NEW Tesla Model 3 Performance: 0-60mph & REVIEW

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This is the brand-new Efficiency!

Tesla has upgraded the performance variation of its tiniest vehicle. The concern is, how much has it changed over the previous and truck?

Among the greatest changes isn't noticeable from the outside of the car. It's now fitted with adaptive dampers, so when you enter into track mode it permits you to change the power distribution – best for if you're seeking to pull some skids!

When it pertains to the style, it's all pretty similar to the previous car. In advance, there are some new headlights, along with a revamped front bumper and the addition of a splitter. Along the side, the appearances are basically similar, and at the rear, there's a carbon fibre boot lip spoiler, and there's likewise an updated bumper and diffuser.

Step inside, and as soon as again it's all pretty comparable. There's a cinema on the dash (as always) paired with some carbon fiber effect product, while there's also a brand-new set of sports seats. There are also no stalks on the guiding wheel – indicators are now controlled by buttons instead! Apart from that, it's all pretty identical to the previous vehicle.

One crucial change for this vehicle is the addition of a new, higher-performance motor on the rear axle. As an outcome, the brand-new Design 3 Efficiency can now produce 460hp! It's fitted with the same 75kWh battery pack as previously, which is obviously good for a range of approximately 328 miles.

So what do you believe – is the brand-new Efficiency a deserving replacement to the old edition? Or should Tesla have upgraded more? Stick to Mat and see for yourself!

00:00 Introduction
00:36 Motor & Performance
01:04 Release
01:34 Design
02:06 Interior
02:23 Rear seats
02:34 Chassis
02:56 Battery
04:49 Steering Wheel & Screen
05:22 Boot
06:16 Town Driving
08:17 Freeway Driving
08:48 Country Road Driving
09:23 Track Mode
12:11 0-60 Insane & Track Mode
13:49 Verdict


83 responses to “NEW Tesla Model 3 Performance: 0-60mph & REVIEW”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @arcadieparavozov6280 Avatar

      That doesn’t sound convincing xd

    2. @NunchucksHabit Avatar

      …but what if I don’t want to? Is this mandatory? Can I get my stuff out of it first?

    3. @frederickvondinkerberg7721 Avatar

      how much does it cost you guys to get to use Upper Heyford for the racing/testing?

  2. @1MinPsychology2024 Avatar

    I prefer this head lights than previous model!

    1. @karlin_oriley Avatar

      Imo the new headlights look so ugly.
      Seen it in the metal a few times and they look awful

    2. @TheMadmax0609 Avatar

      ​@@karlin_orileyyou have ZERO taste If you think the new headlights look worse than the old ones. 🤣

    3. @oggyoggy1299 Avatar

      Of course.

    4. @Evokyr Avatar

      Definitely! The old ones combines with the old front bumper looked strange and not as modern as these.

    5. @MarkoMarkovina Avatar

      Hello no! This looks 1000x better

  3. @PalleLemus Avatar

    Matt is so used to insane cars that even though this car is super quick to accelerate, all we get on the first launch is a dry “That’s quick…” 🤣

    1. @RogueBeatsARG Avatar

      Cause probably was the fastest yet most boring care he tested

    2. @AndrewTSq Avatar

      and he also said 60000 was a bargain

    3. @hardhoofdful Avatar

      Its because it doesn’t give any feeling, watch all his EV launches. There’s no emotion.

    4. @CristiannM Avatar

      @@RogueBeatsARG How is it quicker than a rimac nevera? :))

    5. @Muhluri Avatar

      ​@@hassyg4083most advanced????

  4. @hellothere4342 Avatar

    Can’t talk smack about weight of performance EV vs ICE anymore now that they’re weight comparatively same.

