New Golf GTI v Old Golf R v Clubsport: DRAG RACE

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It's time for a showdown!

We have actually got our hands on the all-new Mk 8.5 , and it's taking on the Mk8 GTI Clubsport and Mk7 R! The question is, can the brand new GTI remove the other 2 contenders?

To begin, let's have a look at the stats. The Mk7 R has a 2-litre 4-cylinder turbo engine that produces 300hp and 380Nm of torque. It comes with 4×4, and the power is sent out to the wheels via a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox. The car weighs in at 1,495 kg, and when new the Mk7 R expenses around ₤ 32,000.

The GTI Clubsport is likewise geared up with a 2-litre 4-cylinder turbo engine; in this circumstances, it puts down 300hp and 400Nm. Power is sent out to the front wheels only through a 7-speed dual-clutch, and the vehicle weighs 1,461 kg. When brand-new, the Clubsport cost around ₤ 40,100.

Then lastly we concern the latest vehicle, the Mk 8.5 GTI. It likewise packs a 2-litre 4-cylinder turbo, producing 265hp and 370Nm. Power is sent to the front wheels by means of a 7-speed dual-clutch, and it's the lightest and truck here, tipping the scales at 1,454 kg. Surprisingly, it's a bit more pricey than the R, costing around ₤ 39,000!

So the Mk8.5 GTI is the newest and truck, but definitely it does not have what it requires to reduce the Clubsport or R, right? There's just one method to learn … LET'S RACE!


82 responses to “New Golf GTI v Old Golf R v Clubsport: DRAG RACE”

  1. @thediffguy Avatar

    The car with the 2.0 L engine won

    1. @iamjkjay Avatar

      Lol 🎉😂

    2. @ArchiveXDD Avatar

      Spoilers alert 😡😡

    3. @thadynakat Avatar

      bruh 😠

    4. @lucassitanggang5154 Avatar

      Volkswagen won

    5. @Siamese_cat_ Avatar

      Ha. Everyone laughed. Piss off with your dated internet jokes kid.

  2. @joengugi1 Avatar

    All the golf balls in one place. Am CarWow and you are watching Mat Watson all the way from Nairobi Kenya…. Nice

    1. @danytj5793 Avatar

      Si unajua tu lazima tutune in mkuu akipost 😂

    2. @kipdennis3796 Avatar

      Lazima mkue huku tu sindio😂

  3. @CAPSLOCK-1 Avatar


    1. @hipetwa Avatar

      I disagree we don’t even get the club sports version

    2. @erikbritz8095 Avatar

      Yes and no cause of the culture behind the golf boys 😂 im a 4age corolla fan instead. 😅

    3. @kidmods Avatar


    4. @Cpjthings Avatar

      Got that right 👊

    5. @Stanceculture_ Avatar

      Waitse 😂🫵🔥🔥Vw way way

  4. @raheem_mustapher Avatar

    The MK 7.5 is undeniably the best looking and best overall Golf!

    1. @badass6300 Avatar

      I’d say Mk6 is the best looking, then the Mk7

    2. @N911GT2 Avatar

      The 8 is the fastest… and to be honest the buttons aren’t that bad to live with as everybody pretends they are…

    3. @michaelbsquire Avatar

      7.5 yes

    4. @Sleepy_spartan717 Avatar

      In a fan of the 7 for the more recent gen’s but the mkIV R32 has a special place in my heart. I got to drive an 02 big turbo r32 for my first gti and it was insanity. 500whp is more than enough in something that small and a manual trans. 1-3rd gear were almost useless lol.

    5. @T0NYMANUEL Avatar

      For me 7.5 or 8

  5. @timjobs5068 Avatar

    The new golf r’s are so stupidly expensive

    1. @user-zi8so2zn2n Avatar

      Target market I believe

    2. @badass6300 Avatar

      All cars are.

    3. @OBELISK3210 Avatar

      Still cheaper than the current gen a45s 4matic though 🤣

    4. @timjobs5068 Avatar

      @@OBELISK3210 new one from showroom in the uae was 300k last time i checked which is around 80,000 dollars 💀

    5. @conor7154 Avatar

      @@timjobs5068you think that’s representative of the average price of one? Congrats you found a poorly priced car in an already weird market…

  6. @PranjalBhatnagar09 Avatar

    We need all the performance golfs. GTI, GTI CS, GTE, GTD and R

    1. @JohnsEyebrow Avatar

      And gti tcr

    2. @N911GT2 Avatar

      GTE is hardly performance now is it?

    3. @PostTraumaticChessDisorder Avatar

      GTD neither

    4. @conor7154 Avatar

      wtf are half of those

    5. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      all of them for what?

