The Aston Martin DB12 interior is πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯






39 responses to “The Aston Martin DB12 interior is πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯”

  1. The Suplex Guy Avatar
    The Suplex Guy

    And that’s why Leon Edwards has the best Aston Martin collection

    1. Heellp Avatar

      god damn it !!! I can’t run away from Leon Edwards comments πŸ™

  2. mohammed saad Avatar
    mohammed saad

    the song James bond heard when he went swimming with the DB10 IN Spectre

  3. Snake Eyes Avatar
    Snake Eyes

    It looks decades ahead of other Aston models. We’ll have to wait and see how well it works in the future.

  4. itsmedrow Avatar

    Aston martin interiors finally decided to step into the 21st century 😊

    1. Pelle Kuipers Avatar
      Pelle Kuipers

      Looks wise, they went from dated to some of the best in the business

    2. imfuctifino Avatar

      “Mercedes”… fixed it for you

    3. benrgrogan Avatar

      ​@imfuctifino I believe Lawrence Stroll said they’ve cut most of the tech/interior ties with Mercedes now.

    4. Ameen Hensem Avatar
      Ameen Hensem

      @benrgrogan Yeah I heard that they now have their own infotainment system

    5. Christopher Sansom Avatar
      Christopher Sansom

      @imfuctifinothe interior has very little if anything to do with Daimler-Benz

  5. Abdulla Duwaisan Avatar
    Abdulla Duwaisan

    Definitely planning on getting this one!

  6. Luc Wijngaard Avatar
    Luc Wijngaard

    “Reliability has entered the chat”

    – Kyle, age 9

    1. Manu  Avatar

      Says the guy with the Maserati logo.

    2. benrgrogan Avatar

      ​@Manu its clearly a joke aimed at others πŸ˜‚

    3. Michael Herman Avatar
      Michael Herman

      From the VH platform on Aston Martin has had impeccable reliability.

    4. MM Avatar

      I highly doubt any owner will but more than 5k miles a year
      Also in 15 years or maybe less when all we can buy is electric cars v12 luxury cars will shoot up in value especially those with low mileage (garage queen)

    5. Conor Avatar

      Wtf cars are these people driving where they think other cars break every year?

  7. Ismael Ahmed Avatar
    Ismael Ahmed

    Still waiting for Matt to do a bloody review on it

    1. Darth Groot Avatar
      Darth Groot

      And the Revuelto

  8. Preston P. Avatar
    Preston P.

    Oh no, not those door handles. Mat is going to lose his πŸ’© after seeing that.

    1. Lewis Avatar

      I think you press the button and then the handles pop out. They make more sense than the tesla ones.

    2. Raphael Dwain Avatar
      Raphael Dwain

      ​@Lewis Do they really? What is the point of waiting around for that little michanism to pop them out?…

    3. AJx Avatar

      @Raphael Dwain it pops out when it’s unlocked and retracts in when it’s locked or driving. It’s sleeker and more aerodynamic,

  9. Imad .F Avatar
    Imad .F

    An analogue clock would have been lovely on the upper dashboard

    1. Leon Lees Avatar
      Leon Lees

      Looks naked and it is missing the clock. Hahaha

    2. Raphael Dwain Avatar
      Raphael Dwain

      That’s an extra 50k.

  10. Prajwal kumar k Avatar
    Prajwal kumar k

    James Bond car

  11. theonlyredspecial Avatar

    Stand out for me was the constipated smilie at the top. Absolutely brilliant.

  12. rushil jalnawala Avatar
    rushil jalnawala

    They desperately needed this interior overhaul like desperately like the cars are so pretty so gorgeous and now the interior finally steps up high time Aston

  13. trollsRtrix Avatar

    You don’t need all of that to get from A to B πŸ˜‚

  14. Jonathan Bell Avatar
    Jonathan Bell

    Their interiors have always been their down side. Finally stepped up.

  15. caffeine is king Avatar
    caffeine is king

    Those seats look like something out of a kia

  16. THE CAR BOY Avatar

    No wonder why James Bond loves Aston Martin

  17. Okith De Silva Avatar
    Okith De Silva

    The ultimate Aston Martin car of the future!

  18. Timepiece Enthusiasm Avatar
    Timepiece Enthusiasm

    FINALLY Aston Martin’s interior arrived in the 2020s…

    1. matt dupont Avatar
      matt dupont

      Hey its my joke that πŸ˜…

    2. Timepiece Enthusiasm Avatar
      Timepiece Enthusiasm

      @matt dupont well, the sad thing it it isn’t even a joke, is it? I mean their infotainment technology over the last years was horrendous looking and about a decade old…good to see that they’re starting to go with the time though

  19. Tony C Avatar
    Tony C

    At last, an interior worthy of the exterior.

  20. colin wilson Avatar
    colin wilson

    What a beauty of a car πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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