New Honda CR-V review: Better than VW & Skoda?

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… … … … … … … … … … … … … This is the brand-new CR-V! The

CR-V has been around for some time now, but here in the UK it does not seem to get the very same kudos as some of its key rivals, such as the Skoda Karoq or Tiguan. So the concern is, does the new CR-V offer enough to compete with these class leaders? Well let's take a better look, starting with the exterior style. The CR-V definitely looks the part, with smooth headlights and taillights styles, and the normal SUV profile along the side. You'll likewise find soft creases across the bodywork, roofing system bars along the top, and a large grille at the front. If you have a top of the variety model like we do here, you'll likewise find a sporty front bumper. The interior is well laid out, and we're thankful to find a

number of physical buttons and dials for the climate controls. Nevertheless, reach a bit lower down and you'll discover scratchy plastics along the central console and on the door bins. There's also a big infotainment screen on top of the dash, and while the system isn't the best, it's definitely better than the old infotainment system! There are 2 engines to select from. Both are 2-litre 4 cylinder petrol

engines, and both are hybrids. The plug-in hybrid features the a single electrical motor to drive the front wheels, like the self-charging hybrid has 2 motors and uses four wheel drive. Regardless of this, both cars have the very same 148hp power output. So does the brand-new CR-V have what it takes to compete with the very best? And is it worth the ₤

46,000 beginning cost? You'll require to stick with Mat and see for yourself! Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:50 Style 02:02 Price 02:57 Interior 06:15 Rear seats 07:41 Boot 09:18 5 Annoying Things 12:05 5 Cool Things 13:54 Engines 14:44 Town Driving 16:55 Motorway Driving 18:28 Back Road Driving 19:34 0-60mph 20:48 Decision Mat's
Honda CR-V Choice: Hyundai Tucson evaluation: Skoda Karoq evaluation: Tiguan : Sell your vehicle
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74 responses to “New Honda CR-V review: Better than VW & Skoda?”

  1. David Ali Avatar
    David Ali

    It honestly looks better, I’m liking what manufacturers are doing with their cars

    1. CenturionDynamo Avatar

      Insert bmw

    2. Ridge Avatar

      I like it too but something crossed my mind, how would it feel like if every car, cheap and expensive had this cool, sleek futuristic look that every new car seems to have today? I dont like ugly cars but i cant help but think ugly cars had personality, kinda like how old extravagant architecture wasn’t for everyone but they all had characer compared to the new modern minimalist design everything has today, u get what I’m saying?

    3. hassy g Avatar
      hassy g

      @CenturionDynamo bmw fall apart

    4. Izzo Avatar

      Except BMW

    5. Kenobi Avatar

      @CenturionDynamo i like those pig looking cars, looks hench

  2. Pablo Estrada Gutierrez Avatar
    Pablo Estrada Gutierrez

    I love the the fact that matt has reviewed a bugatti chiron super sport and also a cr v for us common people😂

    1. blessedvillain Avatar

      matt does look bored reviewing normal bread and butter car..

    2. Yami Ali Avatar
      Yami Ali

      Not sure how many common folk are dropping 45k on a car

    3. Patryn Avatar

      @Yami Ali Sadly that’s becoming the average price for a new car.

    4. Raluca Spataru Avatar
      Raluca Spataru

      CR-V=crappy road vehicle

  3. mickbirch80 Avatar

    The price is shocking

    1. richardreynoso91 Avatar

      Its true. But my dad bought the 2024 still because they keep a really great value for resale honestly. (He had a 2016 crv and they gave him 20k back)

    2. Mario Tevsic Avatar
      Mario Tevsic

      Not so shocking if you know Hyundai Santa Fe or Mazda CX60, just as Volvo xc60 cost the same in plug-in versions.
      Why should Honda go below that?

    3. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      And also shockingly unbeliavably high.

    4. DazDc Avatar

      Not really. I had all CRV models since 2011 to 2021. Currently I drive new 2023 Glc300d that cost 66k and honestly it is not 9k better than crv. Only better thing is engine that’s it. Interior quality is close.

    5. Kuo Peter Avatar
      Kuo Peter

      Absolutely shock

  4. Tony Avatar

    £54k for that?! That is mental.

