Racing 100 year old Bentleys on Synthetic Fuel – The Future of Motorsport ? | 4K

There has been much talk recently about artificial fuels being part of the future mix for automobile propulsion but how about running a 100 year old race cars and truck on it? In this video I follow the race team as they prepare for the 80th Members Satisfying. They were getting in 3 vintage Bentleys in the Trofeo Nuvelari race and running them on fully synthetic fuel. How much prep did the vehicle requirement and how did they get on …

To find out more on have a look at there site …


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Video Contents
00:00 – Intro
01:06 – Welcome to Vintage
04:19 – The worlds first supercar
05:26 – The coolest 'shooting automobile'!
07:15 – The Blower!
10:03 – Artificial Fuel
15:17 – Ready to Race 80MM Assembly Location
19:36 – Automobiles head out on track
20:48 – The Race
22:25 – Back in the paddock

#PetrolPed #VintageBentley #SyntheticFuel


24 responses to “Racing 100 year old Bentleys on Synthetic Fuel – The Future of Motorsport ? | 4K”

  1. laura Avatar

    I never thought old cars could still compete in modern motorsports. This video shows that even century-old Bentleys can still run on synthetic fuel and race against newer models. Amazing!

    1. Chris Launders Avatar
      Chris Launders

      Look up the VSCC, Vintage Sports Car Club, They run all sorts of events, sprints, hill climbs, circuit races. Loads of videos on YouTube.

  2. stevie 007 Avatar
    stevie 007

    Great upload Pete👌👌Looking forward to more of these vids !!!!!!!!!!! btw missing the Petrol Ped chat/gripes and walks with the pups. 😊😊

  3. Seány Hardy Avatar
    Seány Hardy

    I’ve always liked the blower Bentleys and great video as always.

  4. Brian Griffiths Avatar
    Brian Griffiths

    The straight line speed of these cars was impressive.

  5. John S14a Avatar
    John S14a

    Cracking vid Ped. These synthetic fuels, once more people start using them and prices start to come down, are definitely the way to keep our existing interesting cars going into the future as well as the supercars and hypercars to come.

  6. Sean Austen Avatar
    Sean Austen

    Amazing cars and it’s brilliant that the guys at Vintage Bentley have done what they’ve done with regards to running these classic cars on fully synthetic fuel. As you say, there is potential for F1 to use this type of fuel in the future

    1. Michał Kasprowicz Avatar
      Michał Kasprowicz

      From 2026 F1 will race exclusively on synthetic petrol E10.

    2. John John Avatar
      John John

      In 2026 the fuels must be sustainable, but not necessarily synthetic.

  7. Leslie Carter Avatar
    Leslie Carter

    Excellent 👍 Please follow it up with an episode on more modern sports cars running these e-fuel’s. Maybe this will stop the Bevangelist’s ruining classic cars by electrifying them.

    1. FullFatFact Avatar

      Careful, a good friend of Pedro is one of those ‘Bevanglelists’ 😮

  8. graham west Avatar
    graham west

    Blower Bentley on my wish list, best book I ever read was about Bentley Boys having a bender thinking they are not racing then being called to the track to race. Poured coffee into him but he was going slower so decided to top his alcohol up and he went faster

  9. Alan Skinner Avatar
    Alan Skinner

    It was good to see you at the Members Meeting. Good to see the Bentley’s as always at Goodwood.

  10. Samieb155 Avatar

    A great Vid Pete, Just goes to show that Synthetic fuels are a real alternative. Let’s hope that we see a lot more of these in use.

  11. Neil Barden Avatar
    Neil Barden

    Great stuff, we loved watching them race yesterday.

  12. John Brown Avatar
    John Brown

    This was a real eye opener watching these classics racing in the modern age. Thanks for bringing this content to your channel.

  13. Nick H Avatar
    Nick H

    Nice video Pete, beautiful cars and nice to see a bit of MM action, thoroughly enjoyed both days this year.

  14. DebsPhotography Avatar

    Some seriously crazy and brilliant people. Total respect

  15. Colton Cleveringa Avatar
    Colton Cleveringa

    I’ve got to say Sir Pete this is some awesome content! Thank you! I Bentley history is cool!

  16. Alasdair Wilson Avatar
    Alasdair Wilson

    Great vid.Really good to see those old cars still able to race as originally intended.Synthetic fuel must be part of our motoring future.

  17. Guy Lambrechts Avatar
    Guy Lambrechts

    Incredible to see how these super rare and expensive cars are raced to the limit. 6€ per liter is a bargain for this fuel! When scaled up properly and supported by our gouvernement it would be cheaper than E10. But that’s dreaming of course as they still say electric cars are 100% green (still massively frustrated about that). Cheers.

  18. FullFatFact Avatar

    Wonderful to see these magnificent cars still being used in motorsport and long may they continue, as it’s much better than seeing them in museums or private collections. Whilst their future and that of other motorsport such as F1 may be saved by using syntheticfuel, I can not see synthetic fuels ever being cheap enough or freely available to Joe public. Even if they were, they are not a zero carbon fuel, although it could be claimed that they are carbon neutral. Cars running on synthetic fuel still produce CO2 when the fuel is burnt.

  19. Trev Avatar

    Awesome, Pete! I was watching Members Meet on the TV this weekend – they don’t hold back, do they!

  20. Ian Banister Avatar
    Ian Banister

    Cracking couple of days Pete.

    Man made green fuel has to be a big part of the future. Needs really big investment in carbon zero energy production facilities & ramping up to make it affordable…..

    If cars can run on it without modification, the volume can be achieved to get the price right & we already have the infrastructure to deliver it & provide the point of sale facilities, then the production is the last main hurdle.

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