    1. @wwanimator Avatar

      Only Tesla EVs weigh similar to ICE. Most EVs, especially the higher end ones, weigh at least half a ton more than similar ICE models

    2. @gaara4667 Avatar

      Nobody cares about Tesla’s or EVs anyways ⬆️

    3. @yusufcanaktas6929 Avatar

      ​@@gaara4667stfu and stick to Naruto kid

    4. @asymmetrx Avatar

      @@wwanimator It is just insane that latest M5 weighs 200kg more than Model S plaid

    5. @jamesfynnhere6983 Avatar

      Tesla model Y is the world’s best selling vehicle… “nobody”…

  5. @TYSTYSTYS2000 Avatar

    What a car! Only issue is the previous Model 3 Performance models prices dropped $20K+ now..

    1. @knifeyonline Avatar

      haha yes, they didn’t make it an easy decision at all

    2. @desertsandfly2277 Avatar

      Aren’t most Tesla depreciating simply because of their batteries degrading and replacing it is like $20k or something?

    3. @user-fs8lz9re2q Avatar


    4. @beamed5382 Avatar

      ​@desertsandfly2277 Nah, it’s just Tesla lowering their prices for both inventory and order cars.

  6. @NTGuides Avatar

    Anyone noticed how this video format is extremely different from before? I kinda miss the old format with 5 annoying things and a proper intro 🙁

    1. @nazxhere Avatar

      because they review it before and it technically the same thing

    2. @Nse19 Avatar

      They tried, but the video turned out to be 2 hours long with just annoying things

    3. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      @@Nse19 They you mean Mat

    4. @notsofastyt182 Avatar

      To keep the video shorter/more entertaining which is important in the modern world

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@nazxhereDoug Demuro has many of those things that Carwow lacked completely.

  7. @DidarHussain. Avatar

    8:48 You can literally see the go pro stuck to driver side front fender that’d what’s causing the phantom bike rider and the ghosts… the Tesla cams and live overlay are usually quite accurate.

    1. @Polish-balbe Avatar


    2. @DidarHussain. Avatar

      ​@@Polish-balbe might have to delete my comment now 😂

    3. @Surveillance-Ys Avatar

      It’s the new on board Ouija …. board

    4. @Mmmmilo Avatar

      I wish the cams were accurate in USEFUL stuff, like cruise control that works or windshield wipers that understand rain.

    5. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      Matt plays up to the cam fake reviews. Noticed he is pro German car review

  8. @SarahJones-ik6jh Avatar

    Your humor is on point, always puts a smile on my face!

  9. @Jonnybravo6742 Avatar

    It’s extraordinary it took until the end of the video for you and your team to diagnose the camera/sensor problem.

  10. @Mosern1977 Avatar

    Wow – never thought I’d say it. But this is 36 900 GBP in Norway. I guess UK puts a lot of tax on their EVs.

    1. @TheReal_JG Avatar

      The UK price is on par with the US versions, as well. Norway gets hella incentives.

    2. @ericpisch2732 Avatar

      Tesla’s price plus about 1k in registration fees and the 20% sales tax, no incentives any more

    3. @Mosern1977 Avatar

      @@TheReal_JG – the only incentive is not having any tax on the car at all. Also, maybe Tesla is feeling the Chinese competition a bit more here, pricing themselves aggressively…

      I was very surprised how affordable the new Model 3 Performance was in Norway.

    4. @Nickbaldeagle02 Avatar

      A lot of tax on everything.

    5. @sargfowler9603 Avatar

      Nobody buys one though do they? Most lease.

  11. @StarMan_1367 Avatar

    That is the Ghost Rider shown on the sensors and the display 💀☠️👻

  12. @wst5278 Avatar

    give us what we want. M3 standard vs long range vs performance

    1. @bilboriches7216 Avatar

      Go get a job and buy a proper car like model S

    2. @moreweknow1383 Avatar

      @@bilboriches7216 🤣🤣🤣🤣 model S is for kids like you, who neither knows how to drive nor know what a really good car is like.

    3. @Bimmer_Bill Avatar

      There’s no such thing as an m3 standard. It’s m3, m3 competition, and m3 cs.

    4. @saratov99 Avatar

      M3 AWD is faster. M3 CS a lot faster.

