New Range Rover SV v Lambo: DRAG RACE

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It's time for an almighty SUV showdown!

We've got Mat in the brand new , and it's facing off versus among the most popular efficiency SUVs on the planet – the !

So let's see how the two compare. Starting with the Range Rover, peer under the bonnet and you'll discover a BMW 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 – the exact same V8 used to power the M5 CS, no less! This can produce 635hp and 750Nm, with all of the power sent out to all 4 wheels by means of an 8-speed automatic gearbox. It's pretty heavy, tipping the scales at 2,485 kg, and it's the most expensive of the two, costing around ₤ 165,000!

Next up is the . It's real estate a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 under the bonnet, and this puts down 650hp and 850Nm. Power is sent to all four wheels through an 8-speed automatic gearbox, and it weighs in at 2,200 kg. It might be cheaper than the Variety Rover, but it doesn't come cheap, costing around ₤ 157,000.

The power output is reasonably similar, however can a Range Rover truly beat a over the 1/4-mile? There's only one method to discover for sure … LET'S RACE!


87 responses to “New Range Rover SV v Lambo: DRAG RACE”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @alternativeperspectiv Avatar

      range Rover sporting tesla seats?

    2. @God_emperor_Doom Avatar

      That Urus looks 🔥.
      Especially in that matte green colour 💚

    3. @aws6591 Avatar

      Please please please please please please please please please please PLEEEEAASSEEEE start giving us the 0-60 times in drag races!!!

    4. @jacobfoster9185 Avatar

      I have ZERO interest in selling my car for a fair price 😂 I want an outrageously unfair ( in my favor ) price to be paid to me

    5. @user-rr2ei4vi4r Avatar

      for free? No I want to sell it for money, to get money haha

  2. @shaftlbanks7770 Avatar

    Wow i am shocked the Range could keep up like that,impressive

    1. @Hinduslovecowpiss1 Avatar

      M5 power

    2. @AshFx19 Avatar


    3. @simonbrigden8379 Avatar

      Especially the weight of it. And being the shape of a brick

    4. @chafihibenyoub3350 Avatar

      Mpower baby

    5. @shaftlbanks7770 Avatar

      @@simonbrigden8379 exactly

  3. @joshuaJosephjr Avatar

    Would love to see a purosangue

    1. @DeeezNutsGT Avatar

      It also sounds great

    2. @DeeezNutsGT Avatar

      @@keketso8752 what?

    3. @randomdudeexploringlife9546 Avatar

      It’ll break on the start line

    4. @freeze_cardamone Avatar


    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Purosangue vs Lancer Evo 9?

  4. @tsaki_titan Avatar

    That BMW X5M CS is insane

    1. @vitocorleone1960 Avatar

      Haa!! I see what u did there😂

    2. @herrjemeneh368 Avatar

      Not quite insane enough to win against the Cayenne Turbo GT

    3. @samcas707 Avatar

      Where was the X5M, all I could see was a tuned M550i N63

    4. @M8F92 Avatar

      Way better than an X5M

    5. @M8F92 Avatar

      @@samcas707tf is this supposed to mean? It’s the S63

  5. @powertechnical Avatar

    Haha that SV was spitting a bathtub of water from the exhaust with the first drag race

    1. @greony12 Avatar

      waste of fuel

    2. @joewilliams4198 Avatar

      Thats not fuel ​@@greony12

    3. @jaroslavzaruba2765 Avatar

      @@greony12 🤡

    4. @Gazshadows Avatar

      Just the cat/gpf doing its thing

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@greony12i belive its from TDI engine fuel load.

  6. @zakariaabedalhussein8928 Avatar

    That Range Rover sport sv is a monster!

    1. @TEXT_Carwow00_Via_TELE-GRAM Avatar

      Congratulations you just won yourself an IPhone 15pro, Macbook Air and PS 5..

    2. @bradleyscarreviews Avatar

      @@stormtrooper8420and the McLaren suspension, and the off road capability

    3. @stormtrooper8420 Avatar

      @@bradleyscarreviews buy a x5 m

      You can do all of these but faster and cheaper

    4. @cocacolaowo318 Avatar


      The best thing about the range rover is the fact that it costs more than a bmw x5m which is the same thing but without the reliability issues

  7. @rapide12345 Avatar

    That BMW V8 has definitely put that Rover from one of the slowest to one of the fastest in its class, but that old Jag V8 sounds better.

    1. @M8F92 Avatar

      I rather have the sound

    2. @chafihibenyoub3350 Avatar

      You mean the urus engine is made by BMW???
      I think it is made by Audi isn’t??

    3. @TheStigHCE09 Avatar

      ​@@chafihibenyoub3350where did the OP mention the word “Urus”

    4. @chafihibenyoub3350 Avatar

      @@TheStigHCE09 sorry…when he said that BMW V8 , I thought he was talking about the urus😂

    5. @kip8790 Avatar

      The turbo engine is much more ‘economical ’ and has all the modern stuff required these days, it’s a shame ,

  8. @ashleyfox4321 Avatar

    If there’s a Lambo I expect yianni 😤

    1. @MveloN Avatar

      You mean an Audi Q8

    2. @BoitumeloMabena-jj2kf Avatar


    3. @amt_XXI Avatar

      Yeah… Where’s Yianni?

    4. @MrJSulty Avatar

      No he means a Lambo which why he wrote Lambo 🤦🏾‍♂️

    5. @iogi5428 Avatar

      His back is still broken

  9. @user-gc4zi9kv1p Avatar

    The SV IS insane 😮 finaly i’ll take the SV for his off-road capabilities

    1. @TEXT_Carwow00_Via_TELE-GRAM Avatar

      Congratulations you just won yourself an IPhone 15pro, Macbook Air and PS 5.

  10. @jobragira2664 Avatar

    Props to that SV. I’m surprised that it kept up with the Urus😂😂

    1. @TEXT_Carwow00_Via_TELE-GRAM Avatar

      Congratulations you just won yourself an IPhone 15pro, Macbook Air and PS 5.

    2. @M8F92 Avatar

      It even beat it sometimes yeah

    3. @bsjddjk Avatar

      props to bmw* engine but yeah than lambo have their nothing own other than design & name whole thing belongs to vw porsche audi minds

    4. @JonathanDuddy-oq6nv Avatar

      Both cars are total cringe

    5. @tsaki_titan Avatar

      @@JonathanDuddy-oq6nv what car do you drive Jonathan?

  11. @darshchoudhary1718 Avatar

    The last race in neutral was surprisingly not that boring at all(especially Sam pushing!), I wonder if it could be a regular segment

    1. @TEXT_Carwow00_Via_TELE-GRAM Avatar

      Congratulations you just won yourself an IPhone 15pro, Macbook Air and PS 5.

    2. @Dawelio Avatar

      Albeit one could say that considering the owner of the Lambo didn’t want to do a break test, the car that would stop in the shortest distance in Netrual would have been more like an break test, than the furthers rolling. Very entertaining nevertheless though.

    3. @FFVoyager Avatar

      I think it would have to be weather dependent – as any wind would defeat the comparative element.

    4. @kcebliks Avatar

      @@FFVoyager extra mass would mean RR has more stored kinetic energy at the start, if they’d loaded up the Lambo to the same weight that would have tested the difference in aerodynamics.

    5. @vikinnorway6725 Avatar

      Taught going in neutral would hurt the gesrbox

  12. @therightchoice15 Avatar

    I never thought the range rover could roll that much on neutral ,great job with that engine

    1. @stevennazar2102 Avatar

      Probably because it is a lot heavier so it has more inertia!

  13. @njmittonyt Avatar

    Title: BMW X5m vs Audi RSQ8 😂 all jokes aside two very fast cars

    1. @M8F92 Avatar

      Bmw doesn’t own LR so doesn’t quite go there

    2. @njmittonyt Avatar

      @@M8F92bmw engine mate

    3. @Offensivebeast Avatar

      @@njmittonytyeah but the rest of the car is still from Land Rover, the Urus is on the same MLBEVO platform as the RSQ8 and shares an overwhelming amount of parts

    4. @ethan3181 Avatar

      @@M8F92 can u not take a joke

  14. @mayormsuthu1465 Avatar

    RR SV did well,so this proves that the BMW engine in it does way better than the old 5.0 supercharged V8 and this proves that a better sound doesn’t have any benefits on performance.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      BMW engine should’ve been upgraded 3 times.

    2. @mayormsuthu1465 Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 there’s no need for that cos it already does more than what the JLR group wanted,to them is not about straight line performance its only about a bit of performance with more of luxury as this RR is aimed mostly at the likes of Maybach Bentley and Rolls Royce. So for a big Car like this RR SV this engine does more than needed in terms of performance.

  15. @mosesnjau9952 Avatar

    You’re not gonna let it .(hand action)…😂😂😂 you killed me Matt

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      This is also very bibilical.

    2. @stevenluigi2702 Avatar

      😂😂😂😂😂😂i rushed to the comments for this😂

    3. @danigm2245 Avatar

      Me too😂😂😂😂

  16. @milanche0375 Avatar

    Finally. A real SPORT Range Rover with a proper engine 🔥🔥🔥

    1. @joe125ful Avatar

      Lol this is what i was dreaming about..SUV what cant go offroad:)

    2. @RobertRo. Avatar

      ​@@joe125fulits a suv not an off roader

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@RobertRo.I thought its a rally car type like the Starion.

    4. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@RobertRo. Do you know what SUV suppost to be?
      Probablly not.
      I give you hint:Old Porshe Caynne.
      Than what is point having fake suv instead of 4 door car like BMW/Mercedes?:):)

      Just look on price tag i can buy more practical C63 S Wagon for example..or modern 4.0L V8 TwinTurbo version.

    5. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 I was thinking its usable/practical car..well its not..

  17. @Bobster1964 Avatar

    Sam pushing a Lambo, not something I expected to see this morning & the funniest thing I`ve seen this year. Pure brilliance

  18. @Lvdwhrst Avatar

    Oh I didn’t expect it to be that quick, nice work BMW & RR.

  19. @doggedlydetermined7022 Avatar

    Amazed the SV kept up like that. What a beast. Would put busses on the old SVR

    1. @shathaniketogetswe4271 Avatar

      Probably 2 or 3 😂

  20. @Julia_TradesCrypto Avatar

    The Range Rover Sport SV is a beast! Impressive performance and sound, definitely a top contender!

    1. @muckspreader1able Avatar

      It fking ugly and shite😂

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