Running cars with NO OIL until they DIED!


30 responses to “Running cars with NO OIL until they DIED!”

  1. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

    Japanese engineering is goated lol 🇯🇵 🇯🇵 🇯🇵 🇯🇵

    1. @gerardocruz2121 Avatar

      you should look at German engineering, look up carwows video where they do the same to an old Porsche Cayenne and BMW X5

    2. @cameronlotter1392 Avatar

      No need for the “lol”, your statement is true, not funny though.

    3. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

      @cameronlotter1392  yeah it’s for more likes I guess even I don’t know why I did that

    4. @JimnysOffRoad Avatar

      @gerardocruz2121  yeah saw that because I am a huge Carwow fan

    5. @benjaminmatute9085 Avatar

      And America beated both of them back in WWII

  2. @baseball12ification Avatar

    I’d love to see this on a brand new car and you never replace fluids except gas and windshield wipers

    1. @arkady7739 Avatar

      Just like real life! Lol

  3. @Supercars-Germany Avatar

    Only real ones know it’s a reupload.

  4. @Aman.Gupta888 Avatar

    This is the epitome of hooliganism

  5. @neil8lin Avatar

    Why are we surprised with the results? Hondas and Toyotas have 🐐 level reliability.

    1. @FalknerBlitz00 Avatar

      We not, LOL.
      When he asked which one will last longer, everyone said Honda. Hahaha

  6. @itisallaboutspeed Avatar

    as a car content creator i approve this video

  7. @calipo1995 Avatar

    Toyota would still reving

    1. @GarciaQ60 Avatar

      An old Honda is more reliable than any Toyota

    2. @ronniemartinez8034 Avatar

      ​@@GarciaQ60Not really…

  8. @mateuszkolarz2601 Avatar

    Can you add “ceramizer” and try again ?

  9. @spcneary Avatar

    My Honda is incredible, it sees 8000 RPM daily and as long as I keep the oil topped off it just keeps going.

    1. @rjenkins4325 Avatar

      You must be young. I just hope you bought it yourself. Because when it pops, valuable life lessons will emerge.

  10. @BigFootStepping Avatar

    Already knew the Honda was gonna win screw the ford

  11. @Gongi997 Avatar

    Poor Peugeot 😢

  12. @vogz5594 Avatar

    Honda 4 LIFE!!!!

  13. @krs4976 Avatar

    I thought the Peugeot would have done better to compensate for the oil leaks they are born with

  14. @aloniabasmerom8868 Avatar

    Honda reliability is peak Japanese 💪🏻💪🏻🇯🇵🇯🇵

  15. @aarong9378 Avatar

    Reminded me of an event I attended where a Ford Fiesta RS was put in front of a bulldozer for smoking its tires. It sure did smoke a lot… then the engine seized. Nice showing from Ford as they pushed the dead car back into the trailer.

  16. @andreydavydov6417 Avatar

    Was filmed back in 2010?

  17. @luke5316 Avatar

    Would love to see this on some modern models

  18. @atharvjadhav4647 Avatar

    That honda ran on coke

  19. @DK-lv7hz Avatar

    Ooo bringing me back to Top Gear level of entertainment.

  20. @pigger1010 Avatar

    Nice one letting the fluids spill on the ground instead of disposing of them. I bet nature like that a lot.

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