    5. @Thecommentator-hc1fz Avatar

      @@bilboriches7216a model S isn’t a proper car, badly designed, ugly.

  13. @Mike3MW Avatar

    Cool review as always, Mat 🙂 However, white seats are not standard (£1000 extra), and the carbon fiber “effect” is, in fact, genuine carbon fiber

    1. @Cruor34 Avatar

      In the USA the white seats are no extra price for 2024 (they were in 2023) and we have a much better battery. Non US buyers are getting shafted I guess.

    2. @user-os1nh7xq1z Avatar

      @@Cruor34 One caveat is most people who will buy this car will also ‘want/are eligible for’, the rebate. If you want white seats it MUST be combined with the Stealth Gray exterior color to get the rebate. If you want ANY other exterior color AND White seats you will lose the $7500 rebate. We are going to see a LOT of Stealth Gray cars in the US. I purchased mine on day one so got a Ultra Red and Black interior and still got rebate. Can’t get Ultra Red and get rebate now!

    3. @draigygoch Avatar

      That’s like putting genuine Uranium on the car, expensive but also utterly pointless

  14. @shubhamsahamate6188 Avatar

    the performance badge at the back looked like a union jack for a second there 😆

    1. @DarioCastellarin Avatar

      It’s the “ludicrous mode” pattern.

    2. @mrdrgonzo Avatar

      Ha yeah I thought it was too

    3. @RYTF5 Avatar

      Most likely is, knowing Elon

  15. @ChrisLeiter Avatar

    Complains about phantom people and objects – checks for cameras, misses the camera on the side literally looking at the camera 😂

    1. @mtshelll2977 Avatar

      exaactly 😀

    2. @YoungManDub Avatar

      It’s the cameras ya dolt lol cmon mat

    3. @teamxray1001 Avatar

      Phantom GoPro hooooo!

    4. @WouterZtube Avatar

      Yeah, the computer is completely confused by the GoPro

    5. @av_oid Avatar

      I do hope it’s a running joke, or yes, WTF.

  16. @efyuar Avatar

    those ghosts are probably the cameras you mount on the sides 😀 still funny

    1. @H-v-Dijk Avatar

      Yep, that’s it!!

    2. @DarioCastellarin Avatar

      He even shows that in the video, maybe see the whole thing before commenting…

  17. @slaviotshouto Avatar

    Keep in mind, the US verson has a better battery that makes 50-100 hp difference and the car is also cheaper. Otherwise this would have been an instant buy from me, however it feels like the rest of the world is getting scammed a bit.

    1. @gregbaniak9650 Avatar

      Motors give you power , not baterries😂😂😂😂😂

    2. @mcsike7264 Avatar

      ​@@gregbaniak9650I can tell you know nothing about evs the battery is what give the motor its power if the battery cant discharge enough power motor is slower so different batteries discharge at different rates so thats why us one is faster than others

    3. @user-os1nh7xq1z Avatar

      @@gregbaniak9650 You might want to delete this post….

    4. @ayushmalpeddi2793 Avatar

      @@gregbaniak9650 You are a certified dumba** lol

    5. @michaellee7841 Avatar

      @@gregbaniak9650Motor can not run at its peak performance unless it has enough juice. It’s like putting 80 octane gas instead of 91. It won’t perform the same way.

  18. @tonyderosa5921 Avatar

    Bespoke Pirellis. Have fun with that.

  19. @vasanthravi4166 Avatar

    Now, we want to see Model 3 Performance vs Hyundai Ioniq 5N. When’s that coming?

    1. @bigdi77 Avatar

      One is a suv and the other is a compact car. The 5n complete With myp

  20. @EndlessBreathDidges Avatar

    Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is BMW M3 versus Tesla M3P.

    1. @johnkeen4271 Avatar

      10 laps of silverstone,, the M3 will kill the tesla

    2. @Einzbrn Avatar

      @@johnkeen4271when would that ever possibly happen?

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