That’s gonna be an expensive fix…


24 responses to “That’s gonna be an expensive fix…”

  1. @hangoutscalls465 Avatar


  2. @TshepangBaloyi-hf5hj Avatar

    Hey mate

  3. @Connor92405 Avatar

    To think of the cars you could’ve bought for that 100k 🤦🏼‍♂️

  4. @milinddixit6583 Avatar

    I remember this video. Remember thinking it was a bit random he started talking about the money he spent on it to Yianni. Maybe he knew what was about to happen 😂

  5. @adrianbennett3761 Avatar

    Lots of the modified cars you drag race have problems. Do it properly or not at all

    1. @1bloodnovski Avatar

      Couldn’t have said it better 💯

  6. @MortalEvoRc Avatar

    Loving Koenigsegg ❤Or Buggati ❤️‍🔥=======================—->>>>>>>>
    ⭐ 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 ⭐

  7. @122later122 Avatar

    The so called “Money Shift” 🤣

  8. @ShanaDixon-sr7kl Avatar

    Your videos are like a window into your world, love the view!

  9. @cardealerfan3349 Avatar

    Aah yes

  10. @WalkiTalki Avatar

    He powered through fifth gear. All the way through.

  11. @rasherbasher8203 Avatar

    Yianni is a 🔔end

    1. @El_Negro2003 Avatar

      You too mate

  12. @grahamlay2352 Avatar

    😂😂😂 money shift 😂😂😂😂

  13. @pwelele Avatar

    Don’t forget the additional costs for the roof dents 😂

  14. @TfRsmokinmasta Avatar


  15. @smik2518 Avatar

    This is why instead of buying a piece of crap and tunning it you you should buy an expensive car and drive it stock

    1. @gordon1201 Avatar

      Right?😂 Or at least pick the right parts. Why cheap out on the gearbox that can’t handle the power…

    2. @nicksim9154 Avatar

      Made power > bought power

  16. @phsychomonkey Avatar

    That belly though . Wowzers

  17. @re14437 Avatar

    If spending that much money causes that much stress, don’t do it!!!!!

  18. @Mr_Reset Avatar

    Then he started drifting it and had to drive it home 😂

  19. @S9RUT Avatar

    Ya money shifted it bud

  20. @kevinsutherland1962 Avatar


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