  7. @Skhwe_The1 Avatar

    The old Gen Vrrrpaa 7.5 still looks the one 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

    1. @Longfellow12 Avatar

      😂 u like what u can afford

    2. @_jada_lesley_ Avatar

      7dukuduku ☺️

    3. @H-LectorSA Avatar

      Vrr parapapapa

    4. @Nootey33 Avatar

      @@Longfellow12 Your father won’t come back

    5. @Ktg_sa Avatar

      Are we still going to get the 8.5 in sa guys?

  8. @pastorzulumncedisi6669 Avatar

    Nice one carwoow we need more family drag races like this..thanks.. watching from South Africa 🇿🇦

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      I also watched this great drag race from Indonesia.

  9. @Maxx_G Avatar

    I’m a simple South African🇿🇦, when I see a Vrrpha I press the like button

    1. @oomstu Avatar

      ek ook boet, lekker nê

    2. @Noor_Jacobs03 Avatar

      Ja, bru. Ek ook🇿🇦🇿🇦.

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The Ford Focus also has the same sound like the Clubsport R.

  10. @a.melhem__ Avatar

    Moral of the story, just get an MK7.5 GOLF R

    1. @ResevoirGod Avatar

      If all you care about is traffic light Grand Prix, sure

    2. @geronimooo260 Avatar

      Agreed, 8th generation has far better driving dynamics, but hey, I guess a knob is more important 😂

    3. @Youcallthesebagels_ Avatar

      @@ResevoirGodor any speed below 110mph 😂 so yes it’s the all around better daily driver.

    4. @a.melhem__ Avatar

      @@ResevoirGod you can never beat the value of the mk7-7.5 with an mk8

    5. @a.melhem__ Avatar

      @@geronimooo260 a golf GTI has better driving dynamics than a golf R? Okay sure.

  11. @daBMWgamer Avatar

    I was very surprised when I didn’t have to do my usual 6 x10s 😂😂

  12. @MrLebetaSir Avatar

    2:01 The exact reason why South Africans love the mk7

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Brazillians also love the Golf MK7.

    2. @superboydv4676 Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089 we not too different you and i

    3. Avatar

      Vruupaaaa 💥💥💥💥😂

    4. @warkus123 Avatar

      I love it too, that launch control sounds epic… considering it’s a 4 cylinder turbo.

    5. @z06dave Avatar

      ​@@warkus123It sounds fucking awful. Modern day petrol heads for ya, think a rattly fart noise is good.

  13. @natidaschoolboy Avatar

    Dear Mzansi gents vele why do we only comment on these

    1. @nhlakaniphozimu7086 Avatar

      😂😂😂😂💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿ziwa more

  14. @kamogelofrancis7704 Avatar

    2:03 reason why we love Golf R !!!!!😭😭😭🔥❤️🤌🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

    1. @mrfx7011 Avatar

      But you can’t afford it 😢

  15. @kidemm9143 Avatar

    I’m just realizing in the comments that carwow has that many south African fans

  16. @khanyamathebula6245 Avatar

    South Africans in the comments going wild😂🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

    1. @MbuleloYose Avatar

      Lol… 😅

    2. @JohnnySins-de2zz Avatar

      Imagine when they get a gush on here

    3. @RhythmAndRibs Avatar


    4. @orbytl2799 Avatar

      lol i got a white mk7 R and can confirm african`s love it
      they have got a thing for golfs over there

  17. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Carwow:

    1. @benlecluyse Avatar

      Hell yeah ! ❤

  18. @StunningModelAaliyahAustin-l1d Avatar

    2:36 this is what for a daily driver counts. Golf 7 R is my perfect daily driver. Got it for over 9 years now and still I love it just like the first day.

    1. @socialising6037 Avatar

      What colour did you go for?

    2. @BackLever22 Avatar

      @@socialising6037I believe this is a bot comment.

    3. @OffDutyCopb Avatar

      Yeah yeah🎉🙄get oiled up I’m on my home🛬

    4. @dracony7649 Avatar

      Golf 7 really good looking car man ❤ looks cooler then the new 8.5 😅

  19. @Lauren-x2f Avatar

    I like how South Afticans just show up out of nowhere when its A Golf video 🤣🤣

    1. @danielcillie1856 Avatar

      They gonna pullup in their Citi Golf or Honda Ballade.

    2. @mattleistner313 Avatar

      Haha why?

    3. @erickp3reira Avatar

      @@danielcillie1856 it’s a bot

    4. @erickp3reira Avatar

      @@mattleistner313 it’s a bot

  20. @PrishaUribe Avatar

    The MK7 & MK7.5 are indeed peak Golf!

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