Porsche Hypercar v Red Bull Rallycross: DRAG RACE

Thanks to everybody who helped arrange this drag race:
: @wam_barn
: @RedBullMotorsports
– WRX:

It's time for the almighty to face off versus a WRX Rallycross automobile!

Let's see how these 2 mighty devices compare. Starting with the , it's powered by a 4.6-litre naturally-aspirated V8, combined with two electrical motors, which combined produce an amazing 887hp and 1,280 Nm of torque! It's relatively heavy though, tipping the scales at 1,674 kg, and if you're wanting to pick up one of these in 2023, it'll set you back a cool ₤ 1,300,000!!

Then we have the WRX rallycross cars and truck. It's based upon a Peugeot 208 rally automobile, and it's powered by a 2-litre turbocharged engine that can produce 620hp. And as you 'd expect, all this power is sent out to all 4 wheels.

So the WRX will be lightning-fast off the line, however will it be able to take down the 918 over the quarter-mile? There's just one way to learn … LET'S RACE!

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60 responses to “Porsche Hypercar v Red Bull Rallycross: DRAG RACE”

  1. Tom Dolby Avatar
    Tom Dolby

    Oh Carwow, you do make my Saturdays better with these drag races. Thank you 🙌

    1. Top Gear Clips Central Avatar
      Top Gear Clips Central

      saturday morning eating breakfast while watching these videos>>>

    2. ersin kayikci Avatar
      ersin kayikci


    3. Shahan Gilani Avatar
      Shahan Gilani

      @Top Gear Clips Centralafternoon lunch for me

    4. FLLCI Avatar

      ​@Top Gear Clips CentralEXACTLY!

  2. WAM Barn Avatar
    WAM Barn

    Brilliant race as always guys, thanks for having us! 🧡 It was cool to see the WRX drifting around our 918, albeit nerve-racking… so cool! 💨

    1. Luke Media Avatar
      Luke Media


    2. Zno Avatar

      Thanks guys for all the cars for these epic races.

    3. RacecarRik Avatar

      Thanks for supplying the cars! Lol I can’t imagine how nerve-racking it was for you guys because I was worried too 😅

    4. Pete Roz Avatar
      Pete Roz

      aww, you didn’t have faith in timmy’s abilities and skills? 🤔😲🤣😂

    5. Patrick Bateman Avatar
      Patrick Bateman

      Remove the soft limiter on your 918 Spyder

  3. Lee JS Avatar
    Lee JS

    never miss a single video, always bringing these good drag races 👌

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      And also Goated.

  4. Labib Manzar Avatar
    Labib Manzar

    The 918 is honestly timelesss. Still a masterclass of engineering.

    1. lbnewell Avatar

      All of the original trio hybrid HyperCars still look like they came out last week

    2. Annonymously Avatar

      I get that’s it’s true, but there’s a comment like this on EVERY SINGLE VIDEO featuring the 918

    3. Chipotle Avatar

      @lbnewell agree, those cars were ahead of its time

    4. sv5_2006 Avatar

      ​@FeminismSaid no one ever

  5. James Goldingham Avatar
    James Goldingham

    A drag race between all generations of Golf R would be great! (R32s included)

    1. username:@Carwow0 Avatar

      Luckywinner ❤

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      What about a drag race between all Alfa Romeo race cars against R35GTR?

    3. Bafana Machika Avatar
      Bafana Machika

      With the Vr6 too!

    4. John Joannou Avatar
      John Joannou

      The Mark IV has to be there!

  6. Charlotte : Single again ♥ Avatar
    Charlotte : Single again ♥

    It’s undeniable that this guy never fails to impress us with each and every episode.

    1. jonathan okiria Avatar
      jonathan okiria


    2. Harry Smart Avatar
      Harry Smart

      Stop with this copy paste comment !! Bring something new that people don’t know about Matt

    3. Pietro Ghezzi Avatar
      Pietro Ghezzi

      Aint true

    4. username:@Carwow0 Avatar

      Luckywinner ❤

  7. sherwood5103 Avatar

    Has there ever been a Dacia drag race done? That would be EPIC. 😁😃

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Add Honda Civic TCR 500bhp and Lotus Type 49 in a drag race against this Porsche 918.

