distance hard.

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