Straight-pipeddrive-by sound test!


25 responses to “Straight-pipeddrive-by sound test!”

  1. @stefanfreeman4842 Avatar

    I can’t even decide

  2. @RbNetEngr Avatar

    Revuelto for the WIN!

  3. @dadanderic1 Avatar

    812 for the win

  4. @BroKhan-u2t Avatar

    total eargasm

  5. @tomasbarrett7517 Avatar

    Lambo on approach, ferrari driving away

  6. @perezjaa Avatar

    Nothing like the sound of a V12 Lambo flying by like that

  7. @Vanina-k2j Avatar

    Watching this just brightened my day. Thanks for putting this out.

  8. @upsilon1 Avatar

    Lambo on the arrival…Ferrari on the departure. Porsche left the group chat.

  9. @SanyammGandhi Avatar

    A 6.5L v12 Lamborghini flagship above any ferrari any day. Idc. Call me a fanboy, call me a kid. I could give less of a damn. The 40th anniversary Murcielago was the one that hooked me to Lamborghini, and I’m all for it.

    1. @jordanplays-transitandgame1690 Avatar

      fanboy cope

  10. @conneryates5073 Avatar

    It’s funny how the 812 was quiet until it got close then it got really loud 😂

  11. @jstewlly4747 Avatar

    Just like the 155 v6 ti that intake noise of a 6 is so perfect then the fly by and Boom you here Dino RIP

  12. @aloniabasmerom8868 Avatar

    Wow the GT3 has some homage sounds to the 991.2 RSR GTE racecar

  13. @AugustChavez-o1m Avatar

    *That exhaust sounds like my fridge after I told it to chill out!*

  14. @CommanderM007 Avatar

    Somewhere in this video a Karen is screaming. . but can’t hear it over the exhausts 😂😂😂

  15. @turborally_milo Avatar

    Porsche sounds the best!🔥

    1. @korns2803 Avatar

      Like an older f1 car. Id indidnt know would never thoutnit wasna six cilinder

    2. @belphareon Avatar

      I didn’t expect that, but have to agree 💯

    3. @turborally_milo Avatar

      @@belphareon Yeah!

  16. @gordoredpb9 Avatar

    The Revuelto brought the whole show. The induction on approach, the induction and exhaust as it passed and the exhaust and overrun as it disappeared. Geezes.

  17. @korns2803 Avatar

    Only GT3 has pure race engine sound. Well, it is a Metzger

    1. @ferry962 Avatar

      It’s definitely not a mezger😂

  18. @kmcca08 Avatar

    Lambo sounds insane, but the Porsche is raw 😍

  19. @ElizabethLewis-w8f Avatar

    Yo, this stuff is so epic, can’t even deal with it rn.

  20. @mraihan7400 Avatar

    If only there’s that black Ave SV in this one, it would be the best sounding here.
    But i gotta go with the 812 here, i always love this smoother tone of the V12 ever since they brought this car to the drag race game.
    That video of the 812 going toe to toe with Ave SVJ while the 992 Turbo is already miles up their front is one of the wildest carwow drag race ever.

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