    2. S1016 Avatar

      James May has entered the chat.

    3. John Joannou Avatar
      John Joannou

      Get James May to drag race the Sandero!

    4. kimoudz Avatar

      ​@John Joannouduster vs sandero

  8. Kariuki Clint Avatar
    Kariuki Clint

    I’m convinced they usually script the second race to give the slower car a win so that they do a best 2/3 cause ain’t no way Matt was slacking on the line like that on the second drag race only for him to have the wildest launch on the next one.

    1. username:@Carwow0 Avatar

      Luckywinner 🎉

    2. Kovy E Avatar
      Kovy E

      Ikr? Matt was busy doing his taxes while the Red Bull pulled away from the line.

    3. yungboss Avatar

      Sure, especially when the cars are somewhat unevenly matched based on hp

    4. Module 79L Avatar
      Module 79L

      Timmy jumped the 2nd start.

    5. Frank Boyce Avatar
      Frank Boyce

      He definitely wouldn’t have if Yanni was in the Rally car😂

  9. Chrisjk Avatar

    The acceleration off the line from the Rallycross car is nuts – gets ahead so well early on that it almost makes up for its total lack of gearing for the 1/4 mile!

    1. username:Carwow0 Avatar

      Luckywinner ❤

    2. Kode Kun Avatar
      Kode Kun

      The concentration on the red bull drive is immense. Top notch vid

    3. Smc1092 Avatar

      Apparently 0-60 in around 1.6 seconds

    4. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      ​@Smc1092Peugeot Oxia and Opel Calibra DTM can do 0 to 60 in 1.59. 1.59 seconds.

  10. 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐞 // 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡 Avatar
    𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐞 // 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡

    I always won’t regret putting a smile on face everytime seeing that 918 Spyder on these videos, absolutely beautiful and excellent car from Porsche.

    1. username:Carwow0 Avatar

      Luckywinner ❤

  11. Baha Abu Tareef Avatar
    Baha Abu Tareef

    Mat screaming “COME ON” gives the car extra 10 HP 😂

    1. P. T. Avatar
      P. T.

      Yanni’s school 😎

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Dia Kurosawa’s Buu Buu Desu Wa adds 100bhp tho.😅

  12. Cowley Avatar

    Damn those FIA regs allowing that restricted 2.0 engine to ‘only’ make 620hp.😃

  13. Mark Hickman Avatar
    Mark Hickman

    I couldn’t help but imagine ken block drifting around that porsche 1 inch away from the bumpers if you told him to be careful 😂
    Timmy is a great racer though, the way rally cross cars take off is hard to believe 👌

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Imagine Dia Kurosawa also drifts that 918 0.6cm away tho.

  14. Andrew N Avatar
    Andrew N

    The Porsche as my summercar, and the rallycross as my winter car.

  15. srinitaaigaura Avatar

    Man those Rally Cars are proper hypercar quick! And thanks to carwow, we now actually have a proper idea just how racing machines compare with road legal hypercars.

  16. Bogdan Balau Avatar
    Bogdan Balau

    I think you should include a standard car in all drag races for comparison just to see how bonkers fast some of these cars are and not only compared to each-other.
    Someting like a VW Golf TDI or even a GTI (or similar very popular car)

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      No doubt. Add also Audi R18 TDI from Setsuna Yuki to this drag race list.

  17. Benjamin Hansen Avatar
    Benjamin Hansen

    For me this has been one if not the most exiting races on here, great job 😀

  18. Marvin Samuels Avatar
    Marvin Samuels

    The sequential gear changes of the RX were so quick! 🤯

  19. TechNewsEveryWeek Avatar

    That launch makes up for the 4X hosepower difference

  20. Jakob Johansen Avatar
    Jakob Johansen

    Would be great to see what that rally car can do without its turbo restriction

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