    1. MrJamsification Avatar

      You can get a 3 year old Cayenne S for that

    2. William Hale Avatar
      William Hale

      Thank quantitative easing for the crazy inflation

    3. Moiz Avatar

      ​@MrJamsificationand problem 😂

    4. AJRV 1 Avatar
      AJRV 1

      ​@MrJamsificationCR-V is way better than the overpriced Cayenne.

  5. Reabetswe Thipe2 Avatar
    Reabetswe Thipe2

    The new CR-V really looks nice in terms of interior and exterior design.The previous generation Honda CR-V really didn’t sit well with Mr Watson so I’m quite surprised with how much he likes this new one😂. It’s a nice family car that can tackle every day life with ease and comfort. Nice review as always Mat🔥

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      The 2024 Honda CR-V looked kinda underrated.

    2. Paolo Imperiale Avatar
      Paolo Imperiale

      You sound like chatgpt mate

    3. Reabetswe Thipe2 Avatar
      Reabetswe Thipe2

      @Paolo Imperiale ok

    4. Wesley Bundy Avatar
      Wesley Bundy

      The new CRV looks clean.. the old one was poorly styled..

  6. Blazz13 Avatar

    £54k for a Honda CRV. What a time to be alive.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      In USA, the 2024 CRV alone costed approximately $109.345.

    2. Tradefort Utara Avatar
      Tradefort Utara

      JK Simmons is laughing🤣

    3. Jamison Z Avatar
      Jamison Z

      @purwantiallan5089 BS. The Sport and sport touring trim cost around 35-40k and the 1.5 Turbo cost 30-35k.

    4. Sgt. Right There🤡 Avatar
      Sgt. Right There🤡

      @Purwanti Allan🙄????

  7. Dave D'Video Maker Avatar
    Dave D’Video Maker

    £54K for a 2WD mainstream crossover is crazy money!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Agree. Its as expensive as even 1998 Impreza 22B STi.

    2. Dave D'Video Maker Avatar
      Dave D’Video Maker

      @Purwanti Allan It’s as expensive as a premium D-SUV.

    3. Nick S Avatar
      Nick S

      Don’t forget it’ll outlive you with basic maintenance.

    4. Jonas Hänninen Avatar
      Jonas Hänninen

      Here in Brazil Honda’s prices are getting close to the Lexus…

    5. Nikos X Avatar
      Nikos X

      ​@Nick SJapanese cars were always reliable.. the thing is that it was cheap and reliable, if we need to pay premium money for it there’s no reason not choosing a premium brand over a honda

  8. Cynical Bastard Avatar
    Cynical Bastard

    Mat Watson is the kind of guy who would have plenty to say even if he were to review a Vauxhall Vectra.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      What about reviewing RUF 3400S or RUF CTR YELLOW BIRD 1987?

    2. Pokeonrocks5 Avatar

      Can you put this in American car terms? 😅

    3. Cynical Bastard Avatar
      Cynical Bastard

      @Pokeonrocks5 Remember the Saturn L series? That’s the Vectra for you.

  9. Drunken Hobo Avatar
    Drunken Hobo

    8:20 – Those plastic pieces are actually designed to be lost by the first owner, in order to annoy anybody who buys second-hand cars.

  10. Κίρκη Avatar

    Mat’s analogies are always the best 😂

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Mat always nailed these analogies.

    2. Dri4nR4dit Avatar

      He’s always so unhinged with it, which makes it funny 😂

  11. PJ Adamson Avatar
    PJ Adamson

    54k for a 200hp, heavy, CVT running Honda?!! Has the world gone mad

    1. looopeytunes Avatar

      The hybrid version is 200 HP. Where did you even get that info from lol

    2. Nathan Avatar

      @looopeytunesstill underpowered lil

    3. Lewmano Avatar

      its 35k full loaded

    4. Carlo Fasano Avatar
      Carlo Fasano

      It’s not a cvt, even if honda calls it eCvt.

      It’s a rather interesting series hybrid configuration

    5. PJ Adamson Avatar
      PJ Adamson

      @looopeytunes my bad, still garbage

  12. Zcat 100 Avatar
    Zcat 100

    Honda should not price themselves out of the market with only “adequate” product.
    Matt’s professionalism is so smooth, it’s a lot like a great actor making their role believable.
    Much respect for your talent, Matt. Thank you. Also, I’m guessing a lot of this video was shot on your property?? Nice!

    1. runawayronnie Avatar

      Reminds me of the Accord of which I owned two. Around 2009 they decided to go after the BMW market rather than the Passat but in effect all they did was increase the price. If anything the quality decreased. Put me off and many others. Accord used to sell in decent numbers but the result was driving all their loyal customers away and not attracting new custom. Their Accord experiment failed in the European market. Looks like history is about to repeat itself with the CR-V.

  13. Gary Stevenson Avatar
    Gary Stevenson

    I’ve always liked Hondas, owned a few and worked for them for a few years. But the pricing is mental, £54k for this, £50k for the Type R (I remember when it was £17k), even the Jazz is so expensive now. I understand inflation and everything has become so much more expensive, but I feel like they are pricing themselves out of the market, as for those prices people can afford a car with a higher status brand (my last two Audi’s have been cheaper than those prices).

    1. neavius Avatar

      Not the USA market which all they appear to be caring about these days – lots of Crv about when built in Swindon…. Doubt you will see much of the new ones in uk

    2. Danny McCloggie Avatar
      Danny McCloggie

      Did you have the same reliability or maintenance costs as the Honda? Highly likely not.

    3. Gary Stevenson Avatar
      Gary Stevenson

      @neavius I was in Boston earlier in the year and I couldn’t believe how many CRVs where on the road actually. I was expecting a lot of American cars, but it was mostly Hondas and Toyotas.

  14. When Did I Ask !!! Avatar
    When Did I Ask !!!

    Holy cow. The new CRV’s here in Australia starts from $45,000 to the top of the range at $60,000. Converting the currency it is £23,000 to £31,000.

    1. Aquaboy Avatar

      Honda pricing is getting crazy in many countries

    2. Godless Toyota Avatar
      Godless Toyota

      Here it the states it’s starts at 30 grand but even the more expensive CRV is 35 grand before options.

    3. thorrrthegreat Avatar

      ​​@Godless Toyotaikr.. it costs about 32k for most models in California.. don’t know wtf the English are doing.. lol

    4. Godless Toyota Avatar
      Godless Toyota

      @thorrrthegreat that’s insane to me that even by converting into GBP they still end up getting ripped off by 20 grand GBP. You can get a Pilot or a Passport with the money they are selling for.

  15. Chad Rossouw Avatar
    Chad Rossouw

    These “ordinary” car reviews probably don’t do that well in terms of views, but glad to see they’re still being done on this channel

  16. Ian McMillan Avatar
    Ian McMillan

    Looks great, a massive improvement on the awkward previous design. However, as other uave said… £45k starting price! Absolutely insane. I predict £8-10k discount available within 12 months.

    1. Jayden Andrews Avatar
      Jayden Andrews

      Yeah… that range topping model will drop to the price of the base model in less than 2 years🤞🏻

  17. Ken Cullen Avatar
    Ken Cullen

    Great to have an actual car review with a normal car! The races are getting tiresome now. More of this please

    1. CoLoNeLC4 Avatar

      Count me in

    2. Stewiedude1 Avatar

      Agreed, I enjoy the races but there needs to be better balance and we need more head to heads

  18. Moto_V Avatar

    Unlike other cars the crv will operate still good after 15 years and you cannot say the same about different car brands without changing the engine and other weird parts.

  19. carwow Avatar

    09:23 “The Honda CR-V’s anti-pinch system is homologated to EU regulation. The use of a banana isn’t representative of the test process the system would have been exposed to during its development. The maximum force a power window is allowed to exert on any object is 100N, compliance with this limit must be monitored and enforced in a range of 100mm to 4mm from the top window frame. Structurally a banana is not consistent with that of a human or animal extremity, the window would have immediately operated in the reverse direction should such be present.”

    1. Forza Eesti Avatar
      Forza Eesti

      So, that means, I’m not allowed to use my banana?

    2. vibeslide Avatar

      So the CR-V will only break my toddlers finger but won’t cut it off.

      Good, I was really worried for a moment…

  20. carwow Avatar

    14:19 We think you mean 184hp, Mat… 🤦

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