Renault 5 Turbo 3E…Take My Money !

Lots to discuss this week, consisting of the just EPIC Turbo 3E, the Aston Martin and McLaren's incredible World Builders win in F1.


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#PetrolPed #AstonMartinValhalla #Renault 5Turbo3E.


21 responses to “Renault 5 Turbo 3E…Take My Money !”

  1. @paulmead8438 Avatar

    Merry Christmas one and all!

  2. @DarrenJMHughes Avatar

    Evening all Peddlers, good to have a mid week 180 again as it’s a good highlight of the week for many of us. Enjoy your Christmas break time with your family.

  3. @jamiep61 Avatar

    Hi, the Renault 5 Turbo looks awesome 😊

  4. @peterrandall3369 Avatar

    Take a Christmas break. I will not watch any of your videos until the new year if that helps 😂

  5. @grahamtricker4103 Avatar

    Re the Renault 5: it’s OK if you are a 17 year old and a boy racer. The fact that it is an EV means it will be yet another load of cars sitting in an EU car park somewhere waiting for people to buy it, just like most of the EVs made in Europe. Can you imagine what the depreciation will be on this after 12 months…

    1. @jameslsm Avatar

      i’ll have one after 12 months then!

  6. @watchcommander2012 Avatar

    Evening Ped that Renault 5 RS Turbo looks absolutely fantastic trouble is I’d like the full set Renault 5, Alpine 290 & the RS Turbo.

  7. @michaelkember8102 Avatar

    Evening all. Merry Christmas to everyone, bit late to the party tonight. Dads taxi. New R5 looks epic.

  8. @neilforbes1082 Avatar

    Enjoyed your content this year PP thanks.

  9. @johns14a Avatar

    The 5 Turbo looks awesome but I’m totally unmoved by the Aston. Looking forward to the ioniq 5 N.

  10. @Spook277 Avatar

    Have a great Xmas and thanks for everything in 2024!

  11. @guylambrechts2303 Avatar

    PP video for Xmass is perfect. There’s a R5 turbo in a showroom nearby and it still looks awesome. I really hope they’ll produce the E5 in numbers. Not 50 cars for 1million each. Enjoy the end of the year!!

  12. @GaryHerschell Avatar

    The Renault looks insane!

  13. @HQBProductions Avatar

    Hello,Peter! Yes…that Renault has GOT to be produced as it appears ( although I’m not that sold on the wheels…a set of original V6 ones updated might work!) but at least there is a chance we can actually buy one…the Aston..not so much! I’m glad you are taking Christmas off and looking forward to watching Morecambe and Wise…maybe The Great Escape! Just stop for two weeks and forget cars! I wish you the very best for a safe and peaceful Christmas and all good wishes for 2025. I just hope these wild winds will stop….wind is never good. Happy Christmas!!! 😃😃😃😃Richard

  14. @BMW7series251 Avatar

    Pete, that Valhalla is STUNNING!! I heard the price is £850K, which if true, seems amazingly low?! Cheers, John.

  15. @keithmyerscough9900 Avatar

    Thanks for a great year in videos Pete. Happy Christmas to you and Tracey and all the very best for the new year. 👍👍
    Enjoy your Christmas break

  16. @ViscountCharles Avatar

    Renault 5 Turbo 3E – “take my money”. Rumour has it that there will be 200 of these (effectively handmade) cars, at over £100k each (which sounds about right given the details we know).

    Sadly, similar to pretty much every other highly desirable car, they’d want *all* of my money, including a chunk of change that I just don’t have.

    A nice toy for very rich people, though.

  17. @Ian-Steele Avatar

    The Renault reminded me that a friend of mine had an original Renault 5 Gordini Turbo back in the late 70s or 80s. It was definitely a rapid little machine. Hey if you’re a McLaren fan what are you doing sitting in an AMG Petronas chair !😊 Merry Christmas to you 🎄

  18. @owenmcdonald5922 Avatar

    Happy Christmas to you both. I look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2025.

  19. @christopherjames6568 Avatar

    Update on your potential new Porsche hunt would be fab, Pete

  20. @360PictureUK Avatar

    It was Sam Fox on my Bedroom Wall! 